Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Banded Tricep Stretch
x 45 seconds per side
Prone PVC Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
and then …
One set of:
Max Static Chin-over-the-Bar Hold
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (three sets):
Depth Drops
x 4 reps
*Increase box height from previous week
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps @ 65-70% of 1-rm snatch
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
Mid-Thigh Snatch + Mid-Patella Snatch
(Please use blocks)
*Sets 1-2 @ 70%
*Sets 3-4 @ 75%
*Sets 5-6 @ 80%
*Sets 7-8 @ 85%
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets)
Assault Bike x 30/20 calories
*We test your 10-minute Capacity Test next week!
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Heavy Sandbag Squat x 5 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
Lateral Sled Pull x 25′ each direction
Rest as needed
followed by…
One set of:
Sandbag Carry x 300 feet
(as heavy as possible, 1-2 drops allowed)
A) 30″
B) 135/140/145/150#
C) 145/150/15/160/165×2/170/175#
D) 1:52/1:59/2:05/2:11/2:14/2:18
DMA – done
A – done – off about 30″
B – 2×65# / 2×70#
C – done at below percentage to work on technique (all sets at 65# = 65%)
D – 0:54 / 0:53 / 0:55 / 0:57 / 1:15 / 1:05 – wheels came off in the fifth set – my legs were so lactic acid laden, I had nothing left, so it was a bit of a “recovery round,” then gave it all I had on the last set, then needed a quad transplant… 🙂
E – worked a little on my handstand walking
You are SO FAST on that bike. Super impressive!!!
Thank you, Beth! For some reason, it’s one thing that comes “easy” to me – or at least I can make myself go into a pain cave on that thing that for some reason, I can’t duplicate on the rower. The pain reminds me a lot of running track, which is what I did when I was younger.
DMA: done
A. done: 28 1/2″ box
B. snatch balance: 70#
C. 70#, 75#, 80#, missed 85# several times so I lowered the weights & practiced a little more
D. 1:40, 1:33, 1:33, 1:45, 1:54 1:45
A. 46″. Starting to get pretty high.
B. 125#
C. 115, 125, 135, 145. Power snatch. Technique was actually better from the mid-thigh than it was from mid-patella.
D. 1:40, 1:37, 1:38, 1:41, 1:48, 1:39.
A. Done
B. Done
C. Done
D. Was hoping to get it done this afternoon but didn’t.
Took my time on snatches. No misses. Caught a few powers but really focused on my barpath and keeping it close.
Cals on ass bike
Left arm Bicep curls 20# DB
GHD situps
Air squats
A. Skipped due to knee.
B. At 155
C. 155/165/175/175/185/195/205
D. Tried different RPMs and how I felt
1. 1:40. 70 RPM
2. 1:50. 67
3. 2:00. 65
4. 1:30. 72
5. 2:08. 63
6. 1:08. Whatever RPM. got tired
A. Skipped
B. 105-115
C. 115-125, no blocks
D. 1:35/1:41/1:42/1:47/1:47/1:45
Did yesterday’s since I took yesterday off.
A. Tempo Front Squats- super hard. Couldn’t keep up with 4 reps at those %. Had to go to 3 reps and stayed at 70-75%
B. Cleans done at %
C. 9min AMRAP- 3 + 56
D. 95lbs. Triceps burned!
Took off Sunday and Monday to take my 3 grandchildren to Holiday World amusement park. DMA done A. Done with 28 1/2″ box B & C. skipped – resting Left shoulder. Getting MRI next Monday D. 1:35, 1:38, 1;41, 1:58, 2:01 & 2:53 This was really hard for me today. I felt dizzy and legs were wobbly. I hope it’s just lack of sleep and a little tired from the trip! Later in the day I did DMA and Front squats from yesterday’s workout. 103, 110 & 118#. Tough, but they felt good. Skipped B. from yesterday’s wod and did… Read more »
Max hold 1:05
A. 46 inches
B. 155/155/155/155 above percentages but felt good
C. 145/145/155/155/165/165/175/175m/175
D. 1:04/1:06/1:11/1:27/1:37/1:30 wow!!! Came out way too hot. First set felt good and then all downhill from there. After set 3 it was either throw in the towel or take it down a notch. That really hurt! 33 degrees in my garage today which doesn’t help!
Back from 2 week holiday–was hard to get back into the routine!
C. No blocks available–78/83–failed mid patella a lot, went back to 78 to work on it, then back to 83 for last set–only got to 75% today. Have not done for two weeks so was rusty. Figured out I was pulling straight up instead of in to hips.
D. Times ranged from 1:29-1:44. Slowest was actually the first one.
Class wod: 15 C/J did at 85# rest 2 min 1:15
15 snatch at 65# rest 2 min :50– a bit low on the weight
50 wallballs 2:20ish
Great discovery on C with realizing you need to pull back more and not just straight up.
Today I had: A. 20 min emom::30 DB hang CJ:30 DBL KB FR hold:30 du:30 row cals B. 5 sets: 2 min rest5 bench press (build up)10 DB row C. 3 rounds:500m ski25 ghd15 bbjo Another great day! So much fun. 🙂 A. done. used 35# db for c&j, 35# kbs for front rack hold. Seemed 8 c&j wasthe number I could do in :30, as long asI switched hands in the air. FR hold wasno problem. Aimed for 50 DUs eachtime, and got 50 unb 3 times. the other2 rounds I tripped around 45. LOL.Row cals was the fun… Read more »
DMA Done (:49 hold)
A. @ 24in
B. 50kg
C. Built to 57.5kg (no blocks)
D. 3 sets on rower (work PT this morn)
Ok maybe I missed it but what is the reason for death drops?
To help build explosiveness and strength. There are a lot of great articles out there regarding the advantages of this movement and other plyomytrics with strength development. It’s about Centeral Nervous System stimulation.
Thank you very much
A) 36” box
B) 85lbs
C) 85/85/90/95/100/100/105/110 missed second hang
D) I’m dead! First interval I was thinking “ride for 4 minutes” and then my brain turned back on and i finally kicked it into gear. ?
A. Skipped
B. 46 Kg
C. 49/52/56/59
D. Skipped
Bench Press 3 x 10 @ 80 Kg
A. 40″
B. 105, 115
C. hit all my %, built to 125#
D. only had time for 3 – 1:42, 1:47, 1:58
DMA – Complete
D.) 1:36/1:42/1:41/1:48/1:51/1:53…and I thought I was getting better at that d**** bike. LOL
Will do rest later today
A. 36”
B. 115×2, 125×2
C. 125×2/130×2/140×2/150×2 – rough time getting warmed up after pause squats, wall balls and lunges lately…
D. 1:01/1:10/1:17/1:21/1:31/1:30 – have determined that I’ve got 30 second quads for sprints, ouch.