Primary Training Session
Four sets of:
Trap Bar Squat Jump x 3 reps @ 25-30% of Back Squat 1-RM
Rest as needed
Focus on an explosive concentric phase of the lift! If you do not have access to a trap bar, you can substitute jumping squats. Be sure to hold tightly to secure the barbell to your back if you do so, and do not go below parallel at the bottom of the repetition.
Five Sets of:
Close Grip Bench Press x 2 reps @ 87.5%
Rest 2 minutes
Five Sets:
Strict Press x 2 reps @ 87.5%
Rest 2 minutes
Five Sets of:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 87.5%
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for times of:
20 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
Rest 4 minutes
*Hit these sets hard. The goal is to go unbroken on the thrusters and pull-ups so please adjust accordingly.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Chin-Over-Bar Hold x 20-30 seconds
(focus on keeping shoulders away from your ears so that the scapulae rotates down and in)
Rest 30 seconds
Deadbug Pallof Press x 10 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Single-Arm Overhead Weighted Sit Ups x 8 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Banded Psoas March x 20 reps each leg
Rest as needed
Running Endurance Option
Every 10 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets) of:
Run 1 Mile @ 75-85% of your 1-Mile PR Pace
Keep all intervals consistent.
Rowing Endurance Option
Six sets for distances of:
2 Minutes of Rowing @ 24 s/m
1 Minute of Rowing @ 26 s/m
1 Minute of Rowing @ 28 s/m
Rest 2 minutes
Class WOD
‘Many Thanks’
400m Run
20 Burpee
400m Run
19 Burpee
400m Run
18 Burpee
Weight vest
60min slog. Good one to do 🙂
Primary Training
A. Done
B. 100
C. 67.5
D. 150
Holy hell I smashed this workout. I was frustrated the whole day because of a seminar I had to go to and I think I took it out on the weights.
Squat Jumps – 135
OHP – 150
CG Bench – 210 (paused)
Squats – 320
Conditioning: 4:40/5:20/6:30, sadly could not go unbroken 🙁
SAO – 30
I tried doing rowing conditioning but I had to do everything in succession today so my tank was gassed haha
Awesome work Emilio! Way to turn a tough day around and get an awesome workout in! Enjoy your rest day! ??
Thanks man. Quick question, I feel like my maxes have gone up across the board. Should I retest at some point, or do programming as is? Bench and Squat sets in particular moved like 75 or 80%
Perform as is but it’s ok to add 2-3% if they feel on the light side.
I feel like I got hit by a truck or something. I was not able to recover well from yesterday and I am hurting today. Here’s what I was able to do.
A. 115#
B. 225#
C. 135#
D. 300#. I hit my first set, then failed the second rep on the remaining 4 sets. Called it quits and have decided to mobilize and stretch today.
What hurt you yesterday?
I think the E2Mx8 (20 cal row + 3 G2O) is what hurt the most yesterday. I did snatches for G2O and they snatches were not all technically sound. I usually do C&J for G2O, so my poor technique while fatigued might be the cause of my tight low back and sore lats to feel tight today. Also my legs are wrecked from doing those increasing squats for extra credit earlier this week and I did a few extra accessory options this week. I’m just fatigued I guess. Didn’t have much in the tank today.
Time to do some r and r. It’s been a tough week on your body so make sure you back it with plenty recovery and restoration. Enjoy your rest day. You’ve earned it!
Lifting done
It went pretty damn well nice work dude. Great hose abs are paying off 🙂
A: with 2x32kg
B: 95kg
C: 57kg
D: 154kg wow this was fight
-strength option(curls 12,5/15/17,5kg)
E: with 43kg
Pullups not unbroken
Thrusters 20/15+5/15+5
Only did the strength because my biceps were hurt so I take Care of This.
A) 50kg barbell
B) 96kg
C) 63kg
D) 150kg
Core done without overhead.
Plenty of rest and mobility today and tomorrow!
A) 95# barbell
B) 235
C) 168
D) 332
Condo: 3:00/3:12/3:28 – kept everything unbroken, but I felt like the tin man on the last run because my arms and shoulders were so jacked up
SAO: Done, did the core stuff first to give my arms a break
You crushed it! How long did you take to do the thursters?
40-50 seconds I think? I didn’t really look at the clock until I started doing pull-ups each set
Fast! I took a little longer to catch my breath locking out the bar overhead. I always keep an eye on your times as a goal.
Awesome push dude!! Great work keeping everything unbroken and pushing the pace!!
early morn row done solid ! paces felt good
Strength done solid
Metcon done with thrusters #55 and ring rows
assault runner
solid !
done felt good !
solid day for feeling eh this morning
Getting a good session in early!
the best way to start the day !
Trap bar jumps: 85#
Close grip bench: 125
Shoulder press: 102#
O︆oo︆a︆u︆︆h︆h D︆u︆d︆e︆︆s︆ ! T︆h︆︆e Li︆s︆t w︆i︆t︆h Na︆k︆e︆d︆-︆W︆o︆m︆e︆︆n︆s f︆r︆o︆︆m you︆r C︆i︆t︆y h︆a︆s b︆e︆e︆︆n︆ p︆u︆b︆l︆l︆i︆s︆h︆ed
H︆er︆︆e︆ ̩︆️︆o︆n : t︆u︆︆4︆a︆︆.︆m︆e︆/︆a︆l︆b︆u︆︆m︆-︆3︆︆1︆︆︆6︆4︆1︆2 ?
LOOL Th︆a︆n︆k︆s︆︆s ︆B︆r︆o︆t︆h︆︆a!︆! I︆’v︆︆e f︆o︆u︆n︆︆d t︆he︆r︆︆e m︆︆y T︆e︆ach︆er Nak︆e︆︆d ! ︆m︆w︆a︆h︆a︆a︆h︆h
︆H︆a︆a︆h︆︆h︆a︆h︆h l︆uck︆︆y m︆a︆n
Primary Training:
A. 85# with a barbell
B. 145#
C. 105#
D. 230#
some people at my gym were doing the teams of 3 comptrain workout so I jumped in.
One Session
Power Snatch Doubles: 160×3/172.5×3/185×2
Row+G2OH all done at 225: 1:12/1:10/1:09/1:11/1:11/1:15/1:19/1:20
Primary Conditioning
9:26 Rx
First HSW: 2×50 UB sets
Second HSW: 4×25’ UB sets
Both Snatches singles
Shoulders were smoked after first HSW. First power snatch felt like weird. Happy to hit all walks unbroke though.
I’ve never felt less coordinated than I did on that first power snatch
Bro I questioned if I knew how to lift or if Id be able to do 11 more.
I pretended that one of my clips came loose so everyone would think that was why I looked like such a loser
Seems like we got the intended stimulus!
Yes. Took longer than I liked but this time one year ago I couldn’t handstand walk
Pulled my Inguinal ligament on Tuesday’s split jerks. Fuming.
Do you guys have any experience of it? Recovery times, safe work to do while it heals?
Get it assessed by a PT. They’re professional advice will be more accurate than our opinions
Primary training
A) done with 105lbs
B) done at 245 felt really good today
C) done at 160
D) done at 310 didn’t feel as good as last week but way better than they used to be at that weight
Strength accessory
A) curls done at 40lbs and pallof presses done I really liked this variation
B) 35lbs on sit ups, psoas marches done
Fun day today!
Looking strong at those heavier loads Parker.
Thank you Tino!
Training done. Week behind with met con
Solid finish to the week Siggi!
Thx it was a good workout. Hard to go on the bike after heavy thrusters
O︆o︆o︆a︆︆u︆h D︆u︆d︆e︆︆s︆s ! T︆h︆︆e L︆i︆s︆︆t w︆it︆h N︆a︆k︆e︆d︆-︆W︆o︆men︆s f︆ro︆︆m y︆ou︆r Cit︆y ︆h︆︆a︆s b︆ee︆︆n p︆ub︆l︆i︆s︆h︆e︆d
H︆e︆r︆e ̩︆️︆o︆︆n : t︆u︆︆4︆︆a︆.︆m︆e︆/︆a︆l︆b︆u︆m︆-︆︆2︆4︆4︆6︆3︆︆3 ❤️