Many of you will be tackling 17.5 today. If that is the case, then follow the warm-up protocol from Fridays training and I wish you the best!
We are headed into the start of a 4 week cycle leading up to the Masters Qualifier. It is vital that you all listen to your body and remember to not be married to the program. If your body needs a rest or you have a nagging pain then address that first. Feel free to email me if you need guidance on knowing when to back off and when to push in training ( There will be optional two sessions per day during portions of the week for those who have the time and who have their recovery dialed in. It is no good to hit two sessions a day but at the sacrifice of sleep or recovery. The name of this game is recovery so, if you need less volume/more time to recover, then prioritize that over getting in two sessions a day. That being said . . . welcome to day 1 of Masters Qualifier Prep!
Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 5 minutes mashing your shoulder
and then . . .
Two sets of:
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 30 seconds
Banded Pass Thrus in a Squat
x 10 reps
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of complex:
Supinated Grip Pull-Up x 2 reps + Pronated Grip Pull-Up x 2 reps + Kipping Swings x 2 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat with a 2 second hold at the bottom of the overhead squat
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Hang Snatch x 3 reps
*Build up to a heavy triple
and then. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 90% of todays triple
and then. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 90% of todays triple
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Double Unders x 20 reps + Power Cleans x 3 reps
Minute 2 – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
35-49: 185/125 lbs
135/95 lbs
55+: 115/75 lbs; Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Optional Session (best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Row x 750 meters
Rest 6 minutes
When you set up for this workout, set your monitor to Intervals:Variable. Your interval is 750 meters with 6 minute rest, then choose No More Intervals when you are finished defining your intervals. Once you complete this workout, look at your monitor history to see what the average split is for the workout.
Late post.
DMA done.
A. 85#
B. Done with SU’s.
Mobility done, needed this feeling Saturday still.
A. Stayed light not wanting to push myself too much, working on mechanics ROM and stability.
B. Enjoyed this EMOM, put some plates down & opted for jumping C2B pull ups.
Added in some sled drags one arm & two arm, and pushes
Hello! I’m back from shoulder surgery. 6 month post op. Feel like I’m starting over but so glad to be back. I do not have full range of motion overhead so I will be doing as much as I can. Still doing pt, and modifying group wods.
Mob done
Snatches & OH squats still a challenge
Did strict pull ups but no Kipping swing
Emom w/ 20 du and 5 bb cleans/ push up sub for cttb.
Did group wod, Assult Bike/sdhp/Bjo.
Back squat with safety bar to 260#
And congratulations to all the athletes in this year’s open!!!
Welcome back Litsa! Good to see you are on the mend!
Welcome back!!!!!! So happy to see you on here, we’ve missed you! Email me whenever you want about possible substitutions or modifications for things!
Did 17.5 today in 11:11 –
Then after HR came down
PU. Implement Done
Moved thru the snatches for position and feel
A1- 115
A2- 145
A3 – 135
A4 – 145
B. Having just completed a few DU I simply power cleaned at 185 x 3
C2B all UB butterfly. Felt better than I thought they would.
Op Session 3 hrs later
Row 1 @ 2:34, Row 2 @ 2:39 a g sit was 1:45 and change.
Congrats all Invictus Master’s Athletes on a successful (though stressful at times) 2017 Open, GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!! Pretty fair test of fitness this year…
Optional: 2:28.9, 2:31.1 (5:00 even total row)
A1. Up to 185
A2. Up to 175
A3. Full snatches w class emom 90″ (6 sets) 175, 185, 175, 185f, 185, 190, 195
B. Partner class wod: alternating partner rounds 18 AMRAP: 12cal assault, 9 hang pwr snatch 75#, 6 ttb (16 rounds)
You did amazing Matt!
Mobility activation done
A1. 105-115-125-135-145-155#
A2. 105-115-125-135(m)-135#
A3. 125#
A4. 125#
B. Done
Optional: 2:55.3 (split 1:56.8); 2:54.1 (split 1:56.0)
A1: SB/OHS- 135; 155; 175; 185; 195; 205
A2: HSx3- 115; 135; 155; 165(2); 165
A3/4- 150lbs
B: Done- DU/PC were all at :24sec and just focused on practicing Butterfly C2B so didn’t do those UB. Hands are pretty beat up from Ring MU work prior to this.
Rest up those hands Corey!
DMA – done, including the pull up/kip swing complex. Then I had: A. Back squat building, 5-10# heavier than last week’s 10s B. 10 min EMOM :45 handstand hold 200 m row C. 30-20-10 wall balls 14# to 10′ target burpees rest 5 mins, then 25-20-15 assault bike cals air squats (x2) Overall today I was feeling good but still kind of tired, and my coordination was a little wonky. 🙂 A. worked at 135/145/155/165, which is only 5# heavier, as I wasn’t sure how much CNS I could count on today. These were tough but good. B. Done,… Read more »
Nice work today Miki!
Thank you!! 🙂
B. only did 5rds gym class turned off clock oh well. got saucy
Pull-ups ✅
Snatch Stopped at 135 all the reps made shoulder unstable in the bottom
Emom ✅ subbed ring-row to protect shoulder felt solid
Rowed in the morning
Good call on resting the shoulders Pete!
Row session: 2:26/2:28
17.5 = 17:51 got crushed by a stomach flu this weekend and felt super weak. Oh well!
Oh no Alvaro, I hope you feel better soon!
Mobility done
A1. 145# (stayed light on this one and focused on form/getting the quads loose)
A2. 145#
A3. 130#
A4. 130#
B. Done (focusing on butterfly C2B – goal for this year is to convert those from a weakness to my rest)
Congrats to all that made it to the qualifier! For those of us that didn’t, lets hit those weaknesses hard this year!
Done with all but the row and frustrated. I’m gonna let it go.
Will get back at it tomorrow.
Feel better just letting it out. LOL
Finished row 2.36 2.33
Legs ok, shoulders still sore from 17.5
Todays 5 RM Squat: 245#
Heavy Farmers cary: 5x 329#
A1. done up to 165, Failed 175
20 DU+ 3 PC all done Rx
10 C2B: 3,3,5,5,5,5 (shoulders sore, mostly singles, last 2 sets UB)
A. 185,195,205,215,225,235(5#Pr)
A2. 105,115,125,135,145
A3. 135#
A4. 135#
would love if part A2-4. was equal to part A.
Awesome job on your PR Tom!!! Hope you filmed today so you can upload to the FB group!
Just joined the masters program today, can’t wait to get started. I’ve been really pleased with what I’ve achieved in my 2nd Open, now time for more steady progress & fun.
Welcome Claire – so happy to have you!
Just joined the masters programme. Please with what I’ve achieved in my 2nd Open & now can’t wait to get started on the program
Looking forward to doing my first qualifier since being a master! Tweaked my shoulder on 17.3, hoping it heals up enough to participate.
A. All done with lighter weights, still have a bit of a pinch in my shoulder and first time snatching since.
Snatch balance + OHS @ 25kg
Hang snatch x3 @ 25-35-35-38-40kg
Hang snatch x 3 @ 36kg
Hang snatch x 1 @ 36kg
B. Done
Will row after noon class
Awesome Juls – congratulations on qualifying!!!
We had family come visit this weekend and one our nephews had a stomach virus which I got on Sunday. Not a lot of energy but I just tried to keep moving.
Based upon energy levels I will try to do my Dark Horse Rowing session this afternoon.
So sorry to hear that Dean!!! Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Nichole! I guess it was natures way of telling me that I needed to lose a few #. I do look forward to tackling 17.5 again at full strength. I know I can knock off several minutes on my time.