Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121 (face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121 (face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps (face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 10 calories
Goblet Squats x 10 reps
Burpees x 5 reps
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 2 reps (focus on technique, not weight)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes, complete:
Jerk x 1 rep @ 75%
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-85%
Back Squat
x 5 reps @ 70%
x 3 reps @ 80%
x 1 rep @ 85%
x 10 reps @ 72%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Assault Bike x 25/20 calories
Ring Muscle-Ups x 8/6 reps
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Assault Bike x 25/20 calories
Ring Muscle-Ups x 6/4 reps
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 8/6 reps
Adjust the reps as needed but you should have at leats 1:15 rest between sets. We are looking to build some volume with your muscle-ups and learn how to work through them even when breathing heavy. If you are unable to do muscle-ups then please substitute muscle-up transition on low rings x 6/4 reps.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
30 Minute Tempo Run (find a medium pace using McMillan Running and hold that pace for 30 minutes)
A. Done
B. Done
C. Done. Pull-ups
Forgot to post yesterday
Did 18.2 on Saturday and was really unsatisfied with the result wanted to redo it on monday but felt that I had an infection coming. Had it probably on saturday.
18.2 8:42 tried it on friday in a comfortable pace and ended up with 8:10
18.2a 187# felt really easy but didn’t have any time left
Hope you feel better this week!
A1. 95-115#
A2. 185#
A3. 210#
B. 245, 280, 300, then 10 reps at 255.
C. Elbow still sore. Not getting worse, though. Odd. Starting to think it might be a nerve issue. Instead of MUs did 15 elevated ring rows and 15 strict dips each round. 2:15, 2:25, 2:40, 2:45. Bike – 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:32. Getting better with bike but still a struggle to maintain that pace. Sluggish day overall.
Have you seen a PT to assess?
No, because it hasn’t gotten bad. There is no pain whatsoever throughout a normal day. Only when I extend my arm and squeeze do I feel tightness in the elbow. I basically keep a giant tin of silly putty at my desk and keep working that hand. When I completely warm up and get loose, it actually feels fine which is why I did 18.2 and really didn’t feel any after effects. In mornings when I’m not loose the forearm muscle tightness seems to cause a slight strain at the elbow so I think if I train through it properly… Read more »
I’d rather you be cautious then hurt so keep doing what you are doing 🙂
DMA complete
A1. 95/115/125#
A2. 130#
A3. 150#
B. 10 @ 165#
C. 2:36 (1:20 bike, 3/3 RMU)
2:53 (1:27 bike, 3/2/1 RMU)
3:00 (1:27 bike, 3/2/1 RMU)
3:30 (1:37 bike, 2/ RMU) triceps were done. On the last round InTried slowing down on the bike and do sets of 2 on RMU, but after my first set, my triceps said hello!
Heyyyyy triceps!! 🙂
Skipped 18.2 redo. Knee was hurting after the 1st go last week as a result of something or my 2 initial failures. Took a hit in points but didn’t want to risk injuring it more not knowing what is coming next week. 🙁
Today done without BS.
SMART CALL! So happy you made that decision!
Redid 18.2. Was 6sec faster and cleaned 5# more.
Was really sore and fatigued so I did part A
A1) 185
A2)215, 215,220,225,230
Then just worked on mu for a bit and called it a day
Nice work!!!
Redo of 18.2 and 2a. Improved both parts! 9:33 on the workout and 146# for the lift. The first time through, I was part of the “Fight of the Night,” our member throwdown during FNL. I went out too hot and was seeing stars during rounds 9 and 10. I also started the cleans too light, like many others have shared. This time I held myself back in the beginning so I could remain consistent during the later rounds. That worked for me. I started my lifts heavier and made my goal clean weight (a power clean pr, as I… Read more »
Fantastic Miki!! That has definitely been an issue for some – coming out too hot, especially because rounds 1-5 feel so good! Glad you ere able to repeat and improve in both parts!
Thanks, Nichole! 🙂
I definitely went out too hot on the redo today… I thought I was going to die in rounds 9 and 10. And then I had just absolutely nothing left for the cleans. It literally took me a full 2 hours to feel half-way recovered (I’m still kinda sick, that’s probably why).
It’s such a fine line. It felt risky to slow my roll so much in the early rounds. But we learn from it, right? Let’s get ready to crush the next one!! And I hope you are fully recovered for it. 🙂 Sucks to be sick for the Open.
Disqus working again!
DMA done.
A. Off of 265# PR. 200#. All split.
then 225#. all split.
B. Off of 375# and did not stick to RX’d percentages.
5 @ 225#
3 @ 275#
1 @ 315#
6* @ 250#
C. 3:55 (4/3/1)
3:20 (3/2/2/1)
3:41 (3/4/1)
2:52 (8)
YAY! I sent an email over to them and hopefully will have more answers this week!
Nice work on those muscle-ups!
I felt a lot better today, so decided to give 18.2 another shot. So although I improved my time by 21 secs to 8:59, I then was so spent that I couldn’t clean. Got 107 and then failed 117 twice. Checked scores and I’m better off keeping my previous ones… Disappointing, but if I hadn’t tried, I would have always wondered. On a good note, I easily PRd my squat clean at 127 (a 5# PR) in warm-up… oh well – wish I could have put it all together in the WOD, but just didn’t have it then.
Congrats on the PR though!!
Thanks, Nichole!
Nice work! Great improvement on 18.2!! I’m glad you tried. 🙂 And you still got your pr, even if it was during warm up! Still counts. 🙂
M&A done
A. 165#; 185#
B. 165-190-205-175#x10
C. 2:01 UB, 2:03 UB, 2:15 (5/1)
Yay Cheryl!!!!
Learned a great lesson from 18.2 – did it Friday with a terrible attitude. Lots of excuses in my head – rough work week, no sleep, etc. and I still decided to do it. Got 9:39 and 236# and felt terrible about it. Re-do today with rest and a better attitude and got 7:40 and 253# (2 #’s under my PR). I will not do another open on Friday if I am not feeling it – it really had me down and questioning myself. Very happy to bounce back today though!
So happy you bounced back and so happy to see such strong numbers! Yep, do the Open workout when you feel your best!
Thanks Nichole! Learn something new about myself every week it seems.
YAY!! Nice re-do!
dyn/mob: great warm up! love it! def much needed I did 18.2 on Saturday. A) JB: 63 lbs, 82, 88 B). J: 105 lbs B). BS: 200,230,240,205 C). used air dyne bike.. Im. too short for Assault bike LOL. ( hurts my crouch -no there way to explain in Ill wear my bike shorts next time .. 1) B/1:50, 4 unbroken RMU=3:30 (forgot to adjust the rings but managed to get it done ) 2) B/1:40, 4 unbroken RMU= 2:19 3) B/1:45, 4 unbroken RMU= 2:19 4) B/1:46 4 unbroken RMU=2: 18 TT 17;17 Muscle ups felt good and strong… Read more »
Awesome job on your muscle-ups!!!!!
18.2 redo for damage limitation on cleans.
Nice work Rob!!
18.2 today
145#, that was a PR!
Went into it feeling hormonal(gotta love being a 52 yr old woman) and tired from long weekend. Super fun workout! Thankful for the adrenaline and endorphin boost, both of which I desperately needed. YAY!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is AWESOME! I am so happy for you!!!
Nice work!!
Decided not to redo 18.2 from yesterday, felt a little beat up.
A. 165#
A2. 175#
B. 205, 235, 250, 210 X10
C. only did three rounds , 2:42, 2:35, 2:53 (MU 3/3 all rounds kept the AB @ 70+ until I couldn’t, but kept above 60 for duration of 25 Cals).
I sprained my to middle knuckles on my hand missing a heavy clean Friday. What can I do instead of ring muscle ups
Oh no Brian! Can you do ring-dips instead?
Ya I’ll do them thanks
Did A and B only. A busy day running about. Using 240 as 1 rpm for back squat.