July 6, 2019 – Competition

For time:
30 Toes-to-Bar
150-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
150-Foot Handstand Walk
30 Toes-to-Bar

Build to today’s 1-RM Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1

Followed by…

One set of:
Back Squat x Max Reps @ today’s 1-RM Tempo Back Squat
(perform these without any tempo prescription)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
20 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (55/35 lbs to 24″/20″)
10 Dumbbell Burpee Squat Clean to Thruster

Three sets:
60 second Wall-Sit
30 second Sandbag Squat (150/100 lbs)
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (150/100 lbs)
60 second Wall-Sit
Rest 90 seconds

If you do not have access to a sandbag or d-ball perform using double front racked kettlebells.

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Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
July 6, 2019 8:52 pm

A. Done not for time and scaled HSW to 75ft and subd RMU.
B. Up to 170Kg; then 170Kg x 1
C. 3 rnds + 40 run
D. Done. Used 16Kg KB. Body was smoked by this point.

July 6, 2019 9:44 pm
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

REST! You’ve earned it!! Solid finish to the week!

Douglas Gooch
Douglas Gooch
July 6, 2019 8:32 pm

A. Scaled to 50ft. 12:36
B. Up to 430 felt good, then 1 rep not so good haha.
C. 3+21 started with the stepovers and ran last.
D. Done

James Anderson
James Anderson
July 6, 2019 7:52 pm

So I’m new, but are we doing all A-D or just like a pick two or three kind of thing?

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
July 6, 2019 8:01 pm
Reply to  James Anderson

All A-D.

July 6, 2019 9:43 pm
Reply to  James Anderson

Welcome to the community James! The program is written so the A-D should be followed in order. Some athletes may split their session but it can be performed in one 90 minute session.

Jess U
Jess U
July 6, 2019 7:07 pm

Made up the clean and jerks from yesterday- things got a little out of control yesterday with work so I just took my pup running. Went up to 165 (90%) and it felt solid. No trap pain either
Then, today-
A) skipped, did clean & jerks
B) up to 230 and then 3 @230 this was a tempo squat Pr I think
C) 4 Rx this one was fun! I felt like a fish running outside trying to breathe in the humidity ?
D) done

Thanks Tino!! Hope your weekend is awesome!

July 6, 2019 3:46 pm

A) replaced HSW with 4” grip def SHSPUs
Time: 10:17

B) no support/metcons
385 1rm / 1rep and called it left knee was not feeling good.

C) rounds: 2 rounds + 6 box step overs

D) at 200

July 6, 2019 6:42 pm
Reply to  Tom

No support/Metcon?

Hope your knee feels better soon dude. Get it checked out if your pain persists

July 6, 2019 10:33 pm
Reply to  tino

I’m fine, stiff from sitting/standing while studying. Calc exam really rocked my world.

Have to get better at those box step overs.

July 7, 2019 4:02 am
Reply to  Tom

Time to dial in some extra mobility!

Hope the exams are going well!

Samuel Woodman
Samuel Woodman
July 6, 2019 3:38 pm

Felt v tired, today was a just move day
A: Done
B: Up to 375# felt smooth, then 3 reps there
C: 3 rounds

July 6, 2019 6:41 pm
Reply to  Samuel Woodman

It’s been a tough week! Good to see you listen to your body.

Kryssie Chandler
Kryssie Chandler
July 6, 2019 1:44 pm

A. Done
B. 205, then 205×3
C. RX 3+350m run.
D. Done with 100lb bag.

July 6, 2019 12:21 pm

A: 8:13
Walk to wall + 30 thigh taps. 5 bar mu.
B: death march + lunges.
C: 3+ 400m run + 3 step overs.
D: done with 2x16kg kb

July 6, 2019 1:23 pm
Reply to  TrineP

??‍♀️ ?️‍♀️ ?‍♀️

July 6, 2019 1:34 pm
Reply to  tino

And Wednesday’s emom tomorrow to catch up on the week ?

July 6, 2019 3:11 pm
Reply to  TrineP


Alex González
Alex González
July 6, 2019 9:52 am

A. 9:24
B1: 355
B2: 6 reps
C. 2 rounds
D. Done

Maxwell Reynolds
Maxwell Reynolds
July 6, 2019 9:22 am

A. 15:15RX – Feeling comfortable walking fresh, need to work in breathing upside down though.
B. 375 Tempo / 1 Rep – Not sure what happened here
C. 3 Rounds + Some running (Started run at 18:45ish) 50lb DBs
D. 2 Rounds done with 125 bag. Lower back is feeling this week, decided to live to fight another day.

July 6, 2019 10:19 am

It’s been a tough week! Look after your body and get ready to hit Monday hard!

Sabrina Pereira
Sabrina Pereira
July 6, 2019 9:14 am

??! So hot and humid today… really hard to breath ? A) 18:56 I’m following Travis Program so I’m focusing and correct bad habits. I use this Gymnastics workouts on Saturday more like a skill work. So I did: 30 half T2B trying to go as high as possible with straight legs focusing in go 10 unbroken without any additional swing + 75 Back to Wall Handstand Marching (slow and controlled) + 15 BMU with assistance of my trainer partner (get 13+ 2 misses, don’t have BMU yet but Travis said that I’m close ?) + 75 Handstand Marching and… Read more »

July 6, 2019 10:19 am

Oh no look after those hands Sabrina!! Need to prioritise hand care and be smart so that it doesn’t effect your training sessions. Still a solid session!

Enjoy your rest day!

Sabrina Pereira
Sabrina Pereira
July 6, 2019 10:49 am
Reply to  tino

Thank you Tino! I’ll take of it and I’m going to order new grips, mine are old and they’re getting bad…

Caitlin Buckvold
Caitlin Buckvold
July 6, 2019 8:20 am

Forgot to log yesterday but I only got through the clean & jerks anyway. Vernon thinks that although my jerk is improving i fall into my old jerk habits on the clean & jerk. He thinks my clean technique is fatiguing my back and it is throwing off my jerk. Contrast to the front squat + jerk where I stay in good upright position, I have no issue with the jerk (or at least that’s what I gathered from him). We finished my session with some clean technique. B. 240lbs (5lb increase from last week), then 5 reps at 240lbs.… Read more »

July 6, 2019 8:34 am

Tell Vernon he can send me a video of you lifts and I can take a look.

Solid finish to the week!

Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson
July 6, 2019 8:13 am

a) 13:56 (handstand walking is not a strength, 15-20 ft at a time)
b) 365, 365X5
c) 3 rounds + 400 m run

July 6, 2019 8:35 am
Reply to  Andrew Johnson

I’d highly recommend Travis’s gymnastics program to help with your HS walks and gymnastics in general.


Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
July 6, 2019 8:08 am

Dropped in again hsw had to navigate around some people but made it work
A. 11:00 RX
30 ttb ub
hsw 25 ft increments
8-4-3 bar MU
hsw 25 ft increments
15-9-6 ttb
B. Laying off squatting for hip
C. 3 rounds + 339 meters
but did:
1000 meter bike erg (don’t have one so wanted to utilize this)
20 DB box step overs 24 inch 60# (no 55)
10 devils press 60# (again to lay off squat – no stopping at shoulder)
3 rounds + 339 meters
D. Not done

July 6, 2019 8:33 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

“Handstand walk obstacle” 🙂

Hope your hips feels better come Monday! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
July 6, 2019 8:40 am
Reply to  tino

Dealing with some bursitis it seems so probably will continue to lay off squatting a bit and do some sled work but I will see how it feels Monday!

Thanks Tino you too!

antoine eternot
antoine eternot
July 6, 2019 7:29 am

This morning:

50m swim
10 push up
50m swim
20 air squat
50m swim
30 push up
50m swim
40 air squat
50m swim
50 push up
50m swim

Then this afternoon:


T2B: 10/10/10
MU: 5/5/5
T2B: 10/10/10

Hard for shoulder

1RM tempo: 170kg
3reps with no tempo

2+400m run+ 8step over

Done each wall sit UB
24kg KB for squat
32kg KB for walk

The weather is hot, all the week with at least 35 degrees?

July 6, 2019 8:32 am

Getting that morning swim in! That would have felt nice in the heat!

Andrej Pravda
Andrej Pravda
July 6, 2019 5:19 am

A. 16:55 Rx Really happy with today’s HS walk!
B. 140kgs Happy with this because I missed first two saturday’s sessions of this cycle.
2 reps without tempo. 1RM backsquat is 155kgs.
C. Rx: 2 rounds + run + 20 step overs + 2 squat clean thrusters
D. Done with 50kgs slamball, squats 10/ 10/ 11
This week was really tough! Have a great weekend.

July 6, 2019 5:39 am
Reply to  Andrej Pravda

Awesome job Andrej! Love seeing you hit these numbers and quality movement with your gymnastics at the end of a tough week! ???

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Andrej Pravda
Andrej Pravda
July 6, 2019 6:01 am
Reply to  tino

Still a lot of work, but I see it’s getting better each week ?

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