Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 60 seconds
Ankle Pulse x 15 reps per side
and then . . .
Followed by . . .
Finishing with. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Behind the Neck in Receiving Position x 3 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Drops x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Snatch Balance x 2 reps + 1 Overhead Squat @ 3211
*Same progressions as last week. Focus on mechanics and see if you can increase the weight by 3-5% for the snatch balance + OHS
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets), complete:
High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets), complete:
4 Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift x 1 rep
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes, for times (4 sets):
Assualt Bike x 60/40 seconds (Max Calories)
Two rounds
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 6 reps
Wall Ball Shots x 12 reps
20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to 10′ target
55+: Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups; 20 lbs to 9′ target; 10 lbs to 9′ target
*Try to keep consitent calories and fast transitions during the two rounds.
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Roll Back Extensions x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Seated Dumbbell Press x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
A. 11# bar–upper back and shoulder flexibility poor at best
60# for all
85#–a bit messy in first sets
B. 75#
C. 8 cals for all, I am like a small child on the bike! 🙂
2:55/2:58/3:05/310– wallballs got slower every round, but chest to bar is finally coming back. I had developed a weird hitch at the top so am trying to get rid of it.
First day back after a lot of travelling and holidays
A1. Bar/75/85
A2. 85/95/105
A3. 115/125/130/135/140
B. 115
B2. 165
C. 25/1:45. 24/1:43. 24/1:46. 23/1:46
Done on rower. No AB
D. Done
B1: 80kg
C: 1:20-25 left each round. 32/28/28/23 – Checked out mentally before I started the last round of AB.
Rough day. Had no gas in the tank at all – not sure why. Didn’t know if it was lack of sleep, not eating enough, or spending all morning in the car. A&B – Skipped. Focused on overhead mobility work. My right shoulder wants to internally rotate (armpits turn downward) and I cannot get into a safe overhead position when snatching. So I’m shutting this down for a while until I can get this right. Too risky. Subbed in 5×5 Front Squats @70% (210#) to get the legs moving. C – 17/2:10, 16/2:28, 16/2:48, 15/3:00. Rough in the heat and… Read more »
Good call with your shoulder. Have you ever done acupuncture to help with some activation in the shoulder?
For starters, we did 1RM on Squat Snatch and C&J this morning. PR’s on both. Mobility and activation done. Snatches Presses @ 50# – left shoulder has been a bit sore Snatch drops with 45# bar – really focusing on speed under the bar Snatch Balance + OHS @ 65#. Stayed close to the 70% for the HHS @ 75# Snatch Deadlift done @ 115 Fatigue was setting in, so I skipped C We have lots of Wall Balls in the morning, so I didn’t do the CTB and WB’s. I opted to work through Travis’ Target Tap Swing. Just… Read more »
Awesome job on your PRs Glenn!
DMA done + long session of Crossover Symmetry.
A1. 65#/65#75#
A2. 95#/105# x 2
A3. 95#/115#125#/135# x 2
B1. 135# across all sets
B2. 165# x 2/185# x 2
25 cals, 3:22
21 cals, 3:36
21 cals, 3:51
23 cals, 3:50
5 rounds x 40m down and backs, so 80m total each round
Sled push 225#
Yes you did. Incredible finish for that last round partner.
Just tried to keep up with you. The Panther. Always lurking and always ready to pounce and drive to the finish line. Nothing short of amazing. I will borrow from an author named Josh Medcalf here: a stone cutter can pound away for 100+ hits on the stone and it looks like nothing is happening. . . then suddenly on 101, the stone splits. This was today for me. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I increased my volume in the post-surgery world. Today tells me it is working. It is the first big step forward for me in the… Read more »
Great analogy Brian and happy to be in your corner!
Solid Brian!! Well done!!!
Evening track session – did the 2 mile time trial from the other day. 14:19
Fast Joe!
DMA done
A1. 40/50/60#
A2. 75/85/95#
A3. 95/105/115/125/130#
B1. 2×3@115, 2×3@125
B2. 145#
17 cal 2:39
15 cal 2:53
14 cal. 3:03
13 cal 3:23
Then 5x 40yrd down and backs
Sled push 160#
Awesome work Jean!!!
Something that I didn’t note but really bugged me, during and afterwards, was that I couldn’t butterfly my C2B because of my heart rate/breathing. Frustrating.
Mobility done
A1. 55-75# (keeping it on the lighter end for all of part A, want to see how the hammy feels with these)
A2. 85-5#
A3. 105-125#
B. Skipped, instead did this
5 rounds:
10 GHD situps
20 push-ups
C. Only did 3 sets, didn’t want to do too much volume with the wall balls (testing the hammy out, see how it feels tomorrow):
14, 2:02 (air dyne only today)
14, 1:58
13, 2:07
D. 15, 25#
Nice work Cheryl – how are the hamstrings feeling this morning?
Thank you! It actually feels the best it has over these past couple weeks! So happy to wake up and not be like dammit I shouldn’t have done that!?
Now to figure out how I should begin going about squatting again? Any thoughts?
When you have no pain for 3 days after you do something that is hamstring oriented. I saw you did some hamstring exercises today – how are they feeling now?
Yes I did some hamstring strengthening rehab exercises as part of an activation for yesterday… This morning it feels a little tight and fatigued from all of yesterday’s work! I was hoping to do some of the deadlifts today but maybe I should hold off and maybe hold off on the running?
Yeah, I’d hold off on both. Definitely don’t introduce two new things in one day. I’d recommend getting that assault bike out for the run today 🙂
Snatch Press-95; 105; 115(2)
Snatch Drop- 135; 145; 155
Snatch Balance Complex- 155; 165; 175; 185; 195
HHS- 155×4
4 Pos DL- 225
C: 20/ 2:25
18/ 2:54
17/ 2:54
17/ 2:57
A1 & A2. Worked with empty barbell
A3. Worked up to 175. Snatch balance was limiting factor. OHS even with tempo was easy.
B. 145 across
Forgot to do the DL
C1. 2:24 (29 Cal on AD)
C2. 2:26 (26 Cal)
C3. 2:24 (25 Cal)
C4. 2:27 (25 Cal)
D1. 20# – 10,8,7 – Harder then I thought it would be
D2. 35# _ 10,8,8 – Again the tempo got me. Triceps we’re fried.
Nice and consistent, well done!
A. 75,95,105
135 all
185 snatch DL
27, 2:30
21, 2:58
20, 3:10
I suck that kicked my a..
A.1 10-10-10kg
A.2 25-25-25kg
A.3 35-38-41-44-47kg
B.1 41-41-41-41kg
B.2 61-61kg
C. (11) 2:24, (10) 2:29, (10) 2:39, (10) 2:46 – judging from my cals, I clearly sandbagged the AB, or at least the first one – regardless, I was DYING all the way til the end
D. ran out of time
My first week on the program. Stil a lot to learn.
Dynamic Warm up – done
A1. 20kg ( was difficult to do)
A2. 35Kg
A3. 40 kg
B1. 40Kg
B2. 40 Kg
C. Skipped
D. 8 and 18 kg
So happy to have you Rene!
Mobility done
A1. 60/65/70 – getting better
A2. 120/125/130
A3. 135/145/155/165/170
B1. 140/145/150/150
B2. 210/210
C. 20/20/19/18 – had roughly a minute rest after completing the 2 rounds each set, so I guess those took me about 2 minutes.
D. Done
A1. 65/65/65 these are starting to feel better
A2. 115/125/125
A3. 165 x 5 sets
B1. 145/145/150/153/155
B2. 225/225
C. That was NOT consistent and hurt badly! Took everything I had to finish that.
29 cals – 2:37
24 – 2:45
21- 2:58
19- 2:48
D1. 30×7/25×10/25×10
D1. 40×10 x 3 sets
Solid work Pierre
Dynamic Warm up – done
A1. 95 lbs.
A2. 95
A3. 115/115/125/135/145
B1. 115
B2. 155/175
C1. Rower 40 kcal, around 1:51 per round
C2. 1:44 Rx’d
D. 40 lbs. for both
On C I see some numbers ? Nichole let me know if it was done correctly in a period of 16 min you had 1 min for max cal, then the rest of the 3 min to do 2ds 6 C2B and 12 WB, this done 4 times or 4 sets etc…
DM&A Done
a. BAR
a2. 95,95,115
a3. 115,115,125,125, 125
b. 105# 70%
b2. 155# 105%
c. 18 – 2:52, 17- 2:54,15-2:55, 11-3:03
d. no time
Nice job Chris!! Way to push!
Mobility Done all Warm ups
A1 – 75 / 95 / 115 lbs
A2- 95 / 115 / 120 lbs
A3- 115 / 120 / 120 / 135 / 150 lbs
B1- 115 / 115 / 125 / 125 lbs
B2- @205 lbs
C- 24cal plus 2 rds
13 cal plus 2 rds
15 cal plus 2 rds
9 cal plus 2 rds
D- not done ( needed to catch a flight)
Will be posting some videos on the snatches.
Good day