AM Session
Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Band-Assisted Hamstring Floss x 30 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 5 reps
Leg Reach x 10 reps
and then . . .
Row 500 Meters at a relaxed pace
Six sets of:
Pause Jerk x 2 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of your dip and in your receving position. Please use blocks.
Five sets of:
Deadlift x 1-2 reps @ 80-85%
Rest 3 minutes
Two sets for max weight of:
60-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets for max weight of:
60-Foot Seated Rope Pulls
One set, for max weight, of:
75-Foot Yoke Carry
One set of:
200 Meter Sled Push
*If you are experiencing any elbow discomfort then omit the pulls and do 3 sets of the 200 Meter Sled Pushes instead
PM Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Minute 1 – 20 Double-Unders + 4 Hang Power Cleans
Minute 2 – 6 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (20″)
Minute 3 – 10 Wall Ball Shots
Immediately followed by. . .
Three rounds for time of:
20 Double-Unders
4 Hang Power Cleans
6 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs
10 Wall Ball Shots
35-49: 155/115 lbs; 55/35 lbs; 30/20 lbs to 10′ target
50-54: 135/95 lbs; 55/35 lbs; 8 reps with 30/20 lbs to 10′ target
55+: 115/75 lbs; 35/25 lbs; 20/14 lbs to 10′ target
For Completion:
60 Shoulder Taps
60 second Elbow Plank
60 Tuck Rocks
60 Second One-arm Prone Hand Plank (30 seconds each side)
Jerks not done. I’m training with a weightlifting coach tomorrow so will do them then.
Deadlifts at 102kg. First set felt hard but ok after that – 2 reps.
EMOM done. I didn’t see the 3 rounds immediately after so missed that. I’m not sure if the lungs would have coped anyway.
Rope pulls and sled push done. No yoke carry.
Shoulder taps etc done.
One 2.5 hour session
Worked hsw and mu (emom style for 20 min)
A. 215
B. 355
C. Rope pulls 4 x 45# plates on sled, seated same wt, push same
A1. EMOM went 24 min (20″ box, 30# wb) , too wiped out to finish last 2 rounds
One sesh- A. 125-175-185-195-205-205 <– stayed at 205 to feel solid in the jerk. They've been a little mushy lately. B. Done @265 x2 C. EMOM – all done and stayed consistent at :18-25 for all rounds!! Yay! Then died on the 3 rds… boo ? 7:00 (had to tell myself to refocus on the last part, it sped up after that, but lost focus for a few minutes there) D. Sled pulls- sled+ 3×45 and sled + 4×45 Seated sled pulls- sled +2×45 and sled + 3×45 Yoke- no time to make one today 200m sled push- did as… Read more »
Good work on your jerks Beth!
Limited time today…
A. 175/185/185/195/205/215
B. Done at 275
EMOM done. Felt good. 3 rounds: 5:06
Fast Teresa!
Did the run swim run 14:06- losing goggles and had to dive down to get em back.
:52/:50/:47 on obstacle course
Then 20 min ass bike 30 sec on/off
My hip and shoulder were both a little cranky today so did this instead:
Pool session
Warmup with some 50s
For time:
Run 800m
Swim 300m
Run 800m
14:00 (800s were 3:34/3:23; transitions were under :20)
Set up an obstacle course, ran through 3 times:
0:45, 0:44, 0:43
That was fun!
Bike intervals – 20 mins, :30 on/:30 off
195 calories
DL @ 410# doubles. Got easier each set.
Metcon: 21m + 5:21
Solid Brent!!
Limited time
Swam 500 m
Mobility done
Jerks up to 265#
No deads
Ran 1 mile 6:30
Will do metcon tomorrow