Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Start the clock and:
Spend 8 minutes rolling out your IT Bands, Glutes and Hamstrings
At the 8:00 mark:
Front Rack Assisted Stretch x 3 pulses per side
At the 12:00 mark:
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 30 seconds on the rack/30 seconds off the rack x 2 sets (no rest)
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 @ 75%
*Sets 3-4 @ 80%
*Set 5 @ 85%
*Sets 6 @ 90%
Four sets of:
Single Arm DB Press x 6 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
Straight Leg Sit-Up x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
For time:
Assault Bike x 50/30 calories
DB Front Rack Lunges x 100′ (55/35 lbs)
Bar Muscle-Ups x 15 reps*
For time:
Assault Bike x 50/30 calories
DB Front Rack Lunges x 100′ (55/35 lbs)
Bar Muscle-Ups x 10 reps*
*If you don’t have bar muscle-ups but have chest-to-bar pull-ups, then substitute chest-to-bar pull-ups x 10 reps
For time:
Assault Bike x 50/30 calories
DB Front Rack Lunges x 100′ (35/20 lbs)
Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Three sets of:
Yoke Carry x 40 Meters
Farmers Carry x 50 Meters
Sandbag Carry (max weight) x 50 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
Followed by …
Three sets of:
Overhead Yoke Carry x 50 Meters (max weight)
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Single Arm DB Row x 8 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
Single Leg Glute Ham Raise x 8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. 75-80-85-90kg
B. Press @ 25-20-22-25kg and sit ups UB
C. @ 20kg DBs, 6:53
AB avg 65-70 rpm, 2 breaks on lunges and BMUs in 5/4/3/3
DMA – Done
A 235/250/265/280(f)
B. 50lb DB
C 9:45. Way to slow on the bike, thought i would just go steady pace, should have gone fast for 10-15 then settled in. Still playing with the bike. 50/50 on lunges. BMU 5/4/3/3 Felt god but descent rest to get those sets
1st session back in the gym since Friday. Nichole had me do this today: A. Seated Barbell Press, 4 sets x 3-5 reps (build in weight) and then for max reps 65% of 3rm. 75-85-95-100# all for 5 reps. 70# max reps at 17 reps B. Four Sets of: 5 strict pronated wide grip pullups right into strict pronated grip pullups x max reps Rest 2 mins 5+10, 5+6, 5+4, 5+4 C. Metcon. Replaced DB front rack lunge with 15 S2OH 105#, 4:30 (Ass bike 1:57, S2OH 9/6, BMU 8/5/2) D. 3 sets: 40 air squats (keeping neutral spine) 10… Read more »
Morning session
5000M row just under 21 min
2 rounds 400M run max Burpees against a 3 min clock rest 3 min between 19/18 Burpees
Afternoon session for time
50 cal Assault bike
100’ DB walking Lunge 35 lb DBs
15 PU
7:09 one break at 50’ on Lundges PU unbroken
Oh nice work Edward – fun conditioning day!
A – 225, 240, 255, 265
B – 50# DB, 30# slam ball for situps.
C – 7:09 (Did the AB in 2:59, which is a win.) Lunges 50’/50′. Instead of BMU I did 15 wall ball shots and 15 KB swings with 70#. Skipped BMU to rest right shoulder from BMU Friday & a ton of T2B on Sat. and Mon. Didn’t want to do anything hanging from a bar.
That is great Mike, major win!!
Tried the hotel gym where I am staying. Mob & Activation 2 rounds of T/Y/I’s x 10 each A. Subbed 3 rounds of Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 @ BW/5kg/10kg DB’s B. 15kg DB wa most they had C. Subbed rower but not a concept 2. Wouldn’t allow me to extend my legs or arms to full extension. Calorie counter was rubbish took 2 mins for 10 cals apparently. Stopped after 2 mins and moved on. Subbed 50 x alt leg Front Rack lunges Subbed lat pull downs at a difficult weight x 10 – no pull up bar. All… Read more »
No energy to post…so here’s my white board!
Looks like you hit all your squats, wahoo!!
Yep! That was sadly the easiest part of the workout!
A: 235; 245; 265; 280
B: Did this as a standing military press wasn’t sure if it was bench or not- 25; 35; 40; 45lb DB
C: Practice MU Drills and MUs from a box to see how it felt before going into the MUs. Second MU I ripped. Needless to say my hands got soft. Did the AB and Lunges. Didn’t time
how’s the neck/shoulder C?
Feeling better than I have in about 8 months. Thanks for asking. Still have bad days with my neck but usually later in the evening. Seeing how going overhead is going to play out. So far not to bad. Still struggling to dip in my right side. Loss of a lot of strength so it’ll be a long road back.
A. 125/135/145/155(1)– not at rxd percentages but better than last week.
B. 25#, left arm weaker by far
C. 10:28, bmu took the bulk of the time. Ok until last 5, then failed 3. Trying to do 2/3’s but single would likely be faster, less rest maybe. Still a bit better than last week. Also used 25#, knee was good so can probably increase to 35#.
DMA – done
A – 116×2 / 125×2 / 132 / 140 – all felt great
B – done w/ 25# DB for all sets
C – 5:35 – got off AB at 1:53, did lunge walk UB and was done w/ that at 4:33. Got to the bar and had pretty much nothing left… Did 10 C2B pull-ups (singles)
Good work today Silke!
A. 275/290/310/330
B. DB -45/55/65/70
C. 6:14.
Bike slow around 6:15
Lunges UB
BMU 6/4/5
Strong squats Keith!
A. 285# – 285# – 305# – 305# – 325# – 345#
B. 55# DB Press
C. 5:43 RX (2:20 Assault Bike – 50′ Lunges x 2 – 8 & 7 BMU)
Fast buddy! I messed up BMU.
Thanks Rob! What’s going on with your shoulder?
still recovering from a double tear in the labrum. Doc says it will take ‘a long time’ to recover fully. Still get slight pain every day, and high volume punishes it. Getting better slowly though.
Oh, I understand. You’ll recover from it quickly…just be patient and try not to rush your recovery. Have you tried Crossover Symmetry?
yeah, I do a bit of that. However, too much volume really punishes me. So doing twice a week for 2-3 rounds along with some windmills and TGU on other days.
Very fast, great work Alvaro!!
A: stopped at 310# @82%. mid back couldn’t take any more for some reason. Hard today.
B: done
C: 5:24
crazy fast. Your BMU must be awesome!
Hey Rob, not really but I didn’t lollygag on the AB or lunges. strange, some workouts have gone better than others lately. I guess I had a good day.
Hey Brent – how is the mid back feeling today?
Still feeling strained in the back cavity. Felt it around 155 on the ps+sn tonight (day +1) and kind of faded as it got heavier. Still there though. The day of rest Thurs should help but FS x2 at those percentages were rough for me. I need lower my maxes by 20% per year. 🙂
lol you don’t! But I do want you to take care of your back!! Lets see how it feels after todays rest but may want you to scale back on the load tomorrow to give it another day of rest.
A. 225/240/255/260
B. Skipped
C. (35-49) 8:44 lunges were tough
I thought I was gonna die on the lunges
Good push Perry! You hit all your squat percentages?
Thanks Nichole! Hit all %s except the final rep (87%).
Sometimes you have to laugh… A: 172 / 185 / 197 / 207 (pounds!) B: 15kg for first two sets then 20kgs. C: Here is where I have to laugh! I thought it said 100 lunges cos it was quickly looking at my phone. I thought “WHAT!” But pulled out 5×8 lunges at 20kg. I am guessing it is two dumbbells? I probably could have done a 100ft in two blocks. Did 15 single BMU. That is the most BMU I have ever done ever. I will put in another EVER for emphasis. D. Delighted with the fact I did… Read more »
Such a good feeling to get all 15 in! Nice job.
Yes. It was a good feeling. I read what other people are doing and it is provides strong motivation to get the job done. Or try to.
Sure does. We all have personal challenges, but it’s great how other’s posts can help push us forward! 15 BMU in a WOD is a good achievement.
Yay!!! Good job on your BMU – that is a HUGE WIN!!!!!
A. 112, 120, 127, 135
B. 25# DB
C. 5:28 – 30 calorie bike, 100 ft lunge , 15 pull-ups
Lots of laps back and forth in the garage for lunges, measured it out length wise. Ceiling too low for bar muscle ups. Trying to come up with a solution.
Good work Theresa!! You workout in your home gym, correct?
Yes I do. We have almost everything in the gym though. Just short on variety of kettle bell weights, no ghd, no ski erg
What a beautiful set up!!
DMA – done
A. 162 – 162 – 172 – 172 – 183 – 194
B. SADP – 30 – 35 – 35 – 40
sit-ups – done
C. 6:04 (3:22 on AB) UB on lunges, 6 + 9 on PU’s
* held around 63-65 rpm
Nice Barry! Fast on part C. I held about 58 on Assault bike and broke on the lunges once.
Yeah buddy – getting stronger on that assault bike!
A. 175,175,185,185,195,195, 210#
B. used 35#
C. 8:47 – took too much time on lunges. BMU as singles.
DMA: done
A: 71/71 – 76/76 – 80- 85 – 90 kg
B: 18kg DB &. Unbroken sit-ups.
C: 7:07. ~3:27 on the AB, and c2b’s
OPT : Later
C. 6:15 rx. BMU started ok, but had to break in to about 5 sets in the end.
Bike was medium pace at mostly 73 rpm done in 2:20. Lunges 70ft + 30ft.
Nice work Rob, that is a great time on the workout!