Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Left)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes. Move from one movement immediately to the next.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
Box Squat x 1 reps @ 90-95%
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Wide-Stance Low Bar Back Squat x 3 reps @ 33X1 @ 70% of 1-RM Box Squat
(focus on speed on the way up after the 3-second pause in the bottom)
Rest as needed
Two sets for times of:
300 Meter Row
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Burpees Over the Erg
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
100 Double Unders
Rest 4 minutes
Three sets of:
5 Tempo Front Squats (50-60% of 1-RM) @ 30X1
Rest 15 seconds
10 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (24/16 kg)
Rest 15 seconds
15 GHD Hip Extensions
Rest 2 minutes
B. 295/295/300/300/305/305
C. 6:51/6:30
D. Skip
B:6 set(140/150*4/160kg)
3 set*5reps 110kg
C:a)9′:10″ b)9′:32″
I can not wait for the rest day
A. Done
B. I have read wrong and I have done 12 sets ?
Box Squat x 1 reps @90%: 140kg
Three sets of:
Wide-Stance Low Bar Back Squat x 3 reps @ 33X1 @ 70% of 1-RM Box Squat: 100kg
C. RX Total time: 21’58”
Set 1: 8’23”
Set 2: 9’35”
D. Skip, Not time for more.
B. Box squats done at 180; wide stance squats done at 125. Sets of DB shoulder press between sets
C. Did yesterdays performance WOD = 3+ 56
So far so good this week getting in 3X and moving with purpose 🙂
T2B 20/10 -20/10
Hspu 15/5 – 10/5/5
Burpees slow/slow ?
BMU 5/3/2 – 3/3/2/2
DU UB – 30/20/50
Ouch… hard but gym start to feel better… I will continue to work it
D/not enough time today
Thanks have a nice rest day… see you friday
Yesterday session
A. Done
B. Hang poer Clean + Jerk
Up to 110kgs
C. Heavy DT
24’21 Rx
Long transition on HPC + STO in 2 sets cost me some times but happy to be able to hit this one RX
Next time under 20min
D. Done
See you tomorrow 🙂
A) done
B) 95/95/103/103/103/103
C) I did kipping hspu and 3 bar mu in first set and 10 c2b in second set
Time 10:22/9:59
Total time 24:21
Burpees were slow, and triceps and shoulders burned ??
D) done with tempo front squat 45 kg
Trained first thing! Need to get back to my old habits.
Made up yesterday and it was soooo fun ?
A) done
B) 105/125/145/155/165/175
C) heavy DT- 15:47 Rx started too quick I think and my last round took forever.
D) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your day is great! ?
“Motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going”
Nice work Jess!
Love that. Thanks for keeping me going Tino!
Due to time and offspring constraints I had to do a class wod Comptrain 5/8/2019 Split Jerk 3 Sets of 3 – Tall Jerk 4 Sets of 2 – Pausing Split Jerk 5 Sets of 1 – Split Jerk Building to a heavy single for the day. Conditioning “Jack Squat” Wearing a 20/14# Weight Vest: 21 Front Squats, 21 KB Swings, 400m Run 15 Front Squats, 15 KB Swings, 400m Run 9 Front Squats, 9 KB Swings, 400m Run Rx Barbell – 135/95 Rx Kettlebell – 70/53 Cool Down 2:00 bike at cool down pace 15 GHD sit-ups A. Tall… Read more »
Great to see you still got good work in!
a) done
b) 385-395/295
c) 8:25/9:40 – 2nd round of BMU were the difference in time
Bar muscleups got you!
B1. 385
B2. 185/225/225
C. 7:09/9:27 – Started second set at 15:00 – Big SHSPU drop off.
D. 185/53
That drop off!!
A. Done
D. Did 3 sets
GHD hip ext x 15 @3030
Backwards sled drag x 50 feet
Sled push x 50 feet
B. Box squats and wide stance squats were fine with the knee
405 for box squats
295 for wide stance low bar tempo
C. 6:06/6:45 RX with scout rope
16:51 total time
First round TTB and SHSPU unbroken bar mu 7/3
Second round TTB 25/5 shspu UB bar MU 5/3/2
First time doing shspu for a while due to some shoulder pain but they felt great today
Great work Bobby! Awesome session. Good to see you were able to hit today hard.
Thanks Tino! Happy the knee held up on the squats figured it would be fine with those
A. Done
B. 355 then 275#
C. 9:38/11:04 Rx S.HSPU got me. Hard being 5’9 with a 6’2 wing span. Just gotta keep drillin them.
D. Skipped due to time.
Are you missing Max??
Everyday haha. Glad him and Joe T have been sending there numbers to me though!
A: done
B: 335
Low bar at 245
C: got into it but couldn’t do shspu, burpees(sorta), BMU because of my wrist (hurt it falling on a burpee box jump over in a competition) was extra pissy today
Did 10 minutes on assbike: 30 sec at 65-70rpm/ 30 sec at 40-45rpm
Work quieted down yet???
Unfortunately no, this is my first training activity this week.
Hope it does soon!
A. Done
B. 335×4/355×5 then 225/245/245.
C. Skipped and did shspu program plus a midline metcon.
D. Done, 100# kb goblet squat in place of FS, my clavicle/front rack is beat up from yesterdays workout.
A. Done
B. 315. Worked on perfect movements. 245
C. 5:53/6:33. Ideal workout for my strengths
D. 135/24
A. Done
B. Done with 110kg. 120kg was too heavy. Did 8 sets of box squats and not the wide stance BS bc of the hip thing. Taking it slow with the squats.
C. A skill practise workout for me. Couldn’t really push the pace. My hands were sore, so the bar work was difficult today. Did CTB instead of MU and 30 russian swings instead of DU’s.
Times: 12:30 and 13:10.
D. Done with FR KB lunges.
B1. 275
B2. 210
C. 13:20 / 14:06 with ring mu
Hspu and mu took the longest, du ub happy with that
D. Done with 155# and 45# kbs
I’m beat! Great workout thanks Tino!
A. Done
B. 205Kg(92.5%) x 6 sets
155Kg across all 3 sets
C. Subd 20 PP at 61Kg and 30 C2B for BMU.
D. Done. FS at 95Kg and Subd banded good mornings for hip ext.
A. Done
B. 245
C. RX 10:25/11:04
D. Done
Back at it after a 10 day diverted focus for AGOQ. Glad to be back with Comp Crew!!
Hope you’ve recovered from the qualifiers!