For the 2018 Open season, Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon will be creating a unique guided visualization for each week of the Open. Each visualization will be specifically tailored to the Open event and available for download by Friday morning. Please click here for your 18.4 visualization.
Morning Practice Session
Three sets of:
Low Bar or Safety Bar Pause Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 4211
Rest 3 minutes
**No shoes, wide stance, butt back, pause at parallel and focus on getting your shins as vertical as possible.
Three sets of:
L-Seated Dumbbell Press x 4-6 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Hypers x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Keep all of this light and understand that the purpose is activation, not to be an additional training session.
Four sets of:
20 second Assault Bike (90% Effort)
4 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 15 seconds
20 second Assault Bike (90% Effort)
25-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest 2 minutes
The sole intention of this session is for you to practice your handstand push-ups to the new movement standard. Dorsiflex like your life depends on it. The difference between making your handstand push-ups count and doing extra work is going to be in your discipline to dorsiflex and bring your feet together at the top of your rep. You also need to practice kicking up into your handstand walk behind the line – we don’t want you to kick up, then get called back by your judge.
10-12 minutes of easy Assault Bike
Primary Training Session
Warm-Up and Pre-Event Preparation
Assault Bike or Row 10 minutes @ 70-75%
Followed by…
Banded Pec Stretch
T-Spine Opener
Banded Lat Stretch
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Assault Bike or Row 5 minutes @ 80-85%
Followed by…
2 Minutes of Couch Stretch (right leg)
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Couch Stretch (left leg)
Three sets of:
Banded Good Mornings x 15-20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 80-85%
Rest 60 seconds
6-8 Rocking Box Bridges
(slow and controlled)
Rest 60 seconds
Two sets at game pace of:
4 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
4 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 15 seconds
4 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
50-Foot Handstand Walk
“CrossFit Games Open Event 18.4”
For time:
21 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
21 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
15 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
9 Handstand Push-Ups
21 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
50-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
50-Foot Handstand Walk
9 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
50-Foot Handstand Walk
Time Cap: 9 Minutes
Cervical Decompression and 10 minutes of easy Assault Bike @ 60-65%
Strategy Considerations and Preparation Notes
Please click the link below for our full list of preparation notes to help you all perform to the best of your ability. For years we reserved these notes only for our personal clients, but we’ve been blessed with the growth of this Invictus Athlete community, and we want to see you all succeed this season. Please click here for our 18.4 Preparation Tools.
Today I try to improve my last 18.4 but I didn’t improve. My back is to sure. What you think I can do in the afternoon? Strength conditioning or metcon? Or just rest? Good luck for everybody who would redo the 18.4 ?
142 on 18.4. Feltpretty good on the deadlifts but my hs walks suffered a bit. My split was 7:50 so I need to get that last 20ft of hs walking and rip that set of 9 deads. Nonetheless, im happy with my performance.
With that said, I will be repeating Monday. Lol
136 reps tonight for 18.4 – wish I had time to kick up for another round of HS walk but only had 3 seconds Hs walks are probably my favorite thing to do, so my goal for Monday is to finish that second HS walk (first one went unbroken through each 25ft segment and felt like it was the easiest part of the workout by far). I need to really think about this workout this weekend to go into it with a solid plan that will allow me to improve. Like many others the HSPU standard caused some trouble. The… Read more »
Not used to kipping with a belly ?, so a few no reps that wasted sometime. Otherwise I could see myself getting though the 15 on 205.
This workout if I wasn’t pregnant though!! This is my thing. 30 weeks and love that I’m able to move like I am. Wayyy better shape than my with my first baby, thanks to this programming.
Yeah!!! Love it!!
Finished the first Hs walk at the buzzer.
Don’t care much about the open but I’ll likely try that again Sunday cause i can do better with these movements. Just wasn’t feeling it.
Nice work getting that HS Walk in.
18.4 – 128 reps (6 deadlifts into the 15 on the 315 bar) really want to finish the round of 15 when I redo on Monday. Went unbroken on deadlifts for Diane and 15/6 9/6 9 on hspu. I think I may break my deadlifts up to keep my heart rate down next time because it spiked when I finished Diane and I felt like I couldn’t breathe on the 315 bar.
Solid work Parker! Maybe a quick reset on the 21 and 15, but I wouldn’t pace to much on “Diane” you want to give yourself enough time on the 315 bar
Yep. I broke up Diane and looking back, it didn’t do me any favors.
I broke it up too and I wish I went unbroken instead
That’s a good point, I’ll try to keep my breath under control next time and not rest so long during the 315 bar.
18.4: 119/120 reps (need a video review to see if I got that last 5’ section) Nonetheless I’m a little disappointed but not really considering heavy DL and HSPU are two weaker movements for me. Paced Diane too much (did DL 12/9-9/6-5/4 and HSPU UB-10/5-5/4 with maybe 5 no reps on HSPU because I didn’t dorsiflex) Believe I can do Diana unbroken which would no doubt tax me more but would also earn more time to finish HSW and get a few reps on the 15s of 315. Did the 21 reps @ 315lbs 3 then all singles HSW was… Read more »
Those no reps! Do the simple things well and you can get through the next deadlifts and on to the handstand walk!
Thanks Tino. Do you think I should try and do Diane unbroken? They HSPU didn’t really fatigue me much. Think I finished it around 5:20. If I can get it to 4:30ish I can get well into that round of 15 deadlifts at 315
It shouldn’t be a max effort Diane but you need to give yourself more time on the 315 bar. It should be a sustained 90% effort. At the end of the day fast or slow you’re still accumulating 45 reps. I haven’t had anyone come to me and say they went to hard on Diane…
18.4 136 (finished 15 reps on 315lb)
Hspu unbroken, deadlifts got heavy.
Happy with my score.
Nice work Peter!
Got 17 reps on 315 dl. Diane time was 6:51. Had way too many no reps on hspu. Need to video my hspu and re assess my hand position. Disappointed
Hands slightly more narrow, feet together and dorsi flex ?
So frustrated I can’t even walk 5 ft on my hands:( this open has been so bad for me, being sick for the last two workouts and doing much worse than I know I can, and now handstand walk 🙁 I started the open thinking I wasn’t much stronger and better than last year, but I guess not by how this is going 🙁
Time to dial things back, get healthy and have a true understanding of what you need to prioritize in order to improve. You have got better, much much better but your progress has always been hampered by your crazy hobbies, travel and getting unwell way to often.
I am really not sure how to figure out what to prioritize in order to improve, but I’m hoping Blaine and you can tell me…
Do less, eat more and sleep more.
Agreed on almost everything, but I really can’t eat more:p I force feed myself as is already 🙂
141reps. Diane 3’15. I felt so much the 315lbs… it was tuff, I want to improve my score, but I dont know where I can get better
Do you think it is a good ideia to rest all the weekend? Thanks
I would adjust based on feel tomorrow then rest on Sunday or rest tomorrow and do some aerobic work on Sunday. Depends if you like to move a little the day before as I know some athletes like to do.
Thank you Tino. I would do that.
119 reps. 7:38 tb. No reps on hspu movement standard. Singles on deadlift at 315. Not pleased with the results.
What would you change on your repeat?
Kip was not good on hspu. I don’t do many kipping hspu. Need to flatten my feet out to achieve height on hspu. I did more work than I need to with the singles at 315. Have to force myself to tap and go.
Not a good one for me! But oh well.
122 reps
8:52 ish
What got you?
So I actually went unbroken on my hspu… but they were slow. Took me about a 1:00-1:10 to do 21. I wasted a lot of time belting up for 225 deads (took it on and off for the hspu). On Monday I will belt for the initial 225 only do 2 sets instead of 3 and be better on the 315. Physically my reps looked strong, mentally wasn’t there
It’s been a rough week! Tweaked my shoulder a bit on my redo of 18.3 and that made training on Tuesday hard (I couldn’t even do a wall ball without pain!) Mentally this season has been rough so far, I have been trying to not look at the leaderboard at all… then today, after finishing the workout, I decided to take a peak … Now, I know I’m not at my fittest, and I know I mentally didn’t even know if I was going to do the open this year, but the thought of not qualifying for regionals is so… Read more »
Take a step back and assess your situation from a far. If your intention isn’t compete this year then your focus should be on staying healthy and making sure you get a jump start in your off season. Theres no point in stressing about something that doesn’t align with your goals particularly if it causes you to get injured.
Look at the bigger picture and be smart!
18.4- 135 reps (Diane 4:30)
A little disappointed with my result, my hs walks are pretty good but my core was smashed when I got there. Heavy deadlifts felt fine, I did quick drops on 21/14 for Diane but I’ll go unbroken when I retest it
Finished w/ 4 sets of:
2 min assault bike
2 min row
2 min rest
I think thats a pretty solid first attempt! Nice work Noble!
Thanks Tino
Well that didn’t go as planned…. hahahaha
Well with the new standard I was no repped a few times.
When I got to the hsw I crumbled the first few attempts. Shoulders were way more gassed than normal after 45 hspu had to lockout way harder than normal.
Did not finish it…
Which was not my plan
Hahaha crap