Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Grab a partner and do the partner t-spine stretch
and then …
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Twisted Cross Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Chest Pull
Bench Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment x 10 reps
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands
Four sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete:
Jerk x 1 @ 85% (focus on mechanics)
Build over the course of the 10 sets
Three sets of:
Jerk Recovery x 1 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets to a heavy.
Four sets of:
Posted Single Leg Deadlifts x 6-8 reps per leg @ 3011*
Rest 45 seconds
DB Reverse Flies x 8-10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
*Increase weight from last week
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 200 Meter Run
Minute 2 – Alternating Reverse Lunges x 20 reps
Minute 3 – Strict Pull-Ups x 5-7 reps
Minute 4 – 200 Meter Run
Minute 5 – Hollow Rocks x 15 reps
35-54: 55/35 lbs
55+: 35/25 lbs
Reduce the running volume if needed. Try to be smooth on your hollow rocks – you should not be banging your back into the ground. If you feel like you are getting rug burn on your back then you are banging it into the ground. Sub tuck-ups for the hollow rocks if you are unable to hold positioning throughout the workout.
Scale the pull-ups with a band if needed.
Optional Gymnastics Session
Three sets of:
Rope Pull-Up Taps x 5 taps per arm
Rest 45 seconds
Wall Climb x 3 ascents
Rest 45 seconds
and then …
Three sets of:
Towel Hang Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Hand Plank to Press Lean
x 3-5 reps
Rest 45 seconds
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Ring-Dips x 5-8 reps @ 3011
55+: Stationary-Dips x 5-8 reps @ 3011
Today I did yesterday’s jerks and accessory work and then did the workout with the class.
A1) 75/85/95/105
A2) 125×1/130 for 5/ 135 for 3 and last rep at 140
A3) no jerk recovery today
B) DL with 35lbs KB
C) 14 minute AMRAP
15 Cal Row
18 squats
15 GHDs
12 HR push-ups
4+ 11
A1. Up to 175
A2. 215 across
A3. Skipped for time
B. Skipped for time
C. Done w/5 pull-ups and rowing 250m instead of running (unable for base gym construction)
A. Jerk Balance – 95, 135, 155, 170; Jerk – 213 across
B. 1.75p each hand on DL; 5# DB flys
C. done (6 strict pull-ups)
A1. Jerk Balance 115#
A2. 175-215 Felt better as it got heavier. Weird. Legs a little sluggish from yesterday.
A3. Skip. No equipment.
B. Posted DLs with 62# KBs. These got real. DB Flys 20#
C. All runs 40-43 sec. Lunges with 44# KBs. 10 Strict pull-ups. Hollow rocks x15. Lunges worst part.
DMA – Done
A1. 40 Kg
A2. 50/602×70/2×75/2×80/2×85 kg
A3. Short of time – skipped
B. Short of time – skipped
1. : 200 m Run Under 45 sec
2. : 20 x Alternating Reverse Lunges Kb 24 Kg
3. : 7 Strict Pull Ups Unbroken
4. : 200 m Run Under 45 sec
5. : 15 x Hollowrocks unbronken (Not banging the back)
WOD Felt good.
Good job on your hollow rocks!
Thanks Nichole…. I feel that Im getting stronger, but I suck at gymnastics.
That is why we have them come up a lot in the program because you aren’t alone!
I´m loving the program!
Mobility done
A. Skipped
B. 40# KBs and 10/5# DB reverse fly
C. Ouch!!!! This was Hard!!!
Kept the 200m just barely under 1:00 at the end. Subbed Strict pullups with 15 Ring rows for 3 RD’s and then 10 the last 3 rounds. The 20 DB reverse lunges made the runs awful!
Great job Cheryl!
Thanks! Yeah I’m still not convinced the 200m measurement is right for Andy’s new gym. I’m taking a walking measuring wheel with me next time! 😉
Oh no! It might be compensating in movements and overworked. Okay – nothing with elbow flexion for the next week – lets take care of this immediately before it gets worse. You may have lots of running and legs only assault biking next week!
DMA: done
C. done, I shortened the run, (had to run up the stairs & out the door) & did 16 lunges (about 50s) instead of 20
A. jerk balance: 55#
jerk: 117#
instead of the recovery, I just did 3 more jerks, building in weight, got to 130#
B. DB rev. flies: done
my back was sore this morning so I subbed hamstring curls w/ball
How is your back feeling today?
It’s feeling better today! It just gets funky sometimes!
A. BB/55 light
B. Worked to 145
C. Done 5 S pull ups
A. ❌ resting shoulder
B. @12kg KB’s, subbed rev. flies w/shoulder PT
C.✅ did 10 ring rows instead of pull-ups
All 200m’s under 45s
Shoulder PT stuff
So fast on your 200 meters! What is your best mile?
This summer I ran an unofficial (not on a track) 6:09, and later in the summer a 6:21 on a track as part of a running session. ?
She’s part rabbit! 😉
DMA – Complete
A1. 125 / 125 / 135 / 135
A2. 215
A3. skipped
B. 35 DBs x 6(DL) & 30DBs x 10(RFlies)
1. :40-:45
2. :41-:42
3. :10 (x5)
4. :40-:45
5. :25-:30 (didnt realize how bad the abs were from the GHD Situps with MB on Monday. Broke the hollow rocks into sets of 5’s)
Hope they recover tomorrow!
A1 – 40,50,60
A2 – misread and ended up doing 95kg every minute for 15 minutes:)
A3 – skipped
B – done 4×8
C – done 5 rounds but changed strict pull-ups for strict chest to rings as the rig was busy.
Optional gymnastics did J.T with class 9:47 what a tough little workout
Got some extra practice on your jerks!
DMA – done A1. done A2. bar – 55 – 55 – 75 A3. 95 – 115 – 135 – 145 – 155 (failed one) – 160 A4. B. 16 kg, then 24 kg for the remaining sets (8 reps) C. Didn’t have quite enough time to complete before the next class, but they were doing an EMOM so I changed things up a bit and did theirs. 6 min EMOM of Hollow Rocks X 15 R’s (from ours) then 24 min EMOM of: 1. Assault Bike for calories 2. Rope climbs X 2R’s (getting more consistent completing in 2… Read more »
That is a fun one!
A1. Jerk Balance 115/135/140/140
A2. Jerks Up to 235
B. Done
C. Done
200m Run x6
Lunges all at 55#(2 suitcase style), reps at 20/14/14/16/14/16
Str PU at 7 reps
200m run X6
Rocks X 15
Those lunges were rough!
A. Jerks at 150. Only had time for the 1 every 90sec.
B. Skipped bc of back last week. Did a few sets of sumo deadlifts with barbell that was loaded for jerks. And did the reverse flies at 15.
C. Did this early and wasn’t sure about lunges. Used 35lb barbell. Made all rounds/reps but I doubt I would have with 2 35lb DBs. That would have been rough!
A. Up to 115kg
B. X2 32kg KB & 10ks db’s
C. Rained heavy, so did class wOd today
Activation done
A. Worked my split Jerks until 60kg
B. Single leg DL with 2×12 KB and light reverse flys
C. Changed run for 1min Bikerg
Added 5 Strict Ring Dips after 5 Strict PU
Reverse lunges with 35lb bar in the back
Oh yes, love the Bikeerg!
A). 65-85-95-105 jerk balance
Jerks: 2@ 115, 2@ 125, 2@ 130, 2@ 135, 2 @ 140
Jerk recovery will do later.
B). Didn’t get to do these last week, but they are good! 25# DBs for dL, 8 lbs for reverse fly
C) scaled run to about 150m
15 alt rev lunges @ 35#
5 strict pull-ups
150m Run
15 hollow rocks or tuck ups, did a mix
DMA – Done – the Bench Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment was a WOW type of movement; very engaging A1. 65/75/85 A2. 65/75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115 – the bar was “floating up” and I was feeling good getting under quick and solid each time – so 115 is a new PR for me 🙂 and it felt really good just as solid as the 65 A3. 105/110/115 Due to my hip flexor I had to change around C. and D. so I did 4 sets of DB Reverse Flies x 10 @ 10lb Strict Pull Ups x 6 Hollow Rocks x 15 with… Read more »
Congratulations on your new PR – WAHOO!!!!!
Mobility completed
A3)165#/175/185 Safety bars arrived so I am finally able to perform the jerk recovery.
B)PSLDL 35#KB’s(1)/44#KB’s(3)/DBRF 12#(4)
C)Completed with x7sPU. Thank goodness for the runs as I used them as my recovery period and was able to complete them in :40 to :45.
And who uses runs as a recovery?! You crazy 🙂
A. 115/125/135/135
A1.185/195/195/200 for the rest shoulders not happy
A2. Skipped
B. 24 kg kB and 25# db’s
C. Did 150m faster about :35
Lunges sucked today hard
6 pull-ups
15 Hollows
Nice job Tom – sorry the shoulder isn’t happy. Lets see how it feels after tomorrow and then, if needed, omit any shoulder work on Friday.
Will do
man lunges sucked