Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Tricep Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Banded Hamstring Pulse x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Plank with Forward Reach x 10 reps per arm
Plank with Lateral Reach
x 10 reps per arm
Skydivers x 10 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Push-Ups
x 10 reps
(vary the band strength depending on how strong your push-ups are. Go without a band if you are unable to do 10 unbroken push-ups)
Banded Glute Bridges
x 15 reps
Heavy Farmers Carry x 25 meters
Five sets of:
Pause Deadlift x 5 reps @ 60-65%
Rest as needed
Please pause for 3 seconds at your sticking point in your deadlift.
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Press x 5-6 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Build in weight over the course of the 5 sets.
Two rounds for time of:
50 Calorie Ski Erg
50 Calorie Row
50 Calorie Assault Bike
Two rounds for time of:
40 Calorie Ski Erg
40 Calorie Row
40 Calorie Assault Bike
Time Cap: 30:00
Three sets of:
Paloff Hold x 30 seconds (left)
Rest 15 seconds
Paloff Hold x 30 seconds (right)
Rest 15 seconds
L-Sit Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Did not get to workout Wednesday 🙁
Had a massage scheduled already so took it as a rest day.
Did 2 of the optional sessions on Thursday.
DMA done A. Subbed with 5 sets barbell hip thrusts @ 2012 x 6 reps, 185# B. Subbed with 4 sets of unsupported single arm DB press x 8 reps, 35# DB C. Modified to 2 rounds for time: 50 WB shots (14# to 9’ target) 50 cal row (1 leg row, boot on ?) 50 cal assault bike 24:40 (had to switch out bikes took :50 to do that) WBs: tried to go to depth a little challenging with the boot 50 UB, 10/10/8:7/8/7) Rows: 4:08, 4:38 Bike: 5:24 (bike seat issues), 5:00 D. Done, ouchie (triceps were cramping… Read more »
165 for the deadlifts, I held at 2″ off the floor because the bottom is where I really struggle. I thought I could go heavier but the 3 second pause and lower position crushed me!
75-95lbs for the seated presses
24:18 on the conditioning piece. Used the Echo bike instead of Assault. I think it would have been 1-2 mins faster on the Assault Bike.
Awesome job Karen, especially with those deadlifts! I put those in this cycle b/c I know you love them!
A. 180# 5×5
B. 45. 55, 65, 70, 70#
C. I don’t have a ski erg so I did:
2 sets:
75 cal a$$ bike
75 cal row
D. ✅ was able to hold L-sit 30s x3
Optional running session:
1 mile: 6:15 (10s off my PR)
Legs felt a bit heavy and tired but strong, today wasn’t ideal for a pr because my legs are shot and I did the mile right after the gym session ? sub 6mins is within reach??
That is AWESOME Nicole!! Only being 10 sec off your mile PR time after a long gym session is fantastic!!
Thank you coach! Yeah I didn’t expect that. As soon as I saw my time I thought I should have tried a little harder…?
What if we donʻt have a ski erg? How do you want me to modify for that?
Do you want us to do L-Sit Hold in a different fashion tomorrow? Today I did them on paralletes!
I did
2 sets:
75 cal a$$ bike
75 cal row
You could also run instead and do an 800 M run
Oh and for your L-Sit – just continue to do them from Paralletes or you can do hanging L-sits. Main site has been programming lots of L-Sits 🙂