Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 2 minutes on each arm in the lat stretch
and then…
One set of:
Uphill Donkey Kicks to 20″ Box x 10 reps
55+: Donkey Kicks x 10 reps
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Rocking Box Bridges x 10 reps
55+: Rocking Bridges x 10 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Wall-Facing Split Handstand Hold x 20 seconds
Interval 2 – Back-To-Wall Donkey Kicks x 8 reps
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Handstand Push-Up Negatives to 4″ Deficit x 10 reps @ 40A1
No deficit
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 75-80%
Two rounds of:
Burpee Box Jump-Overs x 9 reps (24/20″)
Deadlifts x 12 reps
Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 2 sets
(If you are not doing the optional session today then make this three rounds for time instead of two rounds for time)
35-54: 185/155 lbs
55+: 155/135 lbs; Step-Overs okay
Three sets of:
Straight Leg Sit-Up x 20 reps
Russian Twists x 30 reps
Hollow Rocks x 45 seconds
Rest as needed
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 20 seconds
Interval 2 – Bar Muscle-Ups x 20 seconds
Interval 3 – Wall Ball Shots x 20 seconds (20/14 lbs to 10′ target)
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Push-Press x 20 seconds (95/65 lbs)
Interval 2 – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 seconds
Interval 3 – Wall Ball Shots x 20 seconds (20/10 lbs to 9′ target)
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork for your jerk and then …
Eight sets of:
Strict Press in Jerk Receiving Position x 3 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Woke up with a sore shoulder. Nothing bad, but decided to give it a rest. Did some mobility and then just did backsquat:
– 135×5, 175×5, 195×3, 235×1
– 195×4, 195×4, 200×4, 200×4, 205×4
Good call Tom!
C. 3 rounds time 6:04 all sets UB
Seems I may have done only done half the required work! Another 3 rounds of that would have been a game changer, since I did this first then went on to rest of the program.
A. 10 HSPU negatives done
B. 5@225, 3@285, 1@305 then 5 sets 4X255
Crazy day. Only had time to do wodapalozza WOD 1.
0-2:00 1 max UB MU
8 UB MU’s (PR)
2:00-15:00 complete 1000m row and 1 Rep Snatch Max.
Row 3:44
142# Snatch
Wahoo – congrats Jean!
A – Done, except for the 20″ uphill donkey kicks. Our boxes are the narrow ones and this just felt too scary like I was one bad donkey kick away from a Crossfit fail YouTube video. B – 245, 275, 315, then 5×4 at 275. C – Unfortunately I did these correctly and did 3RFT twice. Oh how I wish I had done this wrong because this sucked worse than I thought it would. 6:14 and 6:24. On the second one, I swapped in 20 HR push-ups for the pull-ups because my lats were getting a little fried. Need to… Read more »
Yeah the uphill donkey kicks were a little intimidating for sure! I did them but didn’t quite look like Travis’s! ?
How are those biceps and lats feeling today Mike?
Felt good, which is encouraging.
A: worked on it, B: spent several hours with a UofA strength and conditioning coach, call it mini back squat school. Worked up to 335 as he tried to analyze why my adductors always take a beating at heavier weight. Up to 285-295, technique is “pretty good” once I cross to the 300’s, my knees start back immediately coming out of the bottom causeing my hamstrings, adductors, glutes to burden the load more than the quads.. Only does it when the weight gets heavy. I need to keep them forward for the first “several inches” on the way up. Just… Read more »
Great to hear David!
Wednesday’s program:
DMA – done
A1 + A2 (ring swings/cast swings/pop swings/speed swings) – done
A3 – did rowing MU transitions on low rings
B -E2MOM12 – 1 FSQ + 1 Jerk – 3×108# / 3×115#
C – 38:12 (did the 60+ version as I don’t have HS walks or strict HSPUs yet)
Did every round pretty evenly in right around 9:30
500m Row
5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups
60 sec Nose to Wall HS Hold
400m Run
10 L-seated DB Presses – 25# DBs (up from 20#)
400m Run
Mobility activation done
A. Done
B. 1st time doing heavy back squats in a long time… kept the percentages slightly lower.
165-185-200/ sets from 185-205#
C. 2:30, 2:58
D. Done
A. 11 Strict HSPU/6 BMU/10 WB
B. 85-105#
Let me know how your hamstring and hips feel today!
Full week of doing nothing. And I mean nothing! Good to be back in the gym. Easing back today to put the body through a lite stress test.
DMA done
A done
B squatted up to 135 and repped out a few light sets on that
C. Did some light snatch technique work.
Everything feeling good. I plan on ramping up slowly this week with hopes of hitting it hard again next Monday.
Mobility done
A. Done
B. 215/245/275, sets at 245
C. Read it wrong and did 1 round, rested 3 minutes – repeat 3 times. Did box facing BBJO, DL all UB, butterfly pull-ups are getting there (9/6; 8/4/3; 7/6/2) – times were 1:42/1:37/1:43
D. Done – ouch
Did the strict press in jerk receiving: 115/125/130/135/140/145/150/150
Will try to get back for the other work later (or maybe do some conditioning)
Dyn/mob/act; done A1) Donkey kicks: did them wrong so Im going to re do them, they look scary off a box that high but Ill find out for sure in a bit how it goes -will come back to edit this after wards A2) RB: done A3). W/f S+DK: done. ..I think I am hyper extending my back on the donkey kicks with wall facing split I struggle but I enjoy them .. Ill get them sooner or later. A4) 1st Def SPHU: done B1) B/S: 185 lbs,225,255 B2) B/S EMOM: 225 lbs C) Rxd: 1) 1;37 2) 1:28 3)… Read more »
A) Done. Split handstand was different. Not sure if I did correctly. I’ll post a video
B) 145/175/190.
Sets at 180lbs
C) so I read it wrong this morning and did each round as a set. So 3 sets with a 3 minute rest in between.
I’m glad I read it wrong. Lol! After all the arm and shoulders from yesterday, I felt it on the pull-ups. 45 was plenty for today
First set DL unbroken, pullups in sets of 5
Second set DL – 6/6, pull-ups 4/4/4/3
last set I just fell apart and Progressively died
Dawn I think thats what. I did LOL we saw the same thing.. 🙂
A. HS drills/walks
B. 235/255/285, then 5x4x255
C. 3:33/4:07 (2x2RFT) good butterfly pull-up practice
Awesome Perry!! How did they feel during the workout?
Getting better, thanks Nichole. 2nd set was choppy – elevated HR, I revert to my old bad habit of trying to control the swing with my arms, instead of hips/legs.
A. Complete.
B1-235, 265,300
B2- 265 acrossed all sets.
C. 6:10, 8:05 (it was rough)
D. Finishing to night during lunch
Optional I wish I could.
DMA – done
A. – done
B. 180 – 205 – 225; 5 sets @ 195 – 195 – 200 – 202 – 205
C.***Don’t feel bad Suzanne, like you I didn’t realize that there were three rounds in each set.
1:49 – 1:58 – 1:58 (UB sets of pull-ups BUT only did one round). Great triplet!
D.- done (Russian twists with 12 Kg KB) Abs were on fire after 3 sets of this core work! Love it.
Will do Optional workout later this afternoon.
Ok did they change C from last night. I did one round rested 3mins then two more rounds the same way
I really f@cked that one up. LOL
I did the same as you Suzanne! In the big scheme of things, it doesn’t matter.
I did change it from last night but don’t worry about it!! There was a mistake on the original workout so that is why it changed
Mobility- done
A. Donkey kicks to 8” box
Rocking Bridges 20”
Emom done
Deficit HSPU – 4” kipped up
B #137, 155, 180. 5 sets @155
C 2:52, 2:34, 2:33
D. Done
Optional- later today
Ok, I’m completely confused on part C looking through all the comments now. The way it reads is that I do two rounds for time, rest 3 minutes, and do two rounds for time again. If I do not do the optional session, then I’ll do three rounds for time, rest 3 minutes, and do three rounds for time again.
Mobility completed
A1)Completed as regular donkey kicks. Did not feel comfortable doing them on the box.
A3)Completed. For whatever reason I am not very good at donkey kicks with my back to the wall.
C)4:46/5:07 I had done this as three rounds rested and then another three rounds before the adjustment was made. I performed the bbjo by placing my hands on the box which speed them up a lot. All pull ups ub.
Great Dean. If you don’t do the optional conditioning session then you did it correctly!
A. Done. The wall facing hs split worked great today as did the box bridges.
B. 225,255,290
B1. 255 for all really working on back position
C. 1:19 all UB
1:27 pull up 8/7
1:22 pull ups 6/5/4 fast burpees!!!!!
D. Done.
Great job on C!!
I was hauling ass coach and it felt good!!
That is how I did “C” also. just went super hard for 3 sets. As far as breathing goes, this was tough!
That is also a great way to attack this one!
If it helps; I died. I still have Fran lung.
Was it suppose to be 3 rds of that for time?
Supposed to be 2 rounds for time; rest; 2 rounds for time UNLESS you aren’t doing the optional session and then it is 3 rounds for time; rest; 3 rounds for time.
Regardless – if you got a great workout in and it wasn’t an insane amount of volume then I am happy!
Exactly Dawn! Thank God no AB in there today!! We did 4 rounds like that last week.
Is C 9 total rounds? Do 3 rounds. Rest 3 min. Repeat another 2 times?
I did a round of 3 in about 7min. Rested 3. Did another 3 in closer to 8:30. Rested 3. Did 1 round and stopped there…. anyone else read it this way?
This is the way that I read it too.
Woohhhhhaaa that was only supposed to say 2 sets! So sorry for all the pull-ups. If you did 3 sets then do not do the optional session today!
Oh wow it was only supposed to be a total of 4? 7 rounds of it was rough. I’m glad I didn’t finish all 9!
I feel ok from the pull-ups actaully but Deadlifts might be a struggle tomorrow… 🙂
Lets see how those hamstrings feel tomorrow 🙂
I think I read it wrong. I did it as 3 sets, 1 round each.
Me too.