Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Accumulate 60 seconds in the bottom of the squat using a band for assistance
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Clam Shell Holds x 20 seconds per side
30 Seconds Hip Opener per side
and then …
Three sets of:
Row 250 meters
Sky Divers x 10 reps
Alternating Lateral Lunge x 10 reps total
Alternating Reverse Lunge x 10 reps total
Mountain Climbers x 30 reps
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 70-75%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Shoulder Press x 10 reps
Aim for three heavy working sets.
Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups*
*If you are unable to do chest-to-bar pull-ups at that volume then lower the reps to 15-12-9 or do 21-15-9 of chin-over-the-bar pull-ups
Overhead Squats (85/55 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups*
*If you are unable to do chest-to-bar pull-ups at that volume then lower the reps to 12-9-6 or do 15-12-9 of chin-over-the-bar pull-ups
Overhead Squats (65/45 lbs)
Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
This is fast and furious. These overhead squats are light, which means you can do them unbroken! The key is to manage your breathing during your overhead squats so that you can jump right to the pull-up bar. If you are working on your butterfly pull-ups then don’t worry about getting the chin to clear the bar for each rep, just focus on the movement of butterfly pull-ups.
Three-Four sets of:
GHD Hip Extension x 10-12 reps @ 2112
Rest 60 seconds
Barbell Bent-Over Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions and only if your schedule allows for two sessions and/or your body can recover)
All Age Divisions
Four sets for times of:
Prowler Push x 40′
Toes-to-Bar x 15 reps
Prowler Push x 40′
Rest 3 minutes
The weight of the prowler should be medium to heavy. You should be able to do the prowler push without stopping but it should not be a sprint.
A. 210
C. 4:27
D. Done
DMA DONE (8/24)
A: #175 (I accidentally did 4 sets :-0) They felt great! and much better than last time I did BS.
B: #75, #85, #85, #95
C: 6:05 did my OHS 21-15-9 (all UB) and my C2B 15-12-9 in sets of 3 or 5
D: Done
With Hurricane Lane, my daughter hasn’t had school or practice since Tuesday so today we went to the track and did their Wednesday XC workout together!
12 x 400m at 6 secs plus timed mile split
Rest equal time
A. 5 @230, 5 @ 240, 5 @ 245
B. 45, 65, 85, 8 @95 right shoulder is a persistent issue
C. Rx 5:45 this combo of ohs and c2b hurt way more than I expected it to. unbroken on squats. intended to do 7s then 5s then 3s or bigger on last set actually did 7,5,4,5 then 3,3,3,3,3 then 9 singles.
A. 5@235, 5@245, 5@255
C. 21-15-9 C2Bs & OHS w/PVC 5:41
Last set of OHS even with the PVC hurts in the snatch position. Don’t feel any pain doing C2Bs but I now know it really flairs up that pinch in my right shoulder. C2Bs 11/5/5, 5/5/5, 4/2/1/1/1
May need to layoff shoulder stuff for awhile to see if it will get better.
Yes – if it continues to be bothersome then definitely lay off it!
A. 265
B. 110
C. Modified to:
21-15-9 of
Front squats (115#)
GHD sit-ups
C2B pull-ups
D. Done. 145# rows
Oh I like that Mike!
DMA done
A). All @ 205
B). 95/105/110/115
C). 5:42. Rx OHS: 10/8/3, 8/7, UB
C2B: 7/7/7, 5/5/5, 5/4
D) Hip Ext: done. BB Rows @ 135#
Optional: Prowler + 320#
1. 1:41. Toes to Bar 11(3 rep UB PR)/4
1:38. TTB: 10/5
1:42. TTB: 8/5/2
1:31. TTB: 9/6
GREAT job Steve!
DMA – done
A. 185 – 190 -195
B. 75 for 3 sets, 80
C. 4:48
Pull-ups (12-6-3)/11-4)/(5-4) – Felt slow on butterfly pull-ups today.
D. GHD BE – done using 15 lb. plate
BB Rows – 65 lb.
Today I had: A. Class wod- Try to do it with the 12:30 when they get to it. 3 rounds for time: 50 air squats 10 pc @ 115 7 hspu B. 5 sets: 3 min rest 5 back squats max unbroken pull ups- Strict then kip, same set. *Same weight across on BS, try to go heavier than last monday. C. 4 sets: Not for time. For quality. 500m row 2 rope climbs 15 burpees over rower 2 rope climb So Stoked!!!!! A. Time: 18:10ish. Around there. That’s what’s on the board anyhow. RXd all my hspus!!!! ALL OF… Read more »
RMU practice from Wednesday done as part of warm up
A. 295/300/305
B. 115/135/137/137×7
C. Scaled to pu/ 8:35/ UB for ohs
D. Done
A. 140/145/150
B. 55/60/65/70. Man do those burn!
C. 6:40. Used 55# for OHS, all were unbroken. Forced myself to do butterfly chin over bars. First set of 10 unbroken and felt great, all down hill from there! I get to the point where I can’t do more than two at a time. Oh well, glad to be working on them!
D. Out of time…off to soccer practice for the boy child 🙂
Good work Lindsay!
A. Stayed at 140. First day of back squats in a while. Felt super heavy.
B. 75/80/80/80
C. 5:00
UB on all OHS. C2B were good on first round then fell apart. Killing, no butterfly C2B
15/6, then something like 7/3/3/2 or 8/4/3, then 5/4. Grip really fails on those.
D. Done.
Did a variation:
4 sets
Harnessed sled drag
15 T2B
Harnessed sled drag
DMA) done
A) 295 each set
B)130,125,125,125( started out a little to heavy, completed the first set and decided I better drop just to be safe)
C)3:58 arc
All oh squats were unbroken
C2b: 21unbroken,10/5, 9 unbroken but slow
* my grip went to shit in the last 4 or 5 reps of the set of 15, which made the last 9 very slow
D) done
Body weight and 235 for the rows
Optional: had to o do right after normal programming
Sled was 180# plus whatever the prowler weighs and t2b unbroken
DMA Done
A. 90kg
B. Worked up to 45kg
C. 5:00
D. Rows @ 60-62-65kg
Awesome job Ben!
Joey D.
A. 285 across
B. 115 / 125 / 125 / 115
C. 4:09 RX. I didn’t have it in me to sprint today, just kept a smooth, steady pace.
A. 165,175,185
B. Used DB @20 only did 2.5 sets
C. Modified 6:03
21-15-9 DB squats @35
12-9-6 strict pull-ups
D. ✅ empty BB on rows
Optional 14:00 including rest
Sled @175
Did V-ups instead of T2B
DMA- Complete
A.) 3 Sets @ 300
B.) 4 Sets @ 115
C.) 5:28 – OHS UB but slower than I would’ve liked. C2Bs- 21(7s), 15(5,4,3,2,1), 9(4,3,2)
D.) 3 Sets- No GHD at the time of the workout so did decline situps with 20lb WB.
BBOR @ 105. Will go to gym later and get those GHDs Hip Extensions in.
I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth… But I haven’t exactly been following the program either. Was super nauseous on Monday, so decided to take the day off. Then I had back-to-school night on Tuesday. Did A and B of our program on Wednesday, but class was so crowded that the logistics of setting up that 30 min EMOM would have been a nightmare, so I jumped in with class, which was actually a super challenging WOD for me: 3 RFT of 20 HPCs, 20 front squats, 20 push presses (95/65#). Took me 16:02Rx, which was way slower… Read more »
Hi. 🙂 Good to “see” you!!!
Yay – so happy to hear from you!
A. Done.
B. Done
C. Done but modified. No access to pull-up bar for like 3 months.
Air bike calories.
No timer. Just making myself push hard with no clock
Warm up ✅
A). 3 sets @ 145, no lifters, knee sleeves, or belt. Going to try and lift more without all that since I have to drop the weight slightly for baby anyway!
B). 65-70-72…has to break out the tiny plates ?
C). 5:24. Rx. Wasn’t feeling the best today but still pushed as fast as I could. Ohs ub…C2b kinda died which is unusual for me but guess being pregnant changes things ?. Plus side, found out we’re having a girl today ??
D). Done 3 sets of 10 reps each. 75# for rows.
Congrats and nice job on the wod.
Thank you!
Yayyyyyy a little girl!!