Two sets of:
Single-Arm Ring Row x 5 reps each arm @ 2111
(keep your shoulders and hips squared up and your glutes and quads engaged to maintain perfect plank positioning throughout the movement)
Rest 15 seconds
Reverse-Grip Push-Ups x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 15 seconds
Band Pull-Throughs x 10 reps @ 2011
(focus on maximal contraction of the glutes and full extension of the hips while keeping belly braced)
Rest 15 seconds
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Cossack Squat x 5 reps each leg @ 2111
Rest 15 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
2 Front Squats + Jerk @ 92-95% of 1-RM C&J
Four sets for times of:
15/12 Calorie Row
12 Bar-Facing Burpees
9 Power Snatches*
Rest 3 minutes
*Sets 1-2 @ 60-65% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 3-4 @ 65-70%
Rest 5 minutes, and then. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
2 Double Kettlebell Snatches (24/16 kg KBs)
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Double Kettlebell Snatches
4 Muscle-Ups
6 Double Kettlebell Snatches
6 Muscle-Ups
and so on, adding 2 reps every round…
Three sets of:
Banded Lat Pull Down x 20 reps
Ring Row x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Had a really busy day, got to the gym at 9pm and it closed at 10 pm so i had to did a quick workout.
This was
Amrap 10 min
10 Unbroken Power Snatch
10 Box Jump
10 Wbs
Rest 3 min
Amrap 10 min
10 Push Press
10 Kbs
10 Ghd Sit-ups
Rest 3 min
Amrap 10 min
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Overhead Squats
Felt like I need more of this routines to get more condition for future competitions.
Damn that’s a late session! Be careful training that late as it could impact sleep and recovery. You don’t want to be wired going to bed. Nonetheless, great work getting a quick session in after a long day!
A. Done
B. All at 300
C. 2:18/2:30/3:11/3:30 170×2 185×2
D. 5 KB snatches into the round of 12.
E. Done
B: 275-295-305-315(tied c&j pr)-325(f; jerk pr. Was up, but missed it forward). Jerk felt pretty good
C: 2:41/2:17/2:17/2:20. 175×2/185×2
D: Round of 8 + 10 swings + 8 mu. kb snatches were funky, triceps were tired.
Awesome job hitting 315!! Now to continue to sort you overhead so that 325 and more goes up soon!
A. Done
B. 155-155-155-155-155-160lbs
C. 2:48 / 2:55 / 3:07 / 3:00 (Went off listed percentages of my 1RM so 85/85/90/95lbs). Power snatch cycling! My kryptonite!
D. Struggled mentally; first time doing double kettlebell snatches and paired with a high skill movement (RMU) I kind of ran out of bandwidth. Finished the round of 6.
E. Will make up tomorrow 🙂
Those double kettlebell snatches are no joke. Play with lighter kettlebells to get the technique down then increase weight as you get more comfortable. ??
A. Done
B. 100/100/102/102/105.5/105.5Kg
C. Done with 55/60/62.5/65Kg
D. Completed end of 8
E. Done
Good to see you didn’t have to split your session and had enough time today ??
Saturday here in New Zealand. Moved here a year ago. Training is usually T-Th and S-Su, M and F off or runs.
A. Done
B. Went 225 for 2, 230 for 2, 235 for 2; legs were smoked from a 5K this morning and swimming yesterday. Happy to just grind.
C. 3:18 @ 140, 3:14 @ 150, 3:30@150 (missed a Snatch because I got lazy in my catch), 3:20@160
D. Finished 5 Snatch into Rd of 10
Nice work hitting your session after that 5k! I hope you soaked in some extra mobility and recovery tonight ??
A. Done
B. 265
C. 2:47/2:55/4:10/4:28
Wrist still feeling iffy from my bike crash earlier this week so kb snatch were no go
D. Done+basketball
Shoot sorry to hear about your crash. Was it on a bicycle or motorcycle?
Always bicycle haha pavement this time
A. Done
B. DND to rest trochanter pain
C. 2:04/2:12/2:01/2:13 at 95/100/105/110 played with diff strategies but fast burpees/snatch singles was fastest
D. finished the 12 kbS around 9:15 then got close to tearing so I stopped
E. Done
Good to see you experimenting with different strategies!
A. Done
B. Stayed light and worked form today – 185/205/205/225/245/255
C. Subbed 9 kbs (70# Russian/American) for snatches, 1:44/1:45/1:38/1:35
D. Bmu, rings not available. 12 kb snatch (45#) + 7 bmu
E. Done
A. Done
B. 255/255/265/265/275/275 missed last jerk.
C. 2:28/2:27/2:57/2:41 Rx (135/150)
D. 4+18 Rx (8 MUs in the round of 10)
E. Done
A: done.
B: done with 57.5kg
C: 2:30, 2:26, 2:37, 2:47 with 35, 37.5, 40 and 42.5kg
D: 5 mu into the round of 10s. Done with bar mu. Focus on no chicken wing ?✅ Rx weight.
E: done.
Great job on those bar muscle ups!
What’s the difference between these workouts and those in the paid athlete program?
The workouts will be similar but the Athlete Program offers more options that enables you to select additional or substitute other pieces on the primary work. Here’s a description here:
If you have any additional questions feel free to email info@invictusathlete.com
Making the commitment here with my girlfriend (She’ll be jumping in next week) Getting what I can in, used to follow Training Think Tank Design but making the switch for a few reasons.
A. Done
B. Done @ 275-295
2:21 @ 135
2:15 @ 145
2:11 @ 155
2:05 @ 165
D. 12 snatches + 6 Muscle-ups
E. Done
Love it!! Great to see you back dude! Shoot me an email and tell me what’s been up!
For sure! I’ll reach out by the end of the day!
A. Done
B. 195/205/205/210/215/220
Stoked on these! Probably the first time ever my jerks have felt good and I didn’t fail at a heavy weight.
C. 2:20/2:29/3:20/2:29
125/125/135/60#DB (after the third round I think I used too much hip contact and probably bruised myself. Decided to not do round 4 or else I would be miserable)
D. Round of 8 +10 KB snatches + 6MU
Still doing quick singles and sometimes doubles on RMU. Need to work on bigger sets. KB snatches were easy and unbroken until the round of 10 (7/3).
E. Skip
Nice work Carly! Just be careful not to hurt yourself it should be bar to hip not hip to bar. We don’t want to see you whacking that bar out front!.
You should hit up Travis to try and get some sessions in to work on those muscle-ups!
Thanks Tino! Ya I got tired and fell back to my sudo kettlebell type pull instead of the elbow led high pull.
And ya I’ll have to get with Travis for that!
A) Done
B) all sets were done at 100kg, was tough but I managed
C) all sets were done with 60kg power Snatch, which is around 73-75% of my 1-RM Snatch
2:07, 2:09, 2:30 and 2:23
D) Was completly smoked before this.
Managed 2 KB snatches of 10.
E) Done
A little tired going into the 10 minute am rap…:)
Nice work dude!
B.225/235/245/245/245/245 worked on staying tight in midline through the drive up
C. 1. (1:42) 2.(2:04) 3.(2:32) 4.(2:13) worked on a fast pace. Trying to get at least two power cleans right after coming off burpees.
D. Finally strung ring muscle up together got up to 10 rounds but scaled to 4 string muscle ups per round and did 6 last round.
E. Really concentrated on lat activation
Great job on those ring muscle-ups Jorge!
A. Done
B. Stayed light, worked to 245
C. Comp this weekend, so I did:
:30 on :30 off Assault Bike for 20:00 at moderate pace – I think I finished around 250 cals.
Get after it this weekend dude!
Assuming part B is from the ground?
From the rack.
Fun week
Todays workout
A) Done
B)92% 300 Lbs Fail 2 jerks 🙁
C)2:14,2:30,3:09,3:34 155/165/165/175
D)55 Reps 5 Rmu of 10
Nice work Alex! Now to dial in that jerk work!
B) @ 120
Snatches 165/185 all singles
Pushed the rower faster as I went along was surprised at how good I was able to slow the heart rate during the BFB am getting much more proficient at these.
D) Finished 8 plus 5 muscle ups on the round of 10
e) Done
Looks like you’re getting fitter! Great to see you recovering fast on those rest periods.