Handstand Play Time:
Spend 10 Minutes working on handstands. If you feel confident with handstands then explore new ways to challenge yourself. Stairs/ramp, weave through cones, walk sideways, or walk backwards.
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps
(clean grip, pressing from the front-rack position in receiving)
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Power Clean & Jerk x 1.1
(2-3 second reset between singles)
Build over the sets to establish a 2-RM power clean & jerk.
For time:
5 Ground to Overhead (245/155 lbs)
10 Ground to Overhead (195/125 lbs)
15 Ground to Overhead (145/95 lbs)
20 Ground to Overhead (95/65 lbs)
Against a 90-second running clock…
30 Air Squats
12/7 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Rep Burpees in remaining time
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Three sets of:
Chinese Rows x 6 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Reverse Snow Angels x 20 reps
(slow and controlled)
Rest as needed
GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps
Rest as needed
A. Done
B. 45#
Up to 275×2 285×1 290×1
Missed second power clean at 285
Didn’t attempt second at 290
C. 5:48 RX last time was 6:08
D. RX 15/14/12/14 = 55 total did Burpees to a target this time
Last time 51 total
E. Done
A- 19.1 Centaurus Wod
B- 40/50/60kgs
D-12:06 ( barbell Cardio ?)
F- ✅
A/done felt good
D/adjust to
First bar was hell (took 3’)?… try to go faster on the 3 last bars… just need to push a bit harder to got it sub 10’…
E/ done RX
Burpees 9/8/8/7
Ouch my legs stay on the floor for 1’ after that
Thanks again… have a nice day see you tommorow ??
B. Sotts press 45/55
C. 125/135/145/155/165/175/175/180/180/185
D. 5:56rx
E. 6/5/4/5 I stink at that bike ?
A: done
C: 245
Haven’t felt/been this weak since college
D: 11:21, tried to start with 225 on the bar instead of 245 but accidentally loaded 235
E: 7/7/8/9
F: done minus the rows
A: Practiced some shoulder taps and walking betwixt the rig
B: With the barbell, my thoracic mobility is trash
C: 185/205/225/235/245/255/255/265/275/285#
One push jerk and one split jerk for all, focused on jerk dip. Tied push perk pr
D: 6:19 sharing a bar with Bryan (you go I go sets). We did singles on 245, doubles and triples on 195#, 5s on 145# and 10s on 95#. 95s were muscle snatches, rest c&j
E: 13s for all
F: Snow angels and 2k abs done
A. Done
B. Up to 95#
C. 135 / 155 / 165 / 175 / 185 / 190 / 190 /195 205
D. 8:44 @ 185 / 165 / 135 / 95
E. 8 / 10 / 7 / 8
A. Through cones first time!
B. Done
C. 125/135/145/155/165/175/185/195/205/215 (pr!)
D. 5 Ground to Overhead 185
10 Ground to Overhead 155
15 Ground to Overhead 125
20 Ground to Overhead 95
total time 6:58
E. 8/8/9/8
D. done
Congrats on the PR Angel!
A. Done
B. 45/65
C. 135/165/185/205/215/225/235Failed 2nd/235 Failed 2nd/235/235Failed
D. 9:32 RX Only missed 2 reps at 245
E. 12/11/7/6 Burpees. My legs were on fire on the last one
F. Done
A. Done, a little better every week
B. Done
C. Up to 150
D. 9:02. Used 135/115/95/65 – 2nd set took me the longest.
E. RX 13/12/12/14. I’d do this one 3 times over part D. 🙂
F. Done
B. 45# bar
C. 195 power clean + split jerk
D. 175 / 155 / 135 / 95
E. With 12 cal row and 2 min clock
10 9 10 10
Did a few more of these for fun, about the same 9-10 burps each time. 10 total. Air squats around 38 seconds. Transitions on and off rower with the foot straps took a few seconds. Starting burps around 1:25 mark
Great workout thanks Tino!
A. Done
B. Skipped bc of hip
C. Up to 65kg
D. 12:00. Scaled first set down to 60kg, after that RX.
E. 14, 13, 13, 14. Did squats to low box (hip rehab).
F. Done
Had to be super short today with training, still got something in…
C) 155-215
E) 7/7/7/8 Quads on ?
A- done
B- 30kg
C- up to 67.5 I was working on technique
D- 9:05
E- did with rower – 11,12,14,14
Thanks tino, i am back now and logging in and marking my scores ? I will do Monday tomorrow as I train with the competition team Monday . Looking forward to this new cycle 🙂
A. Done
B. 145
C. 145-165-185-205-225-235-240-245-250-255
D. 8:40 rx
E. 9/8/6/5
F. Done
F) 70s / ✅
A) ✅
B) up to 155
C) up to 278
D) 10:05 RX
Singles to 95
245 sub 2
195 sub 5
145 sub 7:30
95 UB 65 seconds
E) I knew I did this wrong e90s after the first round
1) 2 burpees
2-4) just got the cals
I was dying either way!
What did you do??
Went hard in the paint.
Every 90 seconds for 4 rounds no rest
A. Done
B. Done, empty barbell, not to full squat depth but as low as possible.
C. 95/135/155/175/195/215/230/245/255/270 – last 3 weights were single power clean and jerk.
D. 9:55 Rx – middle two barbells need to move faster!
E. 30 air squats, 30 front lunge steps, 30 reverse lunge steps, 30 air squats, echo bike, 6/4/4/9. Lunge steps took longer than air squats, but wanted to test.
F. Done
Solid push today dude. Good to see your hip is feeling better.
B-50-60-70-80-90-95-100-105-110-115fail 2 X jerk
C-10:19RX 2:30 first bar ??
D-12-12-11-13 legs?
A) Worked on handstand holds. Could actually get the weight over my fingers for the first time. Progress.
B) 85/85
C) 115, 125, 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205 (missed second), 205
D) 8:57 with 195, 165, 135, 95
E) 7, 7, 8, 6
Do classic handstand walk and some obstacle
Done empty barbell
Up to 110kg power clean and power jerk
60kg chinese row
0,500grammes snow angel
15 ghd
What a strong start for this cycle
I am tired ahah