Listen to your body. If your body is saying take a rest day, then take a rest day and focus on mental and physical restoration. If you are feeling like moving around, then complete the running session below or an active recovery swim or row session.
Active Recovery
Run for 5 minutes @ moderate pace (50%)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
High Knees x 20 meters
Butt Kicks x 20 meters
Lateral Leg Swings x 10 each direction
Parallel Leg Swings x 10 each leg
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Ideal Position (hold for 30 seconds each leg)
Change of Position: From One Foot to Another
Followed by…
200 Meter Sprint @ 70% effort
100 Meter Walk (Recover)
200 Meter Sprint @ 80% effort
100 Meter Walk (Recover)
Main Set
Three sets of:
5 Minute Run
2 Minute Jog
Went swimming….
A1. 2 x 100 choice of strokes, resting :15 between (choose any stroke)
Main set – Swim/Breathing ladder
B1. 200m easy, alternating breathing patterns (change the breathing pattern on each length, do not breath within 4 strokes of the wall going in or leaving)
B2. 8 x 50m breathing on your weakest side, resting :15 between (breathe at any interval but breathe entire set on your weakest side)
Cool Down
C1. 150 alternate breaststroke + backstroke every 25
I did yesterdays workout today.(ill post) And did some running tonight. Ill be honest…i didnt follow the rx today 🙁 I just ran for 20 mins. Im still battling this cold and didnt want to get the lungs too fired up.
Prob the longest ive run since i broke my pinkie toe a couple months back. Pinkie is fine, just got bad shin splints on that side.
Just getting out and running for 20 minutes is awesome!! Pay attention to the cold and keep nourishing your body well!
Light 20 minute jog. Wanted to just break a sweat.
Warm up done.
Ran 2.37 mile at a avg pace of 9:41 fastest was 7:57
Running session done. Really helped loosen me up – I am pretty sore today!
Definitely taking a rest day today. My shoulders/arms are completely fried from the push presses yesterday (and the single arm DB presses the day before). May even take tomorrow off too – at least from anything having to do with arms/shoulders. May do today’s active recovery running program instead or just go for a 45-minute run, maybe do some core work. We’ll see. Hope everyone else’s arms are feeling better than mine! 🙂
20 rounds:
– 0:20 hard and
– 0:40 easy.
1. 4 cal,
2. 5 cal,
3.-19.6 or 7 cal and
20. 8 cal.