Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Partner T-Spine Stretch
x 30 seconds each partner
Band Tricep Stretch
x 30 seconds each arm
and then …
and then …
Two sets of:
Ring Swings x 5 reps
Scap Pull-Ups x 3 reps
Strict Pull-Up x 1 rep
Muscle-Up Density
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set. This goes for all age divisions. If you don’t have a muscle-up, then make a note of that. We are looking to see, as a group, how muscle-up density looks for everyone.
Deadlift x 1 rep (with PERFECT posture and mechanics)
* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
* Set 2 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
* Set 3 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
* Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 3-RM x 1 rep
* Set 5 – Test 1-RM
* Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight for 1-RM
THIS TEST MEANS NOTHING IF YOU ROUND YOUR BACK – I need to know what you can do with proper mechanics, not that you’re willing to damage yourself.
Three sets of:
Back Rack Box Step-Ups x 6-8 steps per leg
Rest 45 seconds between legs; 2 minutes between sets.
Eight sets of:
Assault Bike x 2 minutes @ 10 minute RPM Pace
Rest 30 seconds
Still well behind as traveling and wanting to test 1rpm. RMU density…had trouble sticking up my gear and was too close to the ceiling…so just tried a few…I will try this when I get back home. Deadlift was 352… quite a lot below my PR of 375. I was having trouble with grip and alll things working out in the “cold” (I live in the tropics and my gym is 32 degrees C at least…) as I am visiting NZ. 95 on the step ups. This wasn’t super hard and will increase the weight. BIKE! I wanted to stop so… Read more »
A. 3/2/1 all singles.
B. 265
C. Missed/forgot.
D. 212
A) 15/8/6
B) 185/275/315/335/365
Been stuck here, 365, for over a year. 395 pr was almost 2 years ago (probably a combination of bad form and a good day).
C) used 20″ box for step ups.
Competed this programming the next day(6/7) due to scheduling.
DMA – Complete
A.)13 total (6/4/3) – a few fails. (Ring MU Density)
B.) 250# / 375# / 425# / 405# / 500# / 505#(failed) (DLs)
C.) 140# / 155# / 155# (Back Rack Box Setup x 8/leg)
D.) 223cals total: 27 / 28 / 29 / 27 / 28 / 28 / 28 / 28- (AB for 2min/30sec rest)
Felt this was pretty consistent overall.
A. 6/3/2/1/1 (13) + 3/2/1/1 (7) + 3/1/1 (5) = 25
B. 385, 405 wouldn’t budge; lifetime = 415 in 2016 – pretty depressing and definitely a weakness to work on
C. 135x6x3
D. 286 cal at 67-70 rpm
DMA Done
a. 8,7,3 – couple fails
B. only got 295#, just wasn’t feeling it – PR is 325# from 2 years ago.
C. used 95#
D. done – roughly 60-65 rpm with 190 cals.
Decided to WOD with the class. Been a while:
8 power snatch 95
7 double jump burpee over bar
rest 3 min
5 OH Squats 115
400m run
Rest 2 min
Deadlift #225
box jump ’24
time 21:05 FUN! back was a bit smoked from puling yesterday but fun to workout with my athletes sometimes…keeps us coaches in the loop and motivates them to MOVE FASTER!
My back locked up yesterday from something, couldn’t even pull 185# off the ground, did what I could
A) 3 singles, 2 singles, 1 single, its possible I could’ve got one more each round, I took videos that I can email you Nichole
B) No chance, frustrated bc I wanted to retest this, hopefully I can get to it this weekend
C) Tried 95# for all three sets to a 20″ box
D) 197cal, tried to hold 60rpm for the most part, was +/- 2 seldomly
Oh no Chris – what happened with your back?
No idea, tweaked something on one side, its feeling a little better
A. Did strict pull ups and bar dips. ( Don’t have MUs )
B. Deadlift 65/97/110/115/120/125/130kg same as April, but feeling much better with 130kg and good form. Maybe I can do 5kg more.
C. Box step up with 15/12.5kg db, 20inch box. 12.5 can be done with good form. Left leg is not so strong as right one.
D. Assault bike, 53-57 rpm, 156 cal. Last 3 set is so difficult.
Fantastic to hear Sharon!
A. MU density test
7-3-1 total 11
B. Up to 345 today short of 1RM of 375
C. Skipped
D. Held ave of 58 RPMs 200 cals
Have to say Nichole you have a very busy load. I went thru read every post and watched all posts on FB. First time in doing this. Lol not sure why I just did it. Then to evaluate and comment is pretty fantastic .
Thanks Bob!! We have a great community and I am so thankful to be part of it 🙂
A. 13 (6/3/2/2), 7(3/2/2), 5(3/2). Better than I thought this would be since arms and shoulders were still fatigued from doing 100 strict pull-ups yesterday (class WOD). Also borrowed a friend’s grips to try them and finally found a set that let me slide my hands around the rings properly. Woo hoo! B. 225, 275, 315, 345, 365, 385, 395, 405(f). Let 405 get in my head. Weight went forward almost instantly. Bailed. Dammit. C. 135# (+10 from last week) D. 235 cals. Held 63 rpm (+3 from 10min baseline). 116 first 4 rounds. 119 last 4. Happy with splits.… Read more »
Someone needs to load the bar for you so you don’t know what you are pulling!
Really great with your MU – I like seeing anything with 20+ for men in the density test so that is great!
Haha. Truth! Despite the miss, the deadlifting has helped me tremendously. Not only is my overall deadlift feeling strong but my pulls in the cleans are more fundamentally solid too. And my lower back feels great, especially the right side which usually gets wonky when I don’t work it (thanks to years and years of golf).
That is so great to hear!!!
A. 12 (5/3/2/2), 8 (4/3/1), 4 (4/f) = 24
B. 235/345/395/425/445f
C. Bulgarian split squats w/2×24 kg kbs
D. 228 cals
Great work on your muscle-ups!
Thanks Nichole!
A. Havent touched a MU since the open. Concentrating on some technique work before I attempt. I am usually good for 1 or 2 a min, but I don’t keep my elbows in and have a tendency to tweak my shoulder. B. 205, 305,345, 365 (misread this set as 90 of 1RM) and that is where it stayed today. Its been a 90% week. C. 135lb D. No conditioning, was happy to get in what I can right now. Hopefully will be back on a normal track in a few weeks. This life thing is really getting in the way… Read more »
A. No muscle up/ 2 sets of 10 on ring thing + drills
B. 245/350/405/425/475/485 ?
C. 95 for 3 sets
D. 223 60-62
:90-16. 10/3/2/1
:60-7. 5/2
:30-5. 3/2
B. Up through 455. Stopped there. Low back felt a little tight
C. Did with 2 53# kb
D. 257.7 cals. Ouch. But it was in the sun so that made it better
Nice work on your muscle-ups!!
Did DL with bands in sets of 2 to make sure I was using my hamstrings not my lower back
315! 5 lb pr
MU 7,5,3
1set 3+3+1,2nd3+2,3 ub
Safety bar with 115lbs
175 cals
Some extra work for my knee
Great work Bethanne!!!! And nice job on your muscle-ups!
Thank u?
dyn/mob. done
A). RMU:
1- total misses 4, then did 5 in a row
2- total misses 4, did four in a row
3- total misses 2, two in a row
B). DL: 150,230,260,275, 310 lbs set another new PR! : )
C). B/R/SU: used only 45 lb BB- my left knee has been bothering me
D) only did 4 rounds too short for the assault bike LOL, I have to hyperextend my
leg to reach AND my left knee didnt not like it ..
Congrats – so strong Lise!!
thank you Nicole! <3 finally…after soo many setbacks ..you are doing a great job with the programming! woo hooo
Early morning workout today – got it in before family vacation to Disney World.
A. Skipped – no MU rings at home gym
B. 230(5)/345(3)/390(2)/435(1)/460(f) – pr attempt. Felt very heavy today – pretty sore from last 2 days.
C. 322 cal on Airdyne Pro
Back at it on Monday – have a great rest of the week!
Hope you had fun at Disney World!! Great work on your training today!
A. 3,2,1
B. Up to 95% (265) and stopped there.
C. Stayed light bc of knee. But felt ok. 3×8 95/105lbs
D. Wasn’t the best on the bike today. Fell off a little in last 3 sets. 192 cals