Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = 1 rep @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 4-5 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
When the running clock reaches 12:00…
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 87.5% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
In 15 minutes build to today’s heavy…
Enderton Front Squat Complex x 1 rep
(1st rep = 3 second pause at the bottom, 2nd rep = double bounce, 3rd rep = regular front squat. These 3 make up 1 rep of the complex)
For time:
Run 2-Miles
100 Push-Ups
50 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
25 Thrusters (175/115 lbs)
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65, 65, 65 kg
72, 72
77 (failed jerk), 77 (smooth)
B. Up to 95 kg
C. Skipped. Done some rows, hip-thrust, chin-ups, dips.
A1. 175 200
A2. 215
B. 135 155 185 205 225 235 245
C. 33:01
partitioned pu / pushup: 10x ( 5 reg. pullup + 10 hr pushup)
thrusters 155
Great workout thanks!
A1. 225/245
A2. 275
B. Up to 295
C. 2 mile run on woodway curve incredibly slow. Finished at 30:34 Rx
A.Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = 1 rep @ 70% 70kg
*Sets 4-5 = 1 rep @ 80% 80kg
A1.Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 87.5% 87,5kg
B. Done 105kg // Fail 110kg
C.Done 27:30” Rx
A. 135/145/155
Then 155/165f jerk scaled down 5# each
B. DND no bounce for torn hip labrum
C. Not positive on 2mi dist but finished in around 14min, push-ups in 5s, c2b 15/15 then 10s, thrusters in 5s. Didn’t get final time
A) 215/245 then 270
B) up to 285 no belt
Did a little bodybuilding after. Still coming back from Granite Games a little and this wod was aggressive but want to try another day.
Glad you’re being smart and taking the time to recover ??
A) up to 289
B) up to 289 this was a good one!
C) Metcon time
Great finish to the week!
Dropped in a local box and did House wod
Team of 3
30min amrap
40 C2b
50 Bar Facing Burpee
60 Thrusters increasing weight each round
Round 1: 75/55
Round 2: 95/65
Round 3: 115/85
Round 4: 135/95
Round 5 : 155/105
669 Reps. This was hella fun
B. Up to 200
C.25:32-*2700m row and thought it was Pull ups. Oops!
i. 150/155/165/170/175
ii. 185/195
Cleans felt so good today. But wasn’t a good jerk day.
B. Up to 185
C. 29:45 RX
2mile run done in 14:30
Thrusters done 4/6/6/5/4 first set of thrusters tried to go for 6 but lost it in the bottom of the 5th rep.
A. 205,215,225,235,245. 255,260-f.
B. 240.
C. 45:59. On Air Runner: 17:30. Sets of 10s on PUs and C2Bs. Pec tightened up on pushups so slowed my pace. TH: 5 singles then 4×5.
Plenty of mobility on your pec today and tomorrow.
B.up to 135kg failed the last frontsq
C.32:28 slow and steady run.
c2b sets of 5
Thrusters 3/3/4/5/5/5
I scaled and loaded the bar with 70kg cause i thougt 80kg would be to much. but while
I was outside running my wife came into the garage. read the workout on the whitebord and put on the extra 10kg so i had 80kg….. love my wife…
I love your wife too. I’m glad she’s making sure you don’t get weak 🙂
There is a thin line between smart or lazy
Just like there is a thin line between love and hate
A. 185×3, 205×2, 225 for singles
B. Up to 245 on Enderton complex
C. 42:09, scaled thrusters to 155lbs
A: 155×3, 175×2, 190×2 for singles
B: 15-190. The double bounce was killer!!!!
C: 34 mins. Did a 16min assault bike instead of run due to having only lifters and no running shoes
Gym is still off limits bc of power/flooding, so I did the workout from your story yesterday in my garage. Only have 25# DBs at home (1 random 30?) so I did it all with 25# DBs. EMOM#1 done Rx EMOM #2- done but switched to every 90 seconds for 13-15 Workout— Subbed running for rowing 1- ran to end of my rd ?m. I’ll have to figure that out / 6+1 2- end of rd/6+2 3- end of rd/ 6+6 That was tough and awesome. Then the core work from Friday. ✅ Thanks Tino!! Hope you have a great… Read more »
Yeah! Way to get after it!
Stay safe!
Thanks Tino!
All good! I think we’ve made it through!
A. 125×3 130×2
Singles at 135
B. Up to 140
C. 30:56 RX should have scaled the thrusters because they took over 8 minutes….
A: 77/88/97kg
B: 110kg
9min AMRAP: 50 WB, 40 DL @80kg, 30 HSPU, 20 BMU
-> 127 reps
C. 27:20
A: up to 135#
B: 140#
C: 32:53
We did 50 db snatches instead of the thrusters
A. 85,95kg 105kg for c+j
B. Hit 120kg on complex
C. Didn’t have time to do it in full, so halved the workout 17:32Rx