Program Note – You all have just completed five weeks of physically and mentally challenging training and competing. This week will be a chance to restore, so while training will be posted, we strongly encourage you all to modify or omit portions to keep your intensity low to moderate. Please do not add any unnecessary volume; we want you feeling fresh going into the next training cycle, which begins Monday, April 3, 2017. We will be releasing more information later this week about the upcoming training cycles, which will include options for both individuals and teams moving forward to Regionals, as well as an off-season program that will have an option to prepare directly for the Granite Games Online Qualifiers in June.
Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build in loads over the course of the 10 sets, but prioritize movement quality.
Four sets of:
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch Deadlift with 6 second descent @ 90-100% of 1-RM
(pause for 2 seconds on each snatch lift-off)
Rest as needed
Take 15 minutes to build to today’s 5-RM Single-Arm Dumbbell Press
Alternate arms as you’re building, and start with your non-dominant arm.
Five sets of:
12 Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges
Rest as needed
Build and make the final three sets heavy.
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 6 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets):
Run 800 Meters
40 Air Squats
The goal of this session is to move consistently and efficiently. Keep your splits consistent, and don’t feel the need to push your tempo today.
A. Skipped
B. 85/105/125/135/145
C. Up to 45#s
D. Done with no weight
Gymnastics session with travis
Did one round of running and then just did air squats the rest of the time
17.5 redo 8:04 to 7:17!
Worked to 40# on DB presses
800s with 20 SHSPU 2″ def. Oh, I love running!!!?
A. 17.5 redo.. finished 14 seconds faster.. glad the open is over 🙂
B. 1 arm press x5 worked up to 45#s
C. Did the 800s but instead of air squats Ashleigh and I did 20 strict deficit HSPU
D. Nick and I did 20 min emom of odd min: 12 ghds and even min: 7 strict pull ups
A. Built to 130 (80%)
B. 160
C. 35#
D. Front rack lunges – 85-105-125-135-145
Conditioning – done!
Looking forward to normal training!
A. Worked up to you 205 and stayed there 80%
B. 245lbs (96%)
C. Worked up to 80lbs
D. Workedup to 185lbs
Conditioning- Done
Redid 17.5 around 20 seconds faster. Meh. Can’t wait to start the new cycle. Thank you guys for excellent training.
C. 40#’s
Great work! Excited to watch you continue to develop!
Session two
Shoulder work
Snatch emom up to 185
Snatch deadlifts all at 185…both on the air squats this morning and on these this evening I felt what couple possibly be external rotation in my right hip? Not sure…played it safe until I figure it out haha
17.5 redo 9:19. Improved by :19. Capable of sub 9:00 if I clean up my dubs.
Cherry picked rest of the workout.
D. Lunges. 95,115,135,155,185
Great work Tyler!
17.5 redo 8:50, 39 second improvement, wasn’t good enough to keep me in a qualifying spot but stoked to have even been in that position.
Even though you didn’t achieve that regionals spot it takes nothing away from all of your hard work this year. You should be extremely proud of your efforts!
Yeah dude I am! I’ve improved so much over the last 6 months on this program, I’m exited to see where I will be in another 12 months!!
Primary Conditioning (Warmup)
30:00 E6MOM of Running/Air Squats = Completed
Single Arm DB Press = 65#
Hang Snatch + OHS = 185#
Lift Off + Snatch Deadlift = 225#
Alt Reverse Lunges = 135#
Ab Mat Situps = 4 x 20
Day 1 with Invictus and I’m loving it. This community is awesome.
A. Worked up to 180
B. All at 200#
C. Worked up to 55#
D. All at 135#
Conditioning: complete
Kept it light and didn’t push any of the weights. Gotta give the body a rest after the last few weeks. Looking forward to my next year of training.
Glad you are with us! If you ever have any questions make sure you ask them. Excited to watch your progress
Welcome to the community!!
I’m back! Made the decision after the GGs to focus on growing my main affiliate (CrossFit 913) while starting up my new affiliate MC CrossFit. I knew I needed to take a break from competing while I focused on the businesses as hard as it was to do, I took a major step back off my training. However, I’ve got 913 rolling and MC is on track to be one of the nicest affiliates in KC opening up May 1st. So now it’s time to ramp up the training. A. 135-225 B. 245 C. 5×5 with 50lb DB, L seated.… Read more »
That is awesome to hear that everything is rolling along well!
Great to hear your affiliate is established and continuing to grow and the new project is going well. Welcome back!
Snatch + ohs 230 pr hang snatch plus ohs! Boom! CJ Martin is a God!
Snatch lift offs + snatch deadlifts
Done at 100%
Front rack lunge 135 145 155 165 175 should have gone heavier but low back was bothering me last week so careful not to tweak it.
Wod done had 45 sec of rest every round except 1 think my pace was good. Could have gone faster but didn’t push tempo today!
O and 5rm shoulder press #62 lbs. Had more on right side for sure but called it cause the left crapped out!
Nice pr!
Thanx man. Crazy Im still hitting prs after all the conditioning the last 5 weeks. Someone at invictus must know what they are doing!
Atta boy! Great work dude!! Just some hard work with a little guidance 🙂
Thanx tino! It’s crazy, since I’ve started working with you guys my overall ability as an athlete has improved 10 fold. Last year I finished 493 in my region, this year is yet to be determined but I have a hunch I’ll be top 200 for sure.
Plan for this year, continue to train with you guys just as I have, come out to visit a time or 2, and run for top 50 next year. I supprised myself everytime I completed an open wod this year. Excited to see how myself and the rest of us progress!
Love it!! Goes to show how far hard work and structure goes. Pumped with your efforts and can’t wait to watch them continue. Keep up the great work!
Hi Tino do you guys offer programming for Teams going to Regionals? I emailed to inquire about it also but wanted to follow up.
Thanks!! 🙂
Yes we are! We will post the options later this week but we plan to offer a team option.
A) worked up to 52.5kg
B) 4x 55kg
C) 30# — could have gone heavier
D) 3x 40kg
E) done!
Looking forward to the next cycle 🙂
Will there be a different cycle for the Online Masters Qualifier?
We will give further details later this week but we will make sure you’re prepared!
Primary Strength Session
A. Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat: 35-45-50-55-60-65-67,5-70-72,5kg
B. 2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch Deadlift with 6 second descent @ 90-100%: 4 sets @ 80kg
C. Build to today’s 5-RM Single-Arm Dumbbell Press:
5 reps @ 22,5kg (from standing) (3reps@24kg right arm / 4reps@24kg left arm)
D. 12 Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges: 45-50-55-60-65kg
Primary Conditioning Session
4:03 / 3:54 / 3:50 / 3:56 / 3:56
Did not beat my score from Friday but I’m ok with that. I watched my video prior and thought that I didn’t have much room for improvement. I was only about 5-8 seconds ahead of pace than Friday an I tripped up more today than Friday. Overall happy with how the Open went. I did what I could with what I had. 5 week competitions are tough mentally! Gotta enjoy life in between in all too! Thank you for all you guys do!
Great work Shely and congrats on an extremely successful Open. Time to reset both physically and mentally before the masters qualifiers!
Primary strength
A. Up to 215, failed 225 which is 1rm
B. 225 on all sets
C. 30, 40, 45, 50lb DBs then 53lb KB on each arm standing
D. 135-155-175-195-225lbs
17.5 = 11:50. took this nice and easy. ankle feels like poopy and i start PT on it tomorrow. Extremely happy and proud of my open this year. even though my open standing wont reflect it as well, im 100x the athlete i was last year. time to get the ol’ body back to 100% and start over!
Love the perspective! You have had an amazing year of training. I wouldn’t let the Open results be a reflection on what you have achieved. Great work. I’m excited to watch you continue to develop in the next year!
I’m going to recite this every night before bed for the next year haha