Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Prone PVC Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
Muscle-Up Density Test
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set.
Ring-Dip Density Test
For max reps:
90 seconds of Ring-Dips
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Ring-Dips
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Ring-Dips
Note reps achieved for each set.
If you do not have a muscle-up/ring-dip then please skip this portion. No need to substitute anything else in!
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
Box Squat x 1 reps @ 90-95%
“Drag Race”
For time:
30 Deadlifts (275/205 lbs)
40 Toes to Bar
50 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
For time:
20 Deadlifts (225/185 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
40 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
For time:
20 Deadlifts (185/155 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
40 Box Jump-Overs/Step-Overs (24”/20”)
Compare to June 8, 2018
Two-Three sets of:
Powell Raises x 8 reps per side @ 3111
Rest 45 seconds
Single-Arm DB Rows x 6-8 reps per side @ 2122
Rest 45 seconds
A) Worked on doubles, still working on linking togeter, did 5 sets
B) 295×2/300×2/305#x2
Skipped the rest
Pretty slow going here. Been busy. Tired etc. But I wanted to try the RMU density so did this today. A. RMU: 7 (4/2/1 and 1 fail) / 4 ( 3/1 and 1 fail), 2 (2 and then 1 fail). 13 total. B. 225 based off a 240 max. Might be too light. C. Took forever. I don’t have a big deadlift (375 max) and tire easily. 6 minutes just to do the DL but decided to do them at Rx. Another 6 for T2B? Did 8 / 8 / 8/ 4 / 4/ 3 and 1/ 2 and 1… Read more »
A. Ring dips from high rings – 35/23/15
B. 185# across
C. 5:03 – down from 6:10 in June, DL and box jumps unbroken
D. Done
Awesome improvement!
B. 225,225,,255,275,305
C. 3:50 (55+)
A. 14,9,6
D. Done
AB 10/30/30 warmup
C. Drag Race 3:38
T2B 8/8/8/4/1/1
Box step overs UB step up turn on the box step down.
This is the first time doing this one I think ?
A. 3-2-1 strict. Struggle is real w gymnastics
B. 385
C. 10:44/ 15/5/5/5–12/10/8/5/3/2-5 sets of 10
2 mins dl, 6:30 t2b, bjo was brutal in humidity
DMA – done
A. 14 – 9 – 6
B. 3 sets @ 230 lb., 3 sets @ 240 lb.
C. June 8th – 4:19, Today – 3:42 (:27s improvement) PR
UB on the Deadlifts (UB last time)
T2B – 10 – 10 – 5 – 5 (15 – 5 – 5 – 5 last time)
Step-overs – I felt like I was moving faster on these. Turning as I was getting off the box versus waiting until I was over the box.
D. Powell Raises – 7.5 lb.
S.A. Db Rows – 45 lb.
Massive improvement Barry – you’ve been killing it this week!
Short on time so no box squats
A. Ring Dips
20 /10 /5
B. Didnt do
C. Drag Race 55+
D. Done
A. 6-6-4
B. Started @ 82% 140 kg and failed 2 times…..them I gave up before getting any injury.
C. Body is not responding well. Skipped.
Oh no Marcos – what is going on?
Nichole Thanks for your concern. I think that the reason is because on Thursday I hit the gym for Chest and biceps workout (helps me to avoid pain and cracking on my shoulders, they are much better with this routine). At night I did Karate Class after 3 weeks avoiding the classes due to a 3 weeks flu and also a groin injury that I got after a wod with Front Rack Walking Lunges with 134# a few weeks ago. I think that: – I am getting old kkkkkkkkk. – I did not have enough recovery time; – I felt… Read more »
Thanks for the update! Just monitoring your body, how it feels daily and adjusting the program if needed will be important. Love seeing your improvements and we took 2nd!
A. Skipped (can’t do mu’s) i worked after class on mu’s- spent about 45 minutes on different drills B. 175# (90%) stayed there because I’m still having trouble sitting way back & keeping my shins vertical C. I didn’t do this last time, I had to miss class that day. Today I messed the whole thing up, lol. Apparently, I was having trouble focusing, or reading, or counting!! Some days I just figure, at least I got a workout, right? What I actually did was: 30 dl’s @185# 30 T2B 50 box jump overs That took: 14:31 D. Done: Powell… Read more »
A. Had to do bar muscle ups . No rings at my gym.
3- 6
B. 315#
C. 5:57
D. Completed
Love the programming. Have a LONG way to go. I’m sooo bad haha
Happy to hear that Jason!!
A. 13/9/5=27 pretty sure my previous best was 25
B. Regular back squat singles at 275 (81%)
C. (35-49) 6:30 vs. 7:17 on 6/8
D. Done
Major improvement – great work!
Thanks Nichole!
A. Will do tomorrow (no rings)
B. 144/144/147,5/147,5/150/152
C. 9:16 (TTBs were terrible)
D1. 10×4/4/4 kg and
D2. 8×22,5/22,5/22,5 kg.
A. 0….11 days in Europe took its toll…
B. 190
C. 5:20 actually took 21 sec off… go figure
D. Done
Awesome job on Captain America – Europe did you well 😉
A. 26 total (13/8/5)
B. 285 across
C. 6:30 (1:52 faster) – 10/10/10 DL, 20/10/10 T2B, UB BJOs
D. No time today
Wow, great improvement!
DMA done
A. Skipped L shoulder
B. 145 & 152# done
C. Skipped and I did 150 single unders with heavy rope, 75′ DB front rack walking lunges @20#, 50 DB thrusters @ 20# with R arm, 75″ walking lunges again and 150 single unders with heavy rope
D. Powell raise with R arm at 8# and low rows at 35#
Also did some banded work for hips and hamstrings
Flying up to Madison today so I did a little workout at home.
Bummed to miss Drag Race though!
Hope to be able to say hi!
A-done on BMU (9, 6, 5), shoulder feels great
C-7:25 (shaved 9”)
Great work!
Warm-up and mobility – done.
A. Don’t have ring muscle-ups.
B. 6 x 1 at 225. I spent 20 minutes warming up to 90% back squat before I checked and realized it was box squats 😉
C. 4:42. Compare to 4:44 on June 8. Faster is faster – right!?! Deadlifts 10-10, about 52 secs. T2B 10-7-5-4-4. Better on the T2B, but still spent the most time here.
D. done.
Yes, faster is faster!!!