Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Grab a partner and do the partner t-spine stretch
and then …
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Twisted Cross Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Chest Pull
Bench Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment x 10 reps
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands
Four sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Split Jerk
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6-8 – 1 rep @ 95+%
Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.
Five sets of:
Good Mornings x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest 90 seconds
As many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes:
Row 250 Meters
(1 Round of Cindy)
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
20 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups
200 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Box Step Ups
35-54: 50/30 lbs
55+: 30/20 lbs
This is a longer duration and with no rest so hold back on pushing the throttle during the 30 minutes. You are looking to sustain your output throughout the entire 30 minutes.
Optional Gymnastic Session
Two sets of:
Strict Muscle-Up Rocking Transition x 5-6 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Strict Muscle Up x 1-2 reps
False Grip Strict Pull Up to Sternum x 2-4 reps
followed by . . .
Two sets of:
Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment for Ring Muscle Ups x 10 reps
A1- TALL JERK- 75/75/95/95
A2- SJERK- 155X3, 175X2, 190X2, 205X1,215X1, 225X1, 225X1
A done
A1 worked up to 145 stayed light worked on speed
B. Done
C 5+ 290 got to vups was not unhappy about not having farmers carry again
A1. TALL J- 95/95/115/115
A2. SJ- 165/175/190/205/205/215/225/225
B. GM ALL @135
As many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes:
Row 250 Meters
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
20 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups
150 Meter Farmers Carry 24kg
20 Box Jump and Over
Finished 4 rounds short of 14 BJO on the dot, and decided to finish them. Really enjoyed this.
DMA: done
A 1. done
A 2. 90#-130#
B. done
C. 3 rds +250m & 3 pull ups
C. 4 rounds plus row and 2 pull ups– used DBs for 10 step ups each round, then unweighted for remaining 10
Did snatching from yesterday– up to 95#, a few fails at 95– feet were landing too wide
A1. Tall jerks 115#
A2. 165 – 235# (100%). Felt great. Missed 245 (too quick on the drive and didn’t finish)
B. 135-155
C. 4 and a half rounds. Farmers walk got me (50# DB). Forearms trashed!
A/B: done. b was up to 135#
C: 4 + row + cindy. 50# farmers and step ups. Those were the rough part of this wod after round 1.
DMA done
A1) 60/72.5/87.5/95
A2) 95/107.5/115/122.5/130/137.5/145/155. Feeling better on these now that I feel like I’ve found my optimal grip width
B). All 5 sets with 135 lbs
C) 6 full rounds + full row. Time ran out as I was heading back to the pull-up bar. Went with V Ups, used 55 lb KBs for the farmers, and unweighted on the step ups. Strict Pullups slowed me down (went with 5 singles each time) but I made up for that on the farmers walks. This was a fun one and I felt pretty strong throughout.
Optional session done
Nice work Steve, you crushed this!
Pre-work done
A1: 65 lbs for all sets. Worked on form & getting on my toes
A2: Finished @ 190 lbs but wouldn’t count @ a meet
B: Finished @ 105 lbs
C: 2 rounds, 250 M + a Cindy
Dual 2 pood for farmers & did 24” box jumps. First time hitting 24” since ACL surgery
Mobility done
Shoulder PT
A. Skipped
B. 85# good mornings
C. 4 rounds + 100m walk….modified to this:
250m Row (56.6, 57.9, 57.4, 57.6, 57.6)
5 ring rows (feet on 12” box)
10 1/4-1/2 push-ups (feet on 12” box)
15 air squats
20 v situps
200m DB overhead waiters walk 25#
20 Barbell box step ups (16”/65# barbell)
So fast on the rower! ????
A) 65,75,85,85
115, 125, 130, 135, 135 kept it at 80% as it wasn’t feeling good. Thinking the cold and 6:30 am
B) didn’t have time
C) 5 rounds 100 meters
Ohhhh 6:30 is so early!
Dyn./mob. Done
A1). Done
A2). 2 sets w/ 48 lbs 2 sets w/ 50 lbs
A3). 83 lbs, 98, 108 failed, 108, 120-failed dropped to 108 , 110 can’t do heavy still in therapy for inflamed bursitis in my left hip it affects just about everything ☹️
B). 83 lbs .. Cautiously did these , keeper weight light
C) 6 rds , scaled box step up to 15 lbs even that hurt did last round with no weights went over by
20 sec wanted to finish the set
Got 4 single RMU – ☹️
Great to see you back on Lise! Hope you are feeling good!
Thank you Nicole- I’m hanging in there ??
DMA and Warm Up – Done
A1. Tall Jerks – 55/65/75/85
A2. Split Jerks – 75/80/85/90/95/105/105/105
B. 35/45/55/65/75 – I have never done these so I was unsure how heavy to go but by 75 I was feeling it 🙂
P/T later today – so I skipped Cindy this time
Awesome! Feel free to film next time and upload to our FB page so I can check out your technique!
Jump and lands complete
Tall Jerks 45/45/45/65
Split Jerks: based on last weeks PR…uh yeah, that changes things ?
65% 3 reps at 105#
75% 2 reps at 120#
80% 2 reps at 128#
85% 1 rep at 136#
90% 1 rep at 145#
95% 1 rep at 153# (fail, and I’m ok with that…my body is pretty beat up)
B. Good mornings- 6 reps
C. Great workout! 4 rounds + 250m row, 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 4 squats. Did with V-ups and unweighted step ups.
Rest up tonight!
A. And B. Went a little off plan and did power clean & jerks instead of the separate jerks and good mornings.
C. 4 rounds even
V-ups, 30lb KBs for walk then 30lb DBs for step-ups. Holy grip and trap killer.
Worked on Cleans from Monday since I can’t do jerks.
Tall Cleans 4x2reps @75, starting on toes
Cleans 125,135,145,150,155,160,145,125
B. 65,75,80lbs
C. Modified 4rds+20V-ups
Row splits: :57,:58,:59,:59
Ring rows instead of pull-ups
Scap slides instead of pushups
Farmers carry @16kg KB’s
Box step ups @35lb DB’s
This one got super grippy?
A. 95/115/115/115
A1. 155/175/187/200/210/215/225m225/ 95.7%
B. 85/10/105/105
C. 4 +127 m row
Mobility completed
A2)135#/150/160/170/180/185(3) Was not able to achieve the 95%+. In order to keep good form and hold in the receiving position I was only able to work up to 93%.
C)4+2 s Pull Ups. Used 50# DB’s on the farmer carries and 30# DB’s on the box step ups to a 20″ box.
A. Tall jerks 35/55/65/85
B. Kept these light with hamstring recovery
C. 4+33 cal, didn’t use weight on step ups,
Felt my body weight was sufficient ?