July 5, 2019 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Banded Scarecrow x 3 minutes

and then …

CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Victory x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps
(If you have recurring shoulder issues then please add in the above drills at least three times per week)

and then …

Two sets of:
Single Arm KB Press x 5 reps (right)
Single Arm KB Push Press x 5 reps (right)
Single Arm KB Press x 5 reps (left)
Single Arm KB Push Press x 5 reps (left)
KB Swings x 15 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete (8 sets):
Sets 1-2 – Jerk x 2 reps @ 70-75%
Sets 3-4 – Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-85%
Sets 5-6 – Jerk x 1 rep @ 90-95%
Sets 7-8 – Jerk x 1 rep @ 95+%

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Station 1 – Right Leg Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Station 2 – Left Leg Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Station 3 – Close Grip Push-Ups x 6-8 reps @ 2111

Three rounds for time of:
30 Wall Ball Shots
30 Calorie Row

A good goal would be to do your wall ball shots unbroken!

35-54: 20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target

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20/10 lbs to 9′ target

Three sets of:
Ring-Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Floor Slides x 6-8 reps (slow and controlled)
Rest 45 seconds

Additional Row Session
For times:
500 Meter Row

Rest 5:00 and then …

500 Meter Row

Goal is to be within 5 seconds of your first 500 Meter Row.

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Denny Ferreira
Denny Ferreira
July 11, 2019 11:49 am

A. 175/185/195/205 (not smooth at all!)
B. 50 lb dbs
C. 9:31 25/5 on WB. Tried to push for 30 but no reps were happening around 25 each time.
D. Done.

Joe Barsi
Joe Barsi
July 7, 2019 2:21 pm

A. Split Jerk: 160X2, 180×2, 195×2, 200×2
B. 50 lb. db
C. 9:04 WB Unbroken

Cathy Van Dooren
Cathy Van Dooren
July 7, 2019 4:07 am

Weightlifting.hang squat snatch and squat clean.
Alsof behind the nek split jerk and split jerk

Vanessa Stanley
Vanessa Stanley
July 6, 2019 6:23 pm

DMA done, also did some additional work with the lacrosse ball because the back of my right shoulder always feels restricted (tight) compared to the left and the tight feeling goes all down the back of my tricep. A) Split Jerk didn’t go too bad, I think I am dropping under quicker than I was but still not quick enough, and watching my videos I see other issues that I need to work on. Videos already posted. Started at 65# and incremented from there, the last two sets were at 100# which is my max for jerk, I’ve never tried… Read more »

July 6, 2019 9:29 am

A. JERK = 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235F, 235 F
C. 10:18 / WB = 30 UB, 15/10/5, 15/10/5

Domenick Camporeale
Domenick Camporeale
July 6, 2019 8:30 am

One day behind did
B done

C. 7:40 UB wb couple of no reps mental errors
D. Ran out of time.

Caroline Omre
Caroline Omre
July 6, 2019 5:12 am

Still coughing a lot after sickness so bad sleep took it calmer choose a blend of strength from Wednesday and Friday program

From Wednesday
A. BMU 12-7-5
B. FS 105kg choose to stop there (PB is 110kg)
C. Skipped
D. Did this two days ago

From Friday
A. Jerk 70-73-78-83-88-90(fail)-90kg (redid and made it and stopped there)
B. Done with 12kg DB
C. Skipped
D. Done

Ty Surmons
Ty Surmons
July 5, 2019 7:42 pm

Warm up and mobility – done.

A. 225/225/235/245/255/275/285/300(f)
B. Done with 60lbs DB
C. 8:21 WallBalls UB (transitions were slow)
D. 1:42/1:43

Kristin Johnson
Kristin Johnson
July 5, 2019 5:32 pm

DMA done
A. 65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100. Woohoo! I got 100# over my head. Will post video later
B. Done
C. 14:20. Short people problems 😉 wall balls 15/15, then 15/8/7 because I no repped on #9 going for 15, then 10/10/10

Erin Dugan
Erin Dugan
July 5, 2019 5:13 pm

Did a little bit of everything
A. C2b density test 11/8/4 Kipping big weakness
B. Worked up to 135 on a front squat , knee felt tight and “ stuck” at parallel didn’t want to push it
C. Split stance rdl with 20 lb dB
D. Wod 30 cal row/30 bar facing burpee/30 hpc at 95 lbs ( in groups of 5) 7:06
E. worked up to 135 split jerk. Felt a bit nervous going any heavier , didn’t want my knee to give out
F. Core v-ups / ab roller

Michael Connor
Michael Connor
July 5, 2019 5:04 pm

DM/A/WU: done
A: 185 (5# PR)
B: Done with 35# DBs
C: DND – did a separate METCON
D: Done.

Silke Spang
Silke Spang
July 5, 2019 3:53 pm

DMA & warm-up done A – abandoned this today as something in my left shoulder felt off. Not rotator cuff, just some trigger point in my shoulder blade, but it was enough to make everything feel wrong, so stopped. Will have chiropractor look at it on Monday. B – done with 25# DBs – 8 reps and push-ups – 8 reps. C – my legs were pretty tired/sore from yesterday’s 5-mile race, so decided to do a modified version of the WOD with 3 rounds of 20 cal row/20 WB (UB) 7:51. Wallballs did not bother the shoulder. D –… Read more »

Brad Hajner
Brad Hajner
July 5, 2019 3:46 pm

A. 185-200-210-225-235-255F-255-275F-275F
B.Done with 40-45-50lb DB
C.8:44, WB UB

Caroline Mundell
Caroline Mundell
July 5, 2019 3:26 pm

Took your advice and did the wall balls unbroken. Rowed at 650-750 split time though….. 11:45, not “fall off the rower” pace as I’m still trying to feel this all out and keep my weightlifting on track for now!

Dean Plummer
Dean Plummer
July 5, 2019 3:12 pm

Mobility completed
A)Worked up to 197.5# which is 2.5# less than 1RM.
B)45# DB’s x8 and x8 on CGPU

Stephanie Nickitas
Stephanie Nickitas
July 5, 2019 3:03 pm

A. Worked up to 165 and felt a little wonky. Stopped there. Max is 185
B. Done
C. Went with a 20lb wall ball to 9ft
WBs unbroken but rows got slow
D. Done

Kelly Skurla
Kelly Skurla
July 5, 2019 2:56 pm

New here. Enjoying the dynamic mobility work especially! Something I should have made time for more consistently.
A. Misread and did C&J to 57kg
B. #35
C. 12:08
D. ✅
Add’l: 2:03.8 and 2:03.0. I have only one speed.

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
July 5, 2019 2:53 pm

A: matched my PR of 155# Happy with this as all my other lifts have been a little under my pr’s since losing weight. B:Did glute work of 6 sets Hip thrusts up to 275×5 at 21×2 tempo 6 sets posted rdl’s x6-8 each leg up to 35# db’s 6 sets landmine sumo deadlifts up to 90#’s added to bar Finisher: 3 banded stair walks 20 banded hinged abductions 20 banded glute bridges 20 banded clams C: 11:25 took it “moderate effort” today on purpose. Have a community 4th of july glow run 5k tonight 🙂 Wallballs: 27/3 dropped the… Read more »

Jason Preston
Jason Preston
July 5, 2019 1:54 pm

This was my first Master’s Program workout.

A.) 175/185/200/200/225/225/230230


C.)7:23/All unbroken wall balls

D. Done.

Did not complete the additional rowing session. Rowed 5K yesterday(20:12).

Josh DeCausey
Josh DeCausey
July 5, 2019 1:38 pm

Dma) done
A) 195,195,225,225,245,245,265,265
B)done 70#
C) 8:46 wall balls unbroken
D) done

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