Primary Training Session
Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Left)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes. Move from one movement immediately to the next.
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Full + Quarter Front Squat
Increase load from last Monday’s session by 5-8% and use that load for all 6 minutes.
Six sets for times of:
500 Meter Row*
20 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
4-7 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
*Set the clock for 500 meter intervals with undefined rest and start your next set when the rest period hits 4 minutes. In short, you have 4 minutes to do 20 Wall Ball Shots, 4-7 muscle-ups and also rest before you hit your next 500 meter row. Your goal pace for each 500 meter interval is probably your 2000 meter PR Pace.
Two sets of:
50 Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)
50 Kettlebell Deadlifts (24/16 kg)
Rest 2 minutes
One set of:
100 Banded Hamstring Curls
Keep a steady pace with a light band.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four sets of:
Suitcase Carry x 60 seconds each side
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Kettlebell Front-Rack Carry x 60 seconds each side
Rest as needed
Strict Gymnastics Accessory Option
For time:
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Aerobic Capacity Accessory Option
For max calories:
15 Minutes of Assault Bike
Rest 4 Minutes – walk or jog 400 meters during this time
15 Minutes of Assault Bike
Goal is told hold 3-5 RPM more for each 15 minutes than you did for 30 Minutes of Assault Bike performed June 13, 2019
Primer done
B/ EMOM 6 1 1/4 f.squat 120 up to 125kg
C/ Attempted to hold 1.45 pace. 1.45/1.45/1.45/1.46/1.47/1.48
(Rowing is by far weakest mono movement. I blow up real quick for some reason)
Wall balls at 15kg. Lat 2 sets not UB.
7 UB RMU each time.
D/ Goblets and deads done
E/ Hammy curls done
Stict gym acc – HSPU 4.20 total including rest
Aerobic Cap – 1st 15mins – 230cals, 400m run, 2nd 15 – 215cals
(No 30min test to compare)
B. Legs were a little tired today but managed to work up to ~7% higher than last week 165, 170, 170, 170, 175, 175
C. Scaled WB weight to try to stay unbroken.. 4 MU each round
3:33 (UB, UB)
3:49 (UB, UB)
3:53 (UB, UB)
4:06 (15/5, UB)
4:22 (12/8, UB)
4:18 (14/6, UB)
D. Done, ouch
E. Done
Gymnastics Accessory:
30 SHSPU – 3:00 (1:12 faster than last time!)
1:00 rest
15 SHSPU – 1:23
5:23 total time
You’ll be back using that 20lb. Wall Ball soon! Nice work Holly!
Lifting add on
10 min emom hang snatch
Power clean + jerk
10 min emom. 225-285
Rows all 1:47 2k pace. Wb all ub. Mu 6-6-6-6-5-5
Accessory done. Legs and shoulders are done ?
Awesome 3rd day of training!! Congrats on the hang snatch PR!!
Aerobic Capacity
213, 202 cal
A. only 3 sets, 53lb KB
A. Done
B. 265. No increase from last week.
C. Couldn’t hold my 2k pace, just feeling exhausted.
3:38, 3:28, 3:28, 3:45, 3:47, 3:55 all sets 7 MU.
(Total working time. My rows were all in the 1:50-2:00 range)
D. Done, 2×25 on the squats.
E. Done
Ready for rest day
Wednesdays are always tough! Still got some good work in!
Enjoy your rest day, you’ve earned it!
PM Session: Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes: Pause Front Squat x 1 reps @ 24X1 All sets at 245 Modified the WOD a bit for time and also because 155# thrusters would bury me on this one. Want to work on picking up a heavier thruster faster and if I used 155 I would have to rest a while… THREE sets for times of: 400 Meter Run 30 Deadlifts (135 lbs) 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 10 Thrusters (135 lbs) 400 Meter Run Rest 3 minutes 6:30 7:25 7:55 Felt like I had sandbags attached to my legs on… Read more »
A few deadlifts and thrusters may do that 🙂
Front squats.
Done @ 275,
Row – 1:46, 1:47, 1:46, 1:44, 1:45, 1:42
Muscle ups: 6-6-6-7-7-7 all UB
(Much easier than yesterday and Monday lol)
Goblet Squats
kB deadlifts
Way to bring it up to 7 at the end!
Yeah I was playing it safe, but realized it wasn’t terrible
I think you can drop that row split too 🙂
A. Done
B. 315, 6th rep was just a normal front squat, came out of the bottom and quickly realized if I dropped back down I wouldn’t be getting back up so just got the rep.
C. Don’t have an accurate pr pace so aimed for 1:40,
1- 1:40
WB were UB
MU: 7/7/5/4/4/2
Wussed out a bit on rounds 4&5, pushed hard on 6, screwed my MU but that was alright.
Didn’t have much time this morning so accessory and SHSPU tonight
Good job coming back strong on that final round. Now to stay checked in for those middle sets. You got it!
A. done
B. 120kg
C. Pr pace is 1:37 (few years ago), 5 mu all rounds
1:37.1 – 1:43
1:38.4 – 1:51
1:38.3 – 1:53
1:38.2 – 1:54
1:38.2 – 1:54
1:37.8 – 1:56
D. done
E. done
strict gymnastics
1:40 – 45sec
5 min emom
8 x strict pull ups
Love that you held that pace on the erg! Great job!
– warm up done
– strict gym option done
– SAO done with 32k KB suitcase and 24k KB front rack
– condo : had to keep my 500m around 1’38/1’39.
My scores :
Best round was 3’29 and worst was 4’26.
WB UB and 7 MU UB. Sorry I couldnt hold my pace on the last 2 rounds. Really hard. But cool condo.
– 2×50 double KB deadlift done and 100 hamstring curl done.
Happy swimming on tomorrow!
Enjoy the swimming tomorrow!
Start with Gymnastics 30 sHSPU (25-5, :59) Rest 60sec 15 sHSPU (10-5, 2:43 total time) Primary B. Worked up to 245×2 as I missed last week. Then 260 for the EMOM Practiced competition event For time: 10 sHSPU 1 Legless RC 20 Wallballs 20lbs 25 L Arm KB Snatch (20-5) 20 T2B (10-7-3) 3 Rope climb with legs 20 Wallballs 20lbs 25 R Arm Kb Snatch 20 HSPU )(kipping, UB) 2 Ropeclimb with legs 7:03 Then C. 4:04 (1:43.7/UB/7) 4:04 (1:44.4/UB/7) 4:19 (1:45.8/17-3/7) (ball was just too forward and dropped it) 4:32 (1:45.5/UB/7) (waited a bit extra on MU as… Read more »
Solid push for nice consistent rounds!
A. Done
B. 285
C. Done, wall balls unbroken & 7 mu each round. Rounds were 3:50-5:15
D. Done
E. Done
90# db for suitcase carry, accumulated 4 mins each side
53# for single arm kb front rack carry
Gymnastics option
30 strict hspu-1:27 (20 unbroken PR)
15 strict hspu-1:00
Row pace?
First 2 were right at my 2k pace, but slowly crashed & burned as time went on. Was happy w/ wall balls & mu
That’s drop off!
A) Done
B) 300×3, 305×3
C) 2k PR is 6:25, so tried to stay as close to 1:36 as possible – 7 MU each round, unbroken WB
1) 1:36 row + 1:24 for WB/MU (3:00 total)
2) 1:36 + 1:27 (3:03)
3) 1:37 + 1:30 (3:07)
4) 1:38 + 1:42 (3:20)
5) 1:38 + 1:48 (3:26)
6) 1:38 + 1:50 (3:28)
D) Done
E) Done
Strict Gymnastics
Just did 2 rounds as a cool down – 44# KB for the FR carry, 70# KB for the suitcase
Awesome! This is was exactly what I was looking for in today’s conditioning. Great work!
A. Done
B. 110Kg each round
C. Row pace: 1:49, 1:48, 1:49, 1:49,1:49, 1:48 (As E6MON)
6MU all. (I am happy today because I was watching some videos of Invictus gymnastics on youtube about tips for Mu and It worked well keep 6 every round with accelerated pulse after wall balls it´s a new achievement, next time I will go for the 7 but 6 was in the limit :P)
D. Done (Not register the time)
Awesome to see that the videos helped! Great work today!
Try to hold your 2k PR pace on today’s primary conditioning!
For kettlebell deadlifts is it 1 kb in each arm?
One in each arm
110 kg
start every 6 min (it’s correct?)
Row 1:51/154
MU All 7
Done 9’24”
This weekend I have a team competition with my wife (master +70)
You should have started when the erg monitor read 4 minutes when it was set to “undefined rest”. So essentially if you rowed 1:51 your next set would start at 5:51
We’re you not able to hold your 2k PR pace?
I was slower today
My pr is 6:52
Today I didn’t do the 2k Row Pr before the primary conditioning
Looks like you took it a little easy on the row then 🙂
Oki just to make sure I understand the Wod correct.
Let’s say I finish my 500 m row in 2 min then I have 4 min to do wallball and mu. And start the next 500m row on min 6
Yes if you select undefined rest on your 500m intervals as soon as you done it will start counting your rest, once you reach 4 min start again.
Correct, and I hope your 500’s are closer to 1:40 not 2 minutes 🙂
Haha better to have a round number when asking for explanation haha
AM Session:
Two sets of:
20 minutes of Assault Bike @ 30-minute Max Calorie Pace
Rest 4 minutes
30 Min Max Calories = 328.6 (56 rpm-11 cal/min)
Goal for each 20 minute interval was 219-220 cals
1 – 231.5 (57 rpm)
2 – 226.2 (57 rpm)
Pretty sure my 20 min ME is 235 cals so I should be on track to PR that next week
Excited to see you crush that previous score!!