Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121 (face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121 (face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps (face down, raising straight arms in front)
and finish with …
Two sets of:
Close Grip Push-Ups x 10 reps
Supine Hip Bridges with a band around the knees x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Bench Press
Set 1 – 3 reps @ 85%
Set 2-3 – 2 reps @ 90%
Set 4 – 1 rep @ 95%
Set 5-6 – 8 reps @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Station 1 – Single-Leg Glute Bridge with foot on bench x 8-10 reps @ 2011 (Left Leg)
Station 2 – Single-Leg Glute Bridge with foot on bench x 8-10 reps @ 2011 (Right Leg)
Station 3 – DB Overhead Tricep Extension x 8 reps
Two sets for times of:
Row 50 Calories
50 Wall Ball Shots
Rest 5 minutes
35-54: 20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target
55+: 20/10 lbs to 9′ target
We are retesting this one so please go back to May 17 to note what your times were and set new goals for today.
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridge
x 5-6 reps
Rest 45 seconds
DB External Rotation x 6-8 reps per side @ 3111
Rest 45 seconds
Optional Row Session
Two sets of:
2,000 Meter Row
Rest 6 minutes
Did ALL the mobility and shoulder prehab
A – 110 / 115 / 122 / 100 kg (hard to keep 8 reps, needed help)
B – OK – 2×45 pounds dumbell
C – 4:57 (row 2:49, wb 25/15/10) and 5:17 (2:51, wb 15/15/10/10)
D – OK
ONLY TIME FOR BENCH = 260/275/275/290/245/225
A. 145/155/160/135
C. 6:14/6:40
Sub some work for Cascade classic online qualifier workouts. 2 workouts a week for the next 3 weeks. 🙂
A. 270/285/285/300/250#!
B. Done. 65# for tri ext.
C. Times: 4:55 and 5:31
D. 135#/15#
*Rowing will be Sunday Conditioning*
Great work Ty!
Short day for me
Still pretty limited but was able to manage some assault bike finally. A bit wonky with a tight knee and had to raise the seat one notch . I did June 11th assault bike 6 sets every 3 min /2 min bike 1 rest
Tried to bench wasn’t feeling it and had no spotters. I really wanted to redo the row wb!!! ugh hopefully soon I’ll be able to do more movements
Definitely redo that workout when your knee has a little more flexion and feels better!! Glad you were able to get on the bike today!
Wound up with a shortened day:
DMA done!
A. 105/110/110/115/95/95. Oof! Good one. 🙂
B. Done. 35# for tri ext.
C. Times: 6:08 and 5:54. Rows 3:31 and 3:38. WB 10/10/10/10/10 for first time and 10/10/6/6/5/5/8 and yet somehow faster. ? I missed this the first time around so was glad to do it now. 🙂
Intended to finish and do Optional, but ran out of time! ?
A) bench 150-160-170-175-160
B) 40-40-45
C) 17:25 with 14#
A.) 115, 125, 125, 135, 130×6, 130×6
B.) Done. Liked those elevated glute bridges!
C.) 5:54 (3:28 row, 25/25)/5:42 (3:21 row, 30/20) threw to 10′.
No time but the present to get my master butt back into training with this amazing community! 🙂
🙂 So happy to see you on here!
Warm Up done
A.) 55—65 Kg ( left shoulder didn‘t feel stable)
B.) done
C.) total Time incl. rest 17:12 min.
No additional sessions due to less time remaining. Again have to work on WB sets . Did all sets 5×10.
What is going on with the shoulder?
Hi Nichole, I don‘t know what‘s the Problem with my shoulder. As the weight is getting heavier the front part of the shoulder hurts a little, but just if I do bench presses or movements which are taxing the shoulder in the same angle. There is no problem with overhead movement or KB Swing etc.
I would recommend removing all upper body work for next week and focus on mobilizing and getting some treatment on it so let it calm down.
Ok , Thank you so much!
C) 4:05 // 4:45
So fast Jessie!
A. 127,135,135,142,120, 120×6 and needed help on last two/three. Made it last week.
B. Done
C. 5:25 and 5:35. (Last time 5:21 and 5:39) Wasn’t feeling it today. WBs still UB but slow
D. Done w 135
Didn’t have it in me but wanted to practice RMUs.
15 cal Row
3 RMU (all singles, no misses)
Only had time for a quick lunchtime workout in home garage gym today DMA & warm-up done A – Bench Press (home alone and no spotter today) 3 x 115# 2 x 125# (butt came off bench on second rep, so decided to decrease weight a bit for 2nd set) 2 x 120# 1 x 130# 4 x 110# (yes, I know that was supposed to be 8 reps, but just didn’t have it today, so went down in weight for next set) 8 x 105# (butt came off bench on 8th rep) B – done Will try and get… Read more »
So nice you have that home gym – awesome!!
DMA done
A) bench press – 47.5, 50, 52.5, 40kg
B) done
C) 6.35 and 6.19, row 3.44, wall balls first round, 20,10,12,8, second round 25,15,10
Great job Karen!
DMA done
A. Bench 120×3/125×2/130×2/135/115×7/110×8
B. Done
C. 5:38 and 5:29. Rowed faster round 2. WBs killed me. Did 25/10/8/7 and 15/15/10/10
Last time got 5:25 and 5:40 but used a 16# WB then
D. Done
39/6’4″/215 ROMWOD + Warm-Up A. 255, 270, 285, 240# B. Done C. 2:15/4:32, 2:03/4:09 (both sets of WB unbroken – which was my real goal) This one didn’t feel as daunting as some of the more recent workouts, maybe because we had something to test against. WB’s 30-50 were SO hard and I wanted to quit during both sets, but I just focused on doing 5 more, telling myself, “This is where you grow! This is where you grow!” The way we trick ourselves, huh. Have a great weekend everyone! D. 7:03, 7:10 on row (was shooting for sub 7… Read more »
Excellent job and doing them UB is awesome!! Great accomplishment!
A. Bench 100/110/115/95
B. Done
C. 5:50/6:10
Last time 6:11/5:48
Good job Karen!
– 400m SkiErg,
D1. 20/30m40 kg and
D2. 6/6/6 kg.
Gianni age 38
A 3 x 105 _2 x 110_1x115_6x100_8x95 kg
B sostituite
Emom odd 1 str rmu
Eve 6 pisol squat
C 5.03
Great work Gianni!
A. 225,230,230,245,205 (6/2), 205 (6/2).
B. Done.
C. 4:18, 4:14. WBs UB. Happy with this. Was 4:11 and 4:06 on 5/17 but did 20 lb med ball squats rather than WBs so to be only 7 & 8 secs off is pretty good.
D. Done.
Crushed it Brigham!!
First time benching w/ bar in a year since shoulder issues, have used DB in past but not a bar. Felt pretty good.
B. Fired up the glutes and hammy’s!!! . OH Tricep xtension w/40lb
First time doing that one and that is something special!
Great WOD!!! Off the rower at 2:35 each time. 20/15/15 on WB’s.
Excellent job Denny and I am very happy to hear that your shoulder felt good with benching today!