Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Start the clock and:
Band Assisted Pec Stretch
x 30 seconds per side
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Band Assisted Hamstring Floss x 30 seconds per side
At the 5:00 mark:
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps (use a light band)
At the 8:00 mark:
Leg Reach x 10 per side
Inchworm + Scap Push Up x 3 reps + Press Up x 4 reps
At the 12:00 mark:
Dive Bomber Push-Ups
x 5 reps
Unweighted Reverse Lunges x 10 reps each leg
Take 10-12 minutes to build up to a heavy Push Press
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 reps per leg @ 3011; Rest 45 seconds between legs
Rest 90 seconds
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
Rest 90 seconds
Five sets of:
Assault Bike x 20 calories
Pick one of the following:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 8-12 reps
Pull-Ups x 8-12 reps
Ring-Dips x 6-10 reps
Bar Muscle-Ups x 6-8 reps
Ring Muscle-Ups x 2-6 reps
Rest 60 seconds
You get to choose what movement you would like to work on each set. You may choose to stick with one movement the entire time or switch it up each set. Use this time to work on quality of the movement and not necessarily time.
Hi, everyone!!! I am coming over from Invictus Endurance in a couple days.
Took a stab at this. Finished activation & warm-up. Went straight into,
C. Five sets of,
Airdyne 20 calories,
1. Unbroken Strict Ring Muscle up – 4
2. Unbroken Kipping Bar Muscle up – 3
3. Butterfly pull-ups, work on technique
4. Kipping pull-ups, work on technique
5. Unbroken Strict Ring Dips – 9
Benchmarking some of these, so I can compare when the Open comes around. Let’s work!
Welcome Scott – great work on todays session!
Thank you. I loved it.
Did some of this on Saturday.
A. 40/50/55/65/70/75kg fail
B. Did Back Squats x 5 reps – 60/65/70/75kg
Bat wings @ 12kg KB.
Got the stomach bug late Wednesday, felt like a bag of ass yesterday, so took it easy peasy today. I mean i lost 7#’s in a day and a half…not at 100% A: Did strict press again vs push press: Only got to 100# B: did batwings and 1 leg glute bridges vs bulgarians due to calf. (Next week im going to start increasing my level of optimal loading on that calf.) C: did a puny version of my classes wod. I did… 2 minute airdyne apx 60rpm 15 db strict press with 30# db’s 30 hrpu 2min airdyne 10… Read more »
OMG that went around at our house, not fu!!!! I hope you are feeling better!
A: worked up to 185#
Then did box wod open workout 12.5
I got 95 reps. Back after work
B: 55# bss/ 10 # bat wings
C: 1 set of each movement
1:53 ( :44+ 12 SCTB)
1:47 ( :46+ 12 SPU)
1:55 ( :45 + 10 weighted ring dips 35#)
1:52 ( :53 + 8 BMU)
1:57 ( :41 + 3 RMU)
A – 205#
B – 95# Bulgarian squats and 44# KB for bat wings
C – Did all 5 sets with 10 stationary dips with 44# KB around waist. Elbows and shoulders got a little sore when I was doing MUs in warmup. I think the volume from the last 4 days is catching up with me, so I went simple and did weighted dips. Kept each bike round under 60 seconds.
Mobility done
A. 105-115-125-135-145-155-165-170#
B. 55# BSS; 25# KBs
C. Did 1 set of ea movement. I went out too fast on bike. 13:21 Total time
1:24 (1:06 + 10 c2b)
1:38 (1:19 + 10 pu)
1:50 (1:20 + 8 ring dips)
2:23 (1:29 + 6 ub bmu)
2:16 (1:29 + 3 ub RMU)
That bike makes everything harder! ?
A. 205 push press
B. 95lb Bulgarian squats and 20lb bat wings
C. No bike did 5x 20 cal row
5×3 ring muscle ups
Didn’t get to do the 12 Days while I was traveling so I did the one I program for my gym every year. (They had it last week)
Soooo much nicer than the Invictus one, but still very fun ?
Fun!! : )
A. 105 and outta time
B. Done 85#
C. Done bike and pull-ups with some chest to bar work,and took it literally for quality and not time. Didn’t start the timer. I think I needed a day not watching the clock.
That is great, I love days of not watching the clock. It helps so much to focus on movement quality.
Totally skipped the clock too
DMA complete
A. Worked to 155#
B. Completed 45# bar for BSS. 10# for bar wings.
C. 13:02 total time including rests . Did all movements
1:25 (1:04 bike/8 C2B UB)
1:35 (1:09 bike/8 PU UB)
1:35 (1:08 bike/ 6 Ring dips 2-1-1-1-1)
2:30 (1:18 bike/ 6 BM UB but hung out at the top of bar each rip) rested :30 before starting BMU.
1:56 (1:22 bike/ 2 MU UB) rested :20 sec before doing MU.
A. 80kg
B. Built to 25kg DBs for split squats and 15kg across for bat wings
C. 20 cal AB + 10 pull ups: avg 1:30/set
Mobility completed
A)Built to 175#
B)BSS 44#KB’s (4) and BW 44# KB’s(4)
C)I’m not sure that I did this correctly. I rode the bike for 20 calories and then I performed one of the movements listed. Rested 60 seconds and then repeated for a total of 5 rounds
Round 1: 20 calories + 12 PU 1:37
Round 2: 20 calories + 12 C2B 2:11
Round 3: 20 calories + 10 RD 2:04
Round 4 20 calories + 6 RMU 2:26
Round 5 20 calories + 8 BMU 2:47
Just joined this week. Love the variety and what is with the assault bike?!!! First time venturing on it.
A. Made it to 125 but ran short on time.
B. Wow! Such simple movements and so much pain.
C. Rowed because bike was busy. Chose ring muscle ups and worked at stringing 2 together. I don’t kip yet because it’s not in my body’s vocabulary. 10 MU are the most I have done in a workout!
Ohhh I love when people get introduced to the assault bike for the first time! Welcome to the program, happy to have you on here!! Let me know if you have any questions!
Welcome to the group!
Thanks! Looking forward to trying the Open programming.
DMA – done
A. 90 – 95 – 105 – 110 – 115 – 120 – 130
B. 45 – 65 – 80 – 95 (using a barbell)
12 Kg Kb’s
C. Set 1 – 8 C2B’s
2 – 10 Pull-ups
3 – Ring Dips – ring thing 10R’s
4 – RMU’s ring thing 6R’s
5 – BMU’s – 2/6 attempts
A. 100 kg
C. Did this as an E4MOM:
1. 4 bar MUs,
2. 4 bar MUs,
3. 10 ring-dips,
4. 4 bar MUs,
5. 4 bar MUs.
B1. 20/25/30/35 and
B2. 8/12/16/20.
A. 135/165/185/205/225/245/255
B. 55# DB for both
C. No juice this morning. Enjoying the holidays too much
1. Pull ups. 1:10
2. Pull ups. 1:17
3. C2B. 1:25
4. MU. 1:43
5. MU. 1:30
A. 135,155,165,175,185,195,205 I had more ran short on time.
B. 50’s for Split squats and 20 kg kbs for bat wings
C. Rowed because was riding today so had some fun
1:05 CTB
:57 Pull ups
:54 bar Mu
:44 dips
:37 ring mu
Sorry, Bat wings??
Thanks guys, so many variations……..
See above 🙂
This is the version I like the best!
I found a couple of versions. 1 was just a row but also this one which added a fly to the movement