Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Stem Riser x 4 reps
Interval 2 – Air Chair Swing
x 4 reps
*Start from the ground each rep on the Air Chair Swing. Try to get your knees nearly to the bar and keep your feet on the opposite side of the bar from your body.
Rest 60 seconds, then. . .
Every 15 seconds, for 3 minutes (12 sets) of:
Bar Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Every 15 seconds, for 3 minutes (12 sets) of:
Box Jump-Up to Support x 1 rep
Open Workout 15.5
27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)
35-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
One set of:
10 Tuck to V-Up Complexes
followed by…
followed by…
Three sets of:
L-Sit Flutter Kicks on Kettlebells x 15-30 seconds
Rest as needed
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets), complete:
600 Meter Run
<6 minute Mile Pace – 2:00-2:10
<7 minute Mile Pace – 2:20-2:30
<8 minute Mile Pace – 2:40-2:50
<9 minute Mile Pace – 3:00-3:10
2nd Invictus program in the bag. I’m hooked!
A. Done. Stem Risers were challenging. Couldn’t always get myself over the bar without making contact with the floor first. Fell off the 30 sec per interval pace in the last minute.
Did box jump to support.
B. 12:47 / did it in 13:51 in 2015, happy with the improvement. Was able to stick to my thruster plan!
C. Done
Going to do the optional track workout later tonight.
One of those days. Felt super stiff, took forever to warmup and had no will to dig deep.
A. Done option 1
B. 8:33 Gamed it way too much but just no fire in the belly today. Getting it done is a victory in itself I suppose.
C1 Done
C2 5×20
C3 3×20 secs
A. practiced bar muscle ups, still ugly, still figuring out how to convince the left side of my body to work…I’m not patient and only kick and pull with the right, it’s gonna click one day, right?? B.1 Programmed 15.5 for group class and did it with them and programmed this first: EMOM 12 min 1: 8-12 UB KHSPU 2: 8-12 UN TTB 3: 15-30 sec KB flutter kicks B.2 10:22 – first time doing this, was injured in 2015. Checked out the leaderboard for times, wow…I can do better but still won’t be hitting those kind of times –… Read more »
It will!!
8:03 in 2015….. 7:06 today
Short of time due to in house throwdown yesterday. Came in to clean-up today to find water leak 🙁 So… Just the WOD without a warm-up.
That’s ridiculous! Great work man!
Cheers. Think that I could get 30 secs better if warmed up properly and actually had a strategy. Went out too hot 1800+ on rower and UB thrusters first round. Then 1400 on rower thereafter. 11-10 second round, 8/7 third, and UB final.
Well done Rob – fantastic!!
Delayed entry: entered 93/ did it on 9/2
A) done
no bar muscle up at all 🙁 I wasn’t feeling it .. arms are fatigue after failing 6 rds
I went on an did the jump to support for 10 rds
B) 13;32 rxd.
C). Done
Optional skipping go Anna rest will do this tom 🙂
A. Done
B. Did not do…Hip was cranky today so decided to do this instead…
3 rounds at moderate pace of:
4 mins row
4 mins assault bike
Run 400m
31:36, approx 2700 m rowed, 120 cals ass bike, 1200 m run
A. Done – Pretty happy to have met the time domain for this one
B. Completed the Competition workout instead – Bridges – 39:24RX. A little slow. Too conservative on the thrusters in the earlier rounds, broke a little too much. HSPU were UB but had to break pull ups – 10/10/5 pretty much whole way, torn hands.
C. Will do tomorrow with run intervals.
A. Complete. Stem risers were challenging.
B. Did not do. Did team workout with class
C. Will do tomorrow with track work
A. Done. Did box jump to support
B. 11:36
C. Done
12/12 bmu
12/12 jump to suport.
10:25 in 2015 it was 12:58. A 2:33 pr.
15.5 did in 15.45 working my way back from knee surgery bit by bit that was hard though should of done less than 95 but I ensee up doing 95
Lets see how the knee feels tomorrow – mobilize and get some compression (if you can) on it and lets see how it feels come tomorrow!
I will see where my wod bands are
B1)Partner WOD
800M run
80M DBall Carry 100# each partner
40 tandem air squats
Rest 15 minutes
B2)15.5 12:16 I had only done this wod once before during the Open in 2015 and got 14:36. Could have done better if I did not join the class wod prior but am very excited with the progress since 2015.
Y’all have a great holiday weekend.
A1. done
A2. still not as smooth as I need to be, done, but need to work on the smoother transition
B. 9:54 – kept a good pace on the row, thrusters were 15/12,11/10,unbroken, unbroken
C. done
A. Done
B. 9:56
C. Done
At work. Only time for 15.5
B. 10:20 (95#)
A. Done
A1. Done
B. 10:37 1 min slower issues with first set of thrusters. 3,5,12,7 for 27 then 21- 12&9, for 15- 10&5 and 9 unbroken
C. Done
Nice work
A1. Done
A2. Done video posted on FB
B. 13:58
C. Done except kettlebell work
A. later
B. Did Team-WOD of 88-66-44-22: 21:11
C. done
15.5 sick