For time:
150-Foot Handstand Walk
120 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 150 Double-Unders
60 Pull-Ups
120 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 150 Double-Unders
150-Foot Handstand Walk
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 85%
Followed by…
One set of:
1 Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1 + 2 Back Squat (no tempo) @ 85%
For time:
800 Meter Run
60 Thrusters (45/35 lbs)
400 Meter Run
40 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
200 Meter Run
20 Thrusters (145/95 lbs)
100 Meter Run
10 Thrusters (195/125 lbs)
Immediately followed by. . .
For time:
60 Toes-to-Bar
Record three seperate times:
1. Run/Thruster
2. Toes-to-Bar
3. Total time
Four sets of:
90 second D-Ball or Sandbag Hold
25 GHD Hip Extensions @ 20X1
Rest 2 minutes
A. 12:30 HD Walks were broken up but completed feeling and getting good
B. Getting back into it so went more off feel ended at 175# Last set was easyish will increase next time!
C. Loved this! Lots of fun…that being said oops for running more distance 800,600,400,100
28:12 RX+? No TTB has to go!
A. Done with modifications
B. No squat for me. Did jerks instead
C. Thrusters/run: 28:42 RX. TTB: 9:11 (high volume is a biiiiiig weakness of mine. Total time: 37:53
D. Done
A. 9:41
B. Done off of 455, brutal! Jumping into the cycle late has its disadvantages. ?
C. 19:41/5:00/24:41
D. No time. 🙁
Not necessarily new to following the Invictus program (maybe a couple months) but new to posting my scores! I was a little low on time today so I did a little different squats.
Wod: 23:30rx (on a tru form) 28:14rx total time
I can always count on Saturdays to be hard af. Love it.
Welcome Anna! Please post so I can track your progress. Good to see you having fun and hitting the workouts hard!!
A: Done. Handstand walk distance scaled.
B: 295/320/340/365/385/385 felt light today.
C. 19:22 took a break until 20:00 then 3:18 for a total of 23:18.
D. Done
Strong finish to the week ?
A. 21:48. HSW were really slow; was able to hit 15’ UB, but was getting a lot of shoulder fatigue. DU and PUs were quick.
B. 125/135/145/155/165/165Kg(87%)
C. Scaled thrusters 45/95/145/175#. Got 1 at 195# then scaled to 175#.
T/R – 21:32; legs felt strong throughout
T2B – 1:50 (30/10/10/10); love T2B
Total Time – 23:22
D. Done. Subd BB good mornings, no GHD.
Fatigue but no pain?
No pain at all. I need to get shoulders stronger. Legs feel great. I appreciate you programming all the squats and deadlifts. They’ve made a huge difference.
A. 22:31 with :90 hs holds (3 x :30 each time) and 150 du regular rope
B. 225 240 255 275 290 290
C1. 26:41 with 45/95/145/165 thrusters
C2. 5:48 ttb
C3. 32:29 total
D. 100# sand bag
Great workout thanks Tino!
Fun finish to the week! Nice job Tim!
Glad to see you’re still going hard, Tim!
A: done with 75’ hsw for wrist and 150DU
B: 260/280/300/320/340/340
C: 29:30, rest til 30:00 then finished at 36:22 (5:52 for t2b)
Super under fueled, thrusters crushed me
Time to dial in that nutrition dude. Between that and your recovery along with your crazy schedule you’ll be doing more harm than good!
A. 75ft HW
120 DU
60 PU
120 DU
75ft HW
B. 220/240/255/270/290
1 set: 290#
C. 17:39
Total: 22:19
D. 100# DB
? ?
A/B. Did Legends qualifier workout instead
C. RX 23:58
T2B 4:22
Total: 28:20
Just wanted to move through this after the qualifier workout. My shoulders were kind of toasted after the heavy STOH I did first, but I was happy to make the 125lb thrusters even as singles. First set of thrusters UB.
D. Done. Used 125lb bag
Hope the qualifier went well Kryssie!!
A. Done but 75′ HSW. HSW felt way better today! That was grippy.
B. 205/220/235/255/265, 265
C. 18:42 RX then rested until 20:00, finished T2B at 24:42 RX.
Running felt good, shoulders have been smoked this week. T2B are always a work in progress for me.
D. Done but 3 sets due to time. Used 150# sandbag.
You should have tested them when you were tired!! Trust your training!
A. 21:48 (first set of heavy DU took forever so O did 150 heavy single for the second) ?
B. 225/ 245/ 260/ 280, 300 & 280 failed, knee is feeling better but still need to gain more strength, first attempt at these weights in a long time
C. DNF, had 30 minutes to do it, I got to the last set of thrusters and ran out of time
D. Had to go buy some furniture with the gf for the new place ??
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Thats a hectic day by the looks of it, lots going on both inside and outside of the gym…heavy rope double under getting you, playing it safe with your knee, running put of time on the conditioning then having to move a bunch of furniture! I hope you get to relax tonight!
Thanks Tino, it was indeed a busy day, but got the chance to chill on Sunday ✌?
A. 19:37 scaled heavy rope to 50 reps… first time using it! Just got it in the mail yesterday 🙂 B. Tempo back squats were at prescribed percentages: 175 / 190 / 202 / 216 / 230 / 230. C. Run/thruster time: 25:35 Toes-to-bar time: 6:03 (including some shuffling around from outdoor to indoor) Total time: 31:38 Still feeling very much in a newbie phase following Invictus programming. It’s been two exactly two weeks and I definitely feel like I’m still adjusting and learning a lot every day. Hoping my WOD times catch up… eventually 😉 D. Done; used a… Read more »
Great to see you got your heavy rope just in time! Keep putting the work in like you have been and those numbers and times will for sure come down. Great having you in the community!
A) Done, 19:46 doing 150 double unders
B) Done: 90/100/105/112/120 kg.
C) C1: 22:57 and C2: 4:10
Total time: 27:07. 20 reps of Thrusters done at 60 kg and last 10 at 70 kg
D) skipped today. Completly smashed and was running out of time (Thank God)
E) AMRAP intake of calories with my family !!
You earned part E! Nice work Kasper!
Thanks! I have really liked my training since the Open. Feels like these cycles are really building on my weaknesses
Got some training in at my fav gym at moms! CrossFit Syracuse is freaking awesome if anyone ever needs a gym there.
A) done
B) 165/175/190/200/215 then 215.
C) 18:11 Rx then 3:52 Rx kfor TTB. 22:03 total time. This one was a lot of fun once it got heavy! Haha
D) done
Thanks Tino!! Hope your day is awesome! ?
Great to see you had a fun last session of a good week of training! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Thanks Tino!! Hope your weekend is awesome!
B. 225/245/265/275/295
C.run/thrusters 22:23 TTB:6:31 Total time:28:54
D. Focused on good form and continues moving
Workout was spicy but good
Nice work Jorge!
A. 11:59 RX
B. 250/270/290/315/330/330
C. 19:02/4:28/23:30 RX
A. 12:29 with beaded rope
B. DND, hip issues
C1. 19:06 (40/20, 15/10/8/7, 10/10, 5/3/2)
C2. 3:29 (rested about 30s then 15/15/10/10/5/5) abs on fire
C3. 22:35
D. 100#/unweighted
Hope that your hip gets better soon so you can get back to squatting!
Me too because my squat was feeling very strong this cycle!!! Got a labral tear that flares up sometimes, gimme a week and I’ll be hittin PRs again ??
B) 355# for the last set
C) 24:25 / 30:57 / 6:23
B1. 175#x3, 190#x2, 205#x2, 220#x1, 240#x1
B2. 240#x(1+2). 5# heavier than last week.
C1. 22:12 women’s RX.
C2. 4:52
C3. 27:52 (took a few seconds rest between the two).
Good to see you were consistent this week with training!