4 Minutes of Hip Flexor Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Anterior Shoulder Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Quad Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Lat & Subscap Mobility of Your Choice
Focus on relaxed breathing throughout these mobility drills. If you cannot breathe properly, the stretch is too intense and you need to back off to the place where you can maintain a rhythmic breathing pattern.
Warm-Up Technique Drills
Four sets of:
50 Meter Finger-Tip Drag
Rest 20-30 seconds
Followed by…
Four sets of:
50 Meter Pull
Rest 20-30 seconds
Followed by…
Four sets of:
25 Meter Breathe Every 5 Strokes
Rest 20-30 seconds
Main Set
Two sets of:
50 Meter Pull @ 60% effort
Rest 15 seconds
Followed by…
Two sets of:
100 Meter Breathe Every 3rd Stroke @ 70%
(focus on long streamlines off the wall)
Rest 30 seconds
Followed by…
Two rounds of:
200 Meter Freestyle @ 60%
20 Push-Ups
20 Air Squats
(use the push-ups and air squats as an opportunity to feel the transition to dryland movement and back into the water)
Optional Finisher
Two sets of:
50 Meter Kick
Rest 15 seconds
Followed by…
Two sets of:
25 Meter Swim
(goal is to make the 25m in one breath, but be safe and take a breath or two if necessary)
Rest 20-30 seconds
Done, did 20 push up 20 squat 200m swim back to back in 8 min
Done. 1450 yds in total swimming tonight.
Haven’t had a full rest day in a while, so took today off ?
Going to run a 1.75 mile OCR course a couple times tomorrow! Obstacle practice, here I come!
So glad you took a full rest day! That is so important!! Yay – so glad you have access to an obstacle course – definitely get out there today! Let us know how it goes!!
For the most part did all above! No pull bouys so skipped that!