Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes mashing the pecs.
Partner T-Spine Stretch on Pull-Up Bar
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers
x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk
x 20 meters
and then …
Barbell Warm-Up
Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Clean Pulls x 3 reps
Power Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 3 reps
Press x 3 reps
Full Clean & Jerk x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Press in Split x 3 reps
Immediately followed by. . .
Every 60 seconds, for 3 minutes, complete (3 sets):
Tall Cleans x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Clean from 2″ below knee + Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1-2 @ 70-75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 3-4 @ 75-80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 5-6 @ 80-85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Every 7 minutes, for 21 minutes, complete (3 sets):
Run x 400 Meters
Strict Pull-Ups x (age division)
Assault Bike x 10/8 Calories
DB Box Step-Overs x 14 reps
35-49: 10/8 reps; 55/35 lbs
50-54: 8/6 reps; 45/25 lbs
55+: 6/4 reps; 35/20 lbs
Push the pace on the box step-overs. This movement is definitely one that is more mind over matter so keep your mind engaged when doing them and have a goal of going unbroken on each set. You should have at least 90 seconds of rest, if not more, for these sets!
For completion:
Banded March x 3 minutes
Active Recovery Day after weekend competition.
– 15min Row @ 2:15 pace
– 15min Bike @ 55-60 rpm
A. Done, subbed tall clean for jerk dip–I think that is a better drill for me
B. 110/115/120– a few forward jerks, these have not been going great lately
C. 5:39/5:24/5:25– definitely ran a bit too far, saw the marker on the way back on last 400m. Had to break up box step overs and pull-ups
Make sure to film your jerks so I can take a look at them!!
A) 75/85/95# for both
A1. 65/85/95
A2. 95/105/115
B. 170:180/190/195/200/205
C. 4:10/4:25/4:54, wow grip with the dbs was rough.
D. Done
Nice push Michael!
Thanks Nichole!
DMA – done A1 – 65/70/75# A2 – 55/60/65# B – abandoned this after set 3 (90/95/95#). I did something to my rib doing a 2RM thruster in a comp a couple of weeks ago, and it seems to be aggravated by C&Js. I’ve subluxated my ribs on both sides on a few occasions over the past 3 years and it’s extremely painful. It’s not at that point, but definitely a little “off,” so am going to take it easy with any overhead pushing movements for a couple of weeks and going to see chiropractor. C (50-54) – 3:41 /… Read more »
Oh no!! How is the rib feeling today?
It’s feeling fine. I think strict presses will be fine; it’s just the jarring movement of the jerks that seems to aggravate it. I think it will fix itself with some TLC over the next couple of weeks.
A. Done
B. 175, 185, 195, 205, 210, 215.
C. 3:54, 3:48, 3:42. Runs got smoother each round.
D. Done
Awesome to see those times get faster!
Thanks Nichole! Nice to start running again.
A. 5 sets: Every 2 min5 kb snatch5 kb s2oh5 kb ohs B. 5 sets: Every 3 min 5 back squats (5lbs up from last week) C. 30-25-20-15-10-5wall ballsbike cals Great day!! Was feeling a little tired from Murph, butfelt better as I got moving. 😉 A. done. used 35# and went unbroken each arm.B. done. worked at 165. Felt a little sticky at first, butit loosened up as I went along. :)C. Time: 18:21. This was fun!! I was very happy with mywall balls. 🙂 15/8/7, 10/8/7, 10/10, 15, 10, 5. Once upon atime I would have done sets… Read more »
DMA) done
A2)135 focused on technique
Finally feel like I’m making progress on my cleans
1st rd of pull ups unbroken
2nd rd5,5
3rd rd 5,3,2
Wanted to set the dB so bad, that was hell on the grip
D) done
Great work – yes, that is a MAJOR grip burner!
A. Done.
B. Up to 185
C. (50-54) 3:41/3:44/3:48
Nice work Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
DMA – done
A1. done
B. 120 – 125 – 130 – 135 – 140 – 145
C. Subbed Ski-erg for the Assault Bike and used 20″ box
4:37 – 4:21 – 4:18
D. done
Oh love the Ski Erg!
A1. 135/140/145
A2. 75/95/125
B. 180/190/195/205/215/215
C. 4:36/4:30/4:28 – took me a set to figure out a rhythm for the step overs. They got better each round. Much respect for the regional athletes doing 50 of those with 70#.
D. Done
Nice work today Joe!
Thanks Nichole!
A. 40-50kg for both
B. % off 90kg
C. Done holding 16kg/hand step overs
D. Green band over shoulders
Did cleans @ 145,165,170 did not feel great
But that is ok
Did the wod using the truform got about 1:45 secs rest on each round 🙂 painful
Then did the 500 row stoh dub wod I missed
Did each round in 3:45 , kept dubs UB pace the row @1:54
Tried to FSq today light 155 Tempo very frustrating as this weight was a joke last time this year 🙁 ? back to the drawing board .
And doing tempo fs after 2 conditioning workouts will also make that super hard!
B 135 135 145 145 155 155 went high pull really focused on a real high and explosive pull.
C 5.00 5.00 5.30 my short self scaled the box step up 20 45 and a 20in box.
D. Later
Strength later.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 4:24, 4:38, 4:23
D. Done
Nice work Theresa!
A1) 65/70/75
A2) 45/55/65
B) 115/120/125/125/130/135. Hit all my percentages.
C) I wore my running shoes for this one. Made a huge difference on the run. No numb toes! Not great for the box stepovets though so Scaled weight to 25lbs for step overs.
4:34 strict pull-ups went away. I panicked because i thought i was using a lot more time so went to a very light band for the last 4 pull-ups. Probably should have just rested more and just done those without. I had plenty of time ?
So happy to hear the running shoes helped!
I pretty much wear my reebok Harmony road runners for everything unless there’s a heavier barbell. So good for DU, box jumps, wall balls, burpees etc… oh and running haha
Mobility completed
C)4:06/4:09/4:00 I lost so much time each time I stepped off the box as the weight would pull me forward a step or two. Is there a better technique we should be using to step off the box?
Did you see how there athletes this weekend did the step overs laterally?
Unfortunately I did not get a chance to watch this weekend. I’ll watch it this week and check it out. Lateral would have probably been easier. Thanks.
warm up & mobility: done
A. press in split: 55#, 65#, 70#
tall cleans:70#, 65#, 67# (had to go down in weight to get it right)
B. 100#, 106#, 112#
C. 5:01, 5:01, 5:25
D. done
A. 55/60/60
Tall cleans 60/65/75
B. 110/115/120/125/130/135
C. 4:35/4:19/4:40
Round 1&3 did 12 cal airdyne
D. Done