Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Distracted Pec Stretch x 60 seconds per side
T-Spine Pulse on Bench x 60 seconds
and then …
Y’s, T’s & W’s x 10 reps each
*Please do this on a bench*
Hawaiian Squats
x 6 reps per side
and then …
Three sets of:
5 Scap Pull-Ups
5 Superman/Hollow Body
5 Goblet Squats with a 3 second hold at the bottom
Primary Session
Banded Muscle-Up Transitions x 20-30 reps (use this as a way to have your shoulders feel the range of motion needed in a muscle-up)
Three sets of:
Elbow Drops on Box x 10-12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
False Grip Static Hang x 15-20 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
and then …
Three sets of:
Box Assisted Strict Ring Muscle-Up x 8-10 reps (60+: 3-5 reps)
Rest 30 seconds
Rest as needed, and then …
Donkey Kicks x 15 reps
60+: Donkey Kicks to Box x 15 reps
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 6-10 minutes:
Strict HSPU x 1-5 reps (rep range depends on your ability level)
Strict HSPU to 5″ riser
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Front Squat x 3-4 reps @ 70-75%
“2018 Event 1 Masters Qualifier”
For time:
4 Thrusters
1 15-ft. Rope Ascent
8 Thrusters
2 15-ft. Rope Ascents
12 Thrusters
3 15-ft. Rope Ascents
35-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
Time Cap: 10:00
Please take a look at your time from last year. This will leave you with a Fran like cough if you apply yourself well. 🙂
Two-Three sets of:
Bent-Over KB Row with False Grip x 8-10 reps (this is to help your false grip for a strict muscle-up)
Rest 30 seconds
Wall Slides x 5 reps (slow and controlled)
Rest 30 seconds
Ring-Dips x 5-7 reps @ 2111
55-59: Ring-Dips x 3-5 reps @ 2111 (may use assistance if needed)
60+: Stationary Dips x 5-7 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Additional Session (Optional)
Five sets of:
Sandbag (or D-Ball) Over the Bar x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Pick a heavy sandbag or D-ball – something you probably couldn’t do for more than 5 reps in a set, then power clean it up to your chest, get your hands under it, and drive/throw it over a yoke, rack, jerk blocks or any other barrier you can create that is at approximately sternum level. This movement should resemble a sandbag clean and jerk.
follwed by …
Three sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 2-3 minutes
This is a strength training session, not conditioning. This needs to be HEAVY.
Three sets of:
Harnessed Bear Crawl x 50 meters (should take you under 45 seconds to complete)
Rest 90 seconds
Focus on driving forward through the big toe knuckle on each foot and think about leaving dents in the ground from each step. Make the floor hurt from the force you exert into it on each step! Put weight into your hands as well so shift forward as you crawl.
Non Qualifier Session
Gymnastics Skills & Drills (see above A section)
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Front Squat x 3-4 reps @ 3111
Please adhere to the tempo and build in weight over the course of the 5 sets.
For time:
4 Thrusters
1 15-ft. Rope Ascent
8 Thrusters
2 15-ft. Rope Ascents
12 Thrusters
3 15-ft. Rope Ascents
35-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 85/55 lbs
Time Cap: 10:00
If you don’t have rope climbs then please sub the following movement:
Rope Pulls. For every rope climb, complete 2 rope pulls.
(lay with your back on the ground. Pull yourself up by using the rope until your are standing up fully. Try to maintain a strong midline)
Towel Pull-Ups if you don’t have access to a rope. For every rope climb, complete 3 towel pull-ups.
Accessory Session (see above D section)
Warm up and mobility – done.
A. Done. 2 sHSPU to 5″ riser for 10 minutes.
B. 2 x 3 at 165, 4 x 3 at 170
C. Well, that was an eye opener.
Thruster rounds 4; 5-3; 4-4-4
Struggled with foot purchase on rope when I was tired in the round of 3, taking about 2:40 to make the 3 ascents.
Nichole – a while back there was a video link for rope mount technique, which I can’t seem to find. Can you post again? Thank you.
D. Done.
A) Completed x 2 for 10 min
B) 190(6) x3
C) 4:22 first time doing it, struggle with rope climbs still use the old wrap the foot around method, started also doing the gymnastics program so I’m hoping it will help.
Thrusters: Rd 4, 5×3, 6x3x3
D) Completed
A)Completed with x3 sHSPU for 10 minutes
B)175(6) x4
C)3:34 I can not find my time from last year. Thrusters UB in round of 4 and 8 and then 8 and 4 the last round.
Muscle up work done
A) strict HSPU: 3rep for 10 min, very hard this exercise for me
B) tempo front squats: 4@60kg, 4@70kg, 3@80kg, 2×3@85kg
C) metcon: 3:42, thrusters sets of 4 all rounds
A. Did some HS walks, MU and strict MU
B. X4 reps-255/265/275. X3 reps-275/285/285
C. 2:09. Last year 2:11. That set of 12 is rough. All UB
WU Done.
Primary session: 55+
A: Done – box assisted Srmu 3×10; donkeys x15, shpu 5” elevation 3,3,1/f,2,2,1,2,2,f,1) false grip hangs.
B: Done. Up to 75kg (78%)
C: Done. Modified with 3xstrict towel grip pull-ups for each rope climb. Time: 4:35
D: no time left but did 3x 5 wall slides…felt hard!
A. Done Elbow drops were hard. also did extra MU progressions.
B. 155-165
C 3:32 last year 3:02 O no! Took to big of breaks between rope climbs.
A. 100# ball Skipped 100 ft sled pulls but did bear crawls
B. Done
A. Did sets of 4-5 MUs on the rings. Hadn’t done in a while. Felt good. Then did EMOM 10 of 5 sHSPUs.
B. Front Squat 1 1/2. 3 sets x 10 reps. 135, 165, 190. Final set almost failed last two reps.
Then did class workout: 50-40-30-20-10 KB swings (53#) and 25-20-15-10-5 T2B. 12:50
Did some rope climbs after – skill work and wanted to test the grip on new shoes I am trying (Nike Free X Metcons).
Will try and fit in some strongman tomorrow.
A. Complete
HSPU 2 for 6 min then 1 for 4 min
B. 60×3
C 5:44rx, first time doing it
D. Done, 8kg kB, 5 ring dips
A done
Did 6 min of 5 shspu.
B sets at 225
C 3:04. Missed my first rope on the last set, hands were slick. Idk. Still prettty happy with this since I was in the low 5s last year.
D 8 at 53 , dips 8 felt good .
No videos. We had to push to get everything done before class.
DMA done
A. All Done; 4 strict hspu 10 min emom
B. 155-155-165-165-175-175#
C. 2:47 (last year was 2:30….first 2 rds felt good, not so much the last round, had to break the 12 into 8/4 with a pause in front rack at 6. Half of Rope climbs were solid, half a bit sloppy. The last few thrusters felt like I couldn’t get full depth)
D. Skipped
A. Done 90# Strongman bag, 24-27 secs ea set
A. Done. Had trouble doing box assisted ring mu…
For shspu did emom10 got 5 UB for 8 sets then 2/1 I love these !!!!!
B. Could not FS (knee) did tempo goblet squat to almost parallel. 5×10 reps /35# kb
C. Subbed push press for thrusters and doubled the push press reps. 4:25
D. 26 #kb /5 ring dip per round
Optional strongman
75 # d-ball over Barbell
180 # sled pull (on turf)
135# bear crawl
A: done
B: 265
C: done
Online qualifier prep
DMA) done
Did 6 min emom 5 shspu
B) 245 x 3 for each set
C) 2:51 thrusters unbroken
* remember doing this wod last year but couldn’t find my time, was thinking it was 4:40ish. Whatever it was I had big improvement
D) done
Wow – that is a MASSIVE improvement! Great job!!
Qualifier Prep
A) complete
B) 165#
C) 5:02 We do not have a 15’ rope – only a 12’. Did 2, 3, & 5 rope climbs to make up for the shorter rope.
D) complete
Lots of climbs today Sarah – nice job!
Non-Competition Training
A) Done! Strict HSPU were really hard at the end of all that but I loved all the Strict gymnastic work.
B) 95lbs for front Squats.
C) 5:37. I think i have done this before last year but with heavier thrusters? Liked 75lbs much better but still had to make sure I was recovered enough before each rope climb. Didn’t want to waste a climb or slip.
Great job Dawn!!
A: Done. Used bunch of plates for the MU – the box is bit too high for me yet.
C: 5:23 I felt so exhausted, but just because I ate bread over the weekend!!! I know I shouldn’t eat bread…it makes me feel like a train ran over me.
Do you have a gluten intolerance?
A) gymnastics: done (strict HSPU: 5,5,5,4,3,3,4,3,3,4)
B) tempo front squats: 4@185#, 4@190, 4@195, 4@200, 3@205
C) metcon: 4:32
D) accessory: done (3 rds)
Liked the focus on gymnastics and accessory, I have work to do on short time domain metcons.
I am behind logging here: Monday 4/1 Snatch, I only did 35# using training bar, not very good at Snatch always feel like a beginner. I am able to go straight into a squat but the weight always feels heavier than it should, so still trying to work on technique. Box Squat – Used 12″ box with 15# plate on top for height. I don’t understand what 31X1 means, just assumed 3 count descent, 1 count hold at the bottom and 1 count out of the hole. Workout was a nightmare for me since I don’t have pull-ups. I seem… Read more »