Program Note:
Please be mindful that this is a generalized program. Some athletes have the schedule that allows them to complete an am and pm session while others have an hour to train during their lunch break. Some athletes can handle higher volume while others need to adjust the volume. Adjust the program as needed to best accommodate your schedule and the needs of your body.
Masters Qualifier Athletes:
Today you are either repeating an event or taking a rest day. For the remainder of the week, I’d like you all to take it off from the gym and let your mind and body recover. You can do some light sessions but ideally I’d like to see you out of the gym and doing active recovery work like running, hiking, swimming, etc.
Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Squat Rocks x 45 seconds
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
and then …
Barbell Warm-Up
Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Clean Pulls x 3 reps
Power Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 3 reps
Press x 3 reps
Full Clean x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Push Press in Split Jerk Position x 5 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Jerk in Split Jerk Position x 3 reps
Build over the course of the 6 sets.
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk
Sets 1-2: 65%
Sets 3-4: 70%
Set 5: 78%
Set 6: 83%
Set 7: 88%
Set 8: 93%
Set 9: 98%
Set 10: 101+%
You will be starting a new clean and jerk cycle next week so make sure to record your heaviest lift for today so you know what to use for your percentages in the next cycle.
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Row 500 Meters
Burpees over the Erg x 15 reps
55+: Step-Overs okay
Transition quickly from the erg to the burpees. Stay low as you jump over the erg and make sure it is a two footed jump. I am looking for consistency across all 4 sets. Be sure to implement the sprint start on the erg.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Jefferson Squat x 3 reps per side
Rest as needed
and then …
Three sets of:
Sandbag Squats x Max Reps (should be around 20 reps)
Immediately into Sled Drag x 40 Meters (medium weight)
Rest 90 seconds
35-49: 100/80 lbs
50-54: 80/60 lbs
55+: 60/40 lbs
Rest until recovered, and then …
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (use a weight that makes this challenging but you can go unbroken)
Two-Three sets of:
GHD Hip Extension with Y-Position Overhead x 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Glute Bridge x 30 reps (fast)
Rest 45 seconds
A. Done
B 240
C. 3:00/2:49/2:40/3:00
A) 75/85/95# then 105/115/125#
B) 165×2/180×2/195/210/225/235/245/250#, 10# C&J PR/ 5# Jerk PR, this was a long time coming, felt like I had more
C) Best 2:55, Worst 3:05 felt slow today
Jefferson Squat 215/245# These were cool
No time for sandbag and sled work, will do later
GHD and BGB done, 3x each
Congratulations on the clean and jerk PR!!
That seems a bit heavy on the Jefferson Squat (it can be difficult just getting into position) – can you film next week when you do them and I will make sure you’re setting up correctly? Thanks!
Thanks! Will do, I am curious as to where these should fall in weight compared to squat/DL?
whoops, just watched the video, (the link didn’t work for me the first time so I just googled the movement) Will adjust accordingly next time!
Class wod today: 20 min amrap of 3 rounds 20 thrusters/20 knees to elbows, with remaining time 1/1,2/2,3/3 etc of power snatch and burpees. Destruction!
A. 95 – 135.
B. 175 – 225. Meh. Need to continue to build strength and technique. I need 20-30 pounds on my lifts more than I do conditioning at this point. Capable of a lot more than this.
C. 2:29, 2:29, 2:29, 2:31. Played around with various stroke rates. All yielded about the same results. Goal was to pick a row time (1:48-1:50) and stay consistent each round.
Did PM session part B.
We will be focusing on getting strong this off-season!
Today I had: A. 5 sets: 2 min rest10 db dl 8 db pc6 db pp4/leg db lungeBuild up in weight, try to go unbroken. B. 5 sets: 3 min rest5 reps of back squat 32X1 tempo.same weight as last week C. 7 rounds:7 cal bike10 burpees10 thrusters 55lbs Awesome day!!A. done. 25/30/35/40/45. unbroken until the 40swhere I did the DLs and then 5 cleans and wentwhoa. LOL. Then did the rest of the cleans, thepp and lunges unbroken again. 45s I did eachset of things unb, but put the dbs down between.I love working on this stuff!! Goal is… Read more »
A. Up to 85#
B. Worked to 155
C. 3:09/3:02/3:09/3:10
DMA- Done
A1.) 115# / 135# / 145#
A2.) 145# / 165# / 185#
B.) 165# / 165# / 180# / 180# / 195# / 210# / 225# / 235# / 245# / 255# (failed 2x – cleaned it just couldn’t get jerk.)
C.) 2:19, 2:26, 2:33, 2:43
A. 95# / 115#/ 125#
B. 225# Stopped here. Lifetime PR is 270#. Candidly, 225# felt heavy! I am distracted right now with a heavy lift at work, so getting in every single day is the win.
C. Did this with 10 GHDs each round also.
3:01 / 3:03 / 2:51 / 3:09
GREAT perspective Brian!
Mobility done
A: 65/70/75
B: Didn’t feel good… dealing with various muscle pulls which is unusual for me. Anyway, worked up to 120# (which was ugly) and then failed at 125#, which is my 1 rep max.
C: Opted to run outside today instead of row, since it was above 70 degrees in Cleveland for the first time since about mid-September!! 🙂 Run and burpees felt good!
Rest up Julie – if your body is feeling off right now then I’d suggest taking a little time with less volume and use the extra time to focus on recovery.
A) worked up to 105# B) I’m working on my jerks, they are awful. Only hit 120# before wheels came off. I’m glad we are working on a new cycle here! Moving my hand position wider is helping. C) 2:53,2:52,2:54,2:55, arg lateral jumping is hard for me but I’m determined to get better? All optional done with 100# sandbag, 25 reps on squats. Only did 200m for carry, back was feeling done. Great to see you out in the Hood! Come more often! You had your hands full this time, but next time I’d love your help on a couple… Read more »
ABSOLUTELY – I will be back out there soon!!!
B)155,155,175,175,185,195,215,225,235,245(fail) all sets felt really good even the last one was just fatigued
C) 2:22,2:26,2:29,2:30
Mobility done
A1. 125/135/145
A2. 135/155/165
B. 165(2)/175(2)/195/205/220/235/245/255 (10# PR) – all felt great!
C. 2:43/2:43/2:44/2:43 – not my fastest, but I was happy with the consistency
D. Did 3 sets of GHD hip with Y-position and banded glute bridge
A. Done
B. Done. 5# PR. First PR in a long long time. Stopped there as I couldn’t drop weight cause my kid was napping. Really pleased considering I couldn’t drop weight.
C. All sets between 3:28-3:31
Congratulations Theresa – that is awesome!!!!!
(50-54) warm up: done A. done: 65#, 70#, 75# B. 89#, 95#, 106#, 113#, 120#, 127#, 130# (got the clean, not the jerk today), missed 132# *I used the wrong number for my figures this morning (Monday brain) I wasn’t way off but my 101% should have been 133#. My jumps were kind of big so when I got to 98% I lowered it a bit to the 130#, my 1rm is 132#. C. 4:12, 4:15, 4:04, 4:15 Got part of the optional session in A. Sandbag squats: done 400 m sandbag carry: done B. I don’t have access to… Read more »
Mobility completed
B)125#(2)/135(2)/150/157.5/167.5/177.5/187.5 missed jerk/192.5 missed jerk. Jerk were sloppy today. Wished I would have filmed them. Was not pushing myself down under the bar and felt like I was just dropping under the bar.
Warm up and mobility done
A. 55, 65 & 75#
B. 106# max – Cleans need a lot of work. Working on getting under faster and not pulling too early.
C. 3:49, 4:07, 3:58, 5:05
Did SB squats from optional session – 20 unbroken at 60# x 3 & SB carry at 60#
No room for sled drag – class going on
Part B of optional session – done
Nice job today Kathy! Film yourself next time you lift and send it over or upload to FB for me to take a look at!
Only C to move a little + ROMWOD. I’ll be off Wed-Fri and might go for a run Saturday before traveling Sun-Thurs next week.
C. 2:25, 2:31, 2:29, 2:34
Hey Masters.
I had to suspend the last few days due to stomach problems.
DMA: Done
A. 40 50 60kg.
B. 60 60 70 70 75 80 85 90kg.
95/xx thats 20kg. under my old Pr.?
C: Done.
I hope you are feeling better Orkan!
DMA Done
A. 50,60,60,65,70,70kg
B. 102kg max C&J and 112kg max Clean
C. 2:36, 2:46, 2:47, 2:52
No Optional
Great work Edward!
C. 2.15/2.18/2.28/2.27
Great times Ivan – I was hoping for a 1:1 rest ratio!
Thanks, Nichole! it would be more comfortable.