Every athlete needs to assess how they are feeling today. Assess how your body has responded to Monday-Wednesdays sessions and either do the following:
1 – Take a full rest day. If this is the option you choose, then you are not allowed to feel guilty for not going into the gym. Resting is crucial to advancement in your training so if you choose to rest then have no regrets!
2 – Mobilize. Use your regular training time to mobilize. Find your problem areas and spend some time focusing on those areas.
3 – Active Recovery. This could be swimming (you can find our free swim workouts on our Competition blog every Thursday), doing a trail run, a low intensity row session or a run. I have provided a running option for those of you who’d like to start running again.
Warm Up
Two sets of:
Run x 60 seconds
30 seconds walk
Followed by…
Shin Splints warm up
A/B/C Skips
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Jumping, with toes up and with forward movement
Pulling in Place
Followed by…
Sprint x 30 seconds
Rest x 60 seconds
Sprint x 30 seconds
Jog x 60 seconds
Sprint x 30 seconds
Rest x 60 seconds
Sprint x 30 seconds
Main Set
One set of:
600 Meter Run
Rest 60 seconds
1000 Meter Run
Rest 60 seconds
400 Meter Run
Rest 60 seconds
600 Meter Run
Cool Down
400 Meter Jog
10 Minutes of static stretching (Focus on SMR your feet, Achilles, Hips, Shoulders)
1. 3:13
2. 4:54
3. 1:48
4. 2:58
Swimming Invictus yesterday!
Since i run on a gravel road…i went with minutes of running vs distance. Just easier 😉
3min run
1 min walk
7 min run
1 min walk
2 min run
1 min walk
3 min run
2 min walk.
Finished off the road and a nice hill…2.5 miles total distance.
Running session done : 3000 m run on the assault runner- PR : 18 :25 !! Last test : 24 something ????
Nice job Tine!!
Thanks ??
Decided to WOD with my 6am athletes..been a while:
8 Power Snatches #95
7 Double jump burpees over bar
rest 3 min
5 OH Squats #115
400m run
Rest 2 min
Deadlift #225
Box Jump “24
Times 21:05
Was fun to get one in with them. As a coach def needed sometimes to see “where my peeps are” and give them a little catch the old man PUSH!
Delayed entry from yesterday: Ripped my hands on Wednesday just playing on the monkey bars after working out (stupid!), so couldn’t do the MU density test yesterday. I only have strict MUs at this point and imagine I could have maybe gotten 2-3 in the 90 secs. Then fatigue would have set in and not sure whether I could have gotten any more after that. I will maybe test this weekend when my hands feel better. Ended up only doing the DL portion from our program. Worked up to 1RM of 225#. Felt I did that with good form and… Read more »
Awesome job on your deadlift!!
Hiking up Blomberg Mountain with my 2 y/o daughter in the back-pack:
4,5km distance / 500m height / 1:10h
Great stuff!
Got three things:
1. Working in some stamina/endurance, which are my weakness.
2. Spending time with my little one and
3. Great scenery/view.
20 minutes on the Assault Bike at 60-65% MHR (115 cals)
15 minutes on the rower at 65% MHR (3047m)
EMOM x 5: 15 sec static hold on rings
20+ minutes of mobilizing before and after.