Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Barbell Shoulder Opener x 60 seconds
Wall Slides
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x 6-10 reps
Three sets of:
Donkey Kicks to Box x 15 reps
followed by …
Three sets of:
Handstand Wall Thigh Taps x 16-20 reps
followed by …
Three sets of:
Strict Handstand Push Up Negatives x 5 reps @ 50A1
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Front Squat + Jerk @ 80-85% of 1-RM Jerk
Three rounds, for time, of:
Rope Climb x 2 ascents
Assault Bike x 25/20 calories
Push-Press x 15 reps
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
Mob Done
A. HSW drills & Negatives work done
B.215/225 felt heavy and tired in legs and jerk tech felt slow, Went back down and worked tech at 185/205
C. 6:43 (UB on push press and AD on cal)
Really fast Art!
You got me by 1 second…nice
🙂 I’ll trade ya 17.2 for it.
I like the rope climbs. And for the record the AD is not quite as demanding as the AB.
The way I see it is you did the work! And I know I was hustling so you had to as well. We still got a long way to go, looking for you to make a move on the board this week
Thanks Pete, 17.3 looks fun. Although 185 is 90-95% of my 1RM.
I’ll lean into it and just keep movin’ forward.
DMA Done,
A. Done, Kicked/kipped up with hand stand negatives
B. 80,85,85,85,90,90kg – felt heavy…Wasn’t suppose to be?
C. 10:02, Assault Bike first round 75 RPM, Next round battled at 65 RPM, last one barely 60 RPM..think I need a rest day!
Coach Nicole
I took rest today…Im sorry I didnt get to post my last two wods. should I post them here or on the date of the WODs.?
Hey Lise – no worries at all! You can post to the days training 🙂
Ok! thanks Coach Nicole <3
Nursing a knee and a sore shoulder so did this today.
Lots of Mobility activation
Crossover symmetry
3 rounds:
25 Russian KBs (55#)
20 cals AirDyne
15 GHD sit-ups
Hope you feel better..
Thanks Pete! Keep it up man, you’re crushing it!
feel better soon!!
Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done
A. Done
B. FS + Jerk = 225-245-255-265-275-285
C. Metcon = 7:47
* Shoulders felt tight so jerks were tough today
* Still feel very fatigued during the Metcon
Mob complete
A–(Handstand Wall Thigh Taps was a new mvnt for me, very uncomfortable and off balanced)
B–135, 155, 165, 175×3 (Right wrist painful. Took it easy. )
This is my second day on the program. Looking forward to improving my weaknesses and learning from everyone.
Thanks for posting Joseph! Those wall thigh taps will help a tremendous amount for handstand walks
Mobile done
A. Strict Handstand Negatives 5, 5, 4
B. 165,165,175,175,185,195 no misses
C. 9:16
Fast Ed!
Mobility – done
A. Done
B. (Goal 148 – 157) 150 – 150 – 155 – 155 – 160 – 160 Felt pretty good on these today.
C. 11:24
A done
B. 225 all reps
C. 7:35
All Unbroken
Really solid time Brian!
Mobility done
A. Done
B. 205#(85%)
C. Had to modify since in my garage gym and no rope. Did strict pull-ups instead. Also, did 35 cals on Airdyne.
Front Squat + Jerk started at 225 finished at 270
Metcon 6:44 (assault bike, everything UB) maybe I coulda moved faster on 2nd round but almost redlined on bike
Shoulder mobility drills
Solid day Pete! Once I get my passport updated to travel that far across the state I am going to come train with you one of these days.
Sounds good!
Geese Pete! Fast Metcon, your in a whole different gear…keep up the great work on the Open.
Thanks feeling pretty good, a little confidence helps, appreciate the kind words
What speed do you ride at? I tried to stay at 75mph
Normally 78-85 rpm
DMA : ✅
A: did level 1, session 2 from Travis
B: ✅ @ 55-60-65-70-70-70 kg
C: ✅ @ 9:00 could have made a bit better time on the AB
1st-Norma Tec leg recovery system (mistake doing this before the workout-0 energy or motivation afterwards).
Mob done
B. Warmed up to starting wht of 180#, right wrist was hurting, especially catching the wht so I stopped.
C. Did a warm up round and the push press hurt the wrist so I called it a day.
Hope that wrist gets better!
Oh Assault Bike How I loath you. Actually just never really part of my workouts at crossfit and OCR was alot of running super excited still. Had some firends ask me if I was still excited after day 3. I said of course. I a have something wrong with me. I gradually figuring out everything I still seem to be a little light on my guesses for the lifts but I look that this is not a sprint but a marathon. So far so good my shoulders are tired the last 3 days had a lot of shoulder work.
You are doing great Doug! Adjust the volume if needed as you are just getting onto the program
Volume seems to be OK so fat I sometimes have to adjust the weight.
A: Done. Did Donkey kick to wall instead of box. HSPU negatives felt good. Bicep and shoulder are still hold up.
B: 225; 230; 235; 240; 245; 250
C: 8:21- fucused on rhythmic breathing. Easier said then done. PP UB.
Nice work keeping the push press ub!
Thanks Nichole! Now if I can get those Assault Bike times down.
A. DOne
B. 135#,!55#,155#,165#,165#,175#
C. 10:16 UB on the PP, slow on the bike 60-65 RPM. Going from bike to PP was tough. Just mentally made myself go UB on PP.
strict handstand negative
3×5 done with tempo of 50X1 no one to A assist lol.
b. fs + Split jerk from rig
looking fwd to 17.3
good luck everyone!
Are the front squat and jerk from ground or rig?
Rig or blocks I would say Brian
yeah I used rig
From a rig!
Mobility: done
A: done (24in box, 3x 20 shoulder taps)
B: 160, 160, 165, 170, 170, 170
C: 10:21 (subbed 5 x lying rope pull-up to pull-up using 9ft rope, touch ceiling on each rep)
Mobility completed
C)8:59 Shoulder burner. Getting better on the bike. First two round of PP UB and the last round 10/5.
Nice work going ub on the push press Dean!