Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 15 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
20 seconds Scap Pull-Ups
20 seconds Ring-Rows
20 seconds Russian Baby Makers
20 seconds Mountain Climbers
20 seconds Prone Plank Hold
200 Meter Row
(should take around 6 minutes to complete)
Three sets of:
Back to Wall Donkey Kick x 5 reps
For anyone who is unable to kick to the wall, perform this progression:
Donkey Kicks to Box x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
and then …
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete (8 sets):
Reverse Pull-Up Negative @ 41A1
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (6 sets):
Kipping Swing to Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 3 reps
55+: Kipping Swing to Kipping Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Up x 3 reps
Two sets of:
Sotts Press x 5 reps
Follow this progression if you have difficulty with this exercise
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3111
Please focus on having a strong position for your Overhead Squat. Depending on your mobility, you may need to start with a PVC Pipe standing in front of a rack and use the rack to help assist you as you lower yourself into the bottom position of your squat.
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
25 Squat Cleans
Run 1 mile
155/105 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs
DMA Done ✅
A1)DK to wall
A2) Done
A3) Done
B) These felt good today, very comfortable in the receiving position
C) 115,135,150,160
D) 17:00 155# 3:33 on row singles on SC just under 8 mins on run
DMA done. A) Tried donkey kicks to wall but I couldn’t get to the wall doing them. Also worked on the box version which I was able to do (20/24/30), increased height each set. Negative pull I don’t think I was engaging the right muscles because I felt a pull across the front of my shoulders. Found it hard to pinch shoulders back from the hang, have video. I just worked on practicing kipping pull-ups since I don’t have them yet. Using my arms. B) Did banded front rack sorts press, just used training bar so very light but added… Read more »
That is HOT!
DMA – done
A1. done
A2. done
A3. done
B1. done
B2. 75 – 85 – 95 – 105
DMA & warm-up done
A – done
B – OHS – 85/95/100/105#
C – 18:33 – 50-54 version (95#), however, just realized that I thought it was only 20 squat cleans, so that’s what I did 🙁
4:34 row / 12 sec transition / 5:43 for 20 squat cleans / 21 sec transition / 7:43 run
No worries Silke – fast mile after all that work!
A: Done
B: OHS build to 135#
C: to tired from the week and my own box metcon yesterday. Did yesterday’s metcon: 9 min amrap with DUBs/SA DB Snatch/Ring Dip: 4+48
A. Done
B. 105,115,125,135
C. Foot flared up after DUs yesterday so no running.
1000m Row
25 squat clean
100ft handstand walk
10 bar muscleup
Forgot to check the clock, I was running into class time. I think it was around 15:50.
Warm-up done
A.)Donkey Kicks Done—Great way to help on Handstand walks.
Reverse Pull Up Negative’s & Kipping Swing to Kipping Pullups-Done
B.)Sotts Press with 45#
C.)WOD-14:32 Total time. Running in high humidity was an added part of the workout!
*Will try to make up Friday’s workout tomorrow.
Warm up and mobility – done
A. Done. Donkey kicks to box.
B1. Sotts press with empty barbell
B2. Tempo OHS: 85, 95, 105, 110
C. 18:11
Mile was rough with the humidity – about 10 mins. Walked maybe one quarter of it. This will be a good one to redo when it’s 30 degrees ?
Workout A: done, donkey kicks were fun!
Workout B: OHS #155
Workout C: Done RX, Time (don’t ask ?) tanked on the mile.
A. Done
B. Sotts 35# bar front rack position
OHS 65/85/95/105
C. 19:19
B. 95-115-135-155-175, OHS
Did the WOD at our Box today.
DMAWU) done
A) gymnastics: done
B) Sotts: 45# – OHS: 95,115,135,155
C) metcon (35-49): 20:32
Squat cleans took awhile…
A. Done kind of easy also did some hsw and obstacles
B. sotts done
115,135,155,155 challenging
C 14:58rx
3:27 row
4 min cleans
7:30 mile
Great job on the workout!!
Warm up complete no rings. I forgot I love the activation of the lats. I must not use them. That was tough
A. Donkey kicks to box.
b Sotts press to front behind neck hurts shoulder I injured years ago mountain biking
OH squat 35,55,60,60
C row 100 meters 25 squat cleans 65lbs age? 1 mile run total 24:56
I look forward to the rest tomorrow
Great job Andrea – you crushed it all week!
For the Sotts press – don’t use a barbell, instead use a band.
Thank you for all the help
Friday’s session this morning
A. Push presses, worked from 35 to 45 kg
B. Dead-stop front squats, worked from 50 kg to a new PR of 73 kg (+1 kg) Failed 75 kg
C. AMRAP 3+18,
DU 35/5, 40, 34/6, Snatches UB, Ring-dips in sets of 5, then 4, and some 3
D. Completed
Possibly Saturday’s session later today…
Fun! Great job on your new PR!!
Thank you! I did Saturday’s session 6 hours later
DMAW done
A. Completed (donkey kicks) to wall
B1. Sotts Presses (from front rack in receiving position, I don’t know why I didn’t do it from behind the neck…) at 25 and 28 kg
B2. OHS from 30 to 45 kg (79% of my 1-RM)
C. Skip or later when it’s not so hot outside…
My body (esp shoulders) is super sore this morning. I skipped the rig work. OHS – Done.
C: Did row, Cleans on 45kg and 400m row (ran out of time). I didn’t check the time. I was wasted with the cleans already?