May 3, 2019 – Masters Program

The Age Group Qualifier Workouts have been released! You have some fun events coming your way. You should all feel very prepared for these events and should view the weekend with excitement! This is an opportunity for you to showcase all your hard work along with Masters worldwide. Trust in your abilities, approach every event with focus and determination and, as always, give full effort which will result in full victory. If you need specific suggestions for the weekend then email me at:

Suggested Sequence of Events

Perform Event 5 in the morning – Strict Handstand Push-Up Happiness
Perform Event 4 in the afternoon – 8 Minute AMRAP

Perform Event 1 in the morning – Fast!
Perform Event 3 in the afternoon – Shoulder Pump*

Rest and Recover

Perform Event 2 in the morning – One and Done
Event Repeat if needed

*There is a caveat on performing Event 3 on Saturday afternoon. You’ll notice that the events are prioritized by volume accumulation. Events 5 & 4 are relatively lower in volume, Event 1 build in volume with the Overhead Squats and Event 3 has potentially the most shoulder volume (depends on how confident you feel with muscle-ups). If, after performing Event 1 on Saturday morning, your body needs some more rest then take the remainder of the day off and tackle Event 3 on Sunday.

We have reserved Event 2 for Monday, which seems like the simplest of all the workouts but will be your one and done event since nobody needs to be doing multiple 4,000 meter rows over the weekend. Ultimately, you need to assess how your body feels after Event 1 Saturday morning and assess if two events on Saturday with a full rest day on Sunday is more advantageous then one event on Saturday and one event on Sunday.

Please ensure that you are optimizing your recovery during the weekend. These events have a lot of shoulder volume so it is important that you take good care of them after each event. Utilize things like compression, E-stim, circulatory body work, icing, anti inflammatory, etc to ensure proper recovery.

You will have one opportunity for a repeat if you follow the above suggested sequence of events. Ideally, go into the weekend with a one and done approach. However, if you feel like you can improve in an event come Monday then it would be worth it to repeat if you are making a push to finish as high as possible on that leaderboard.

2019 Masters Age Group Qualifier Event 5

10 Minutes of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 70-75%

One set of:
Bench T-Spine Opener x 60 seconds
Band Assisted Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Hamstring Floss x 45 seconds per side

and then …

Upper Body Warm-Up Series

And then …

5 Minutes of Assault Bike or Running @ 80-85%

And then …

CrossOver Symmetry
Rows x 10 reps
Reverse Flys x 10 reps
Pull-Downs x 10 reps
Victory x 10 reps
90/90 Drill x 10 reps

And then …

Three sets of:
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 80-85%
Banded Good Mornings x 15-20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 80-85%
PVC Pipe Shoulder Pass Thru’s x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 80-85%
Goblet Squat x 10 reps (Light)
Rest 60 seconds

Event 5
For Time:
30 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

For Time:
30 Snatches (95/65 lbs)
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 5” riser

Time Cap: 6:00

Scaled Version (for those not looking to compete in the Age Group Qualifiers)
For time:
30 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 5″ riser OR 10 Wall Walks

For time:
30 Snatches (95/65 lbs)
30 L-Seated DB Press (use a weight that is challenging)


Please wait at least 3 hours and prioritize rest and recovery. And then …


2019 Masters Age Group Qualifier Event 4

Two sets of:
20 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Hindu Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press x 5 reps each side
Rest 15 seconds
Goblet Hold Kettlebell Cossack Squat x 8 reps each leg @ 2111
Rest 15 seconds
GHD Hip Extension x 8 reps @ 2012
(focus on glute activation and maintaining a hollow position)
Rest as needed

And then …

10 Minutes of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 70-75%

Followed by…

Banded Monster Walks x 20 steps each direction
Banded Lateral Walks x 20 steps each direction

Followed by…

5 Minutes of Assault Bike or Running @ 80-85%

Followed by…

Three sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Shoulder Mash x 45 seconds per side

Followed by…

20/15 Calorie Assault Bike @ 70%
30 seconds Rest
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike @ 80%
30 seconds Rest
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike @ 90%

At game speed…

6 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
6 Toes-to-Bars
6 Cleans (95/65 lbs)
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Thrusters
4 Toes-to-Bars
4 Cleans
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

6 Thrusters (75/55 lbs)
6 Toes-to-Bars
6 Cleans (75/55 lbs)
6 Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Thrusters
4 Toes-to-Bars
4 Cleans
4 Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups

Event 4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes:
45 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
45 Toes to Bar
45 Cleans (95/65 lbs)
45 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes:
45 Thrusters (75/55 lbs)
45 Toes to Bar
45 Cleans (75/55 lbs)
45 Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups

No Scaled Version

Preparation and Strategy Notes for 2019 Age Group Qualifier Events 5 & 4
Please read over the notes we have put together for Events 4 and 5. We recognize that strategy for events are not a one size fits all so please read over the strategy notes for each event and adjust to make it personal for you. Strategy notes for Events 1 & 3 will be uploaded tomorrow.

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Miki Shelton, F/51
Miki Shelton, F/51
May 10, 2019 3:33 pm

Event 5: 18 reps ? I definitely need to get used to doing more 95# snatches! I tried to go faster but failed reps, mostly bc I am not used to faster cycling at this weight – it’s kind of like doing a 1rm attempt over and over (my tested 1rm is only 100# LOL). So I looked at this first event as a chance to “explore” Isabel. I went ahead and finished Isabel in just under 10 mins, slowing down this time to 3 reps/min, since this seemed to be the pace at which I would not fail reps.… Read more »

Stacy Wagman (40-44)
Stacy Wagman (40-44)
May 10, 2019 3:33 pm

#5 35 reps, snatches in 4:08, my old Isabel was 6:18 so I’m really happy with that but didn’t have much left for HSPUs
#4 did straight after #5 so was pretty bad, only 83 reps

Petrolene Veer Le Roux
Petrolene Veer Le Roux
May 10, 2019 3:17 pm

Event 4: 89 reps. I broke up the thrusters way to much, but i had no idea what to expect further down the WOD – which I in any case didn’t get to!! So I could’ve done a big first set on those thrusters!

Event 5: Skip – 43kg is my 1RM. There will probably be two events I will need to skip due to box access over the weekend. So #4 was one of them!

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