For the 2017 Open season, Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon will be creating a unique guided visualization for each week of the Open. Each visualization will be specifically tailored to the Open event and available for download by Friday morning.
You’ll be able to purchase each visualization individually for only $5.99 each, starting with Invictus Guided Visualization: Open 17.2 Workout OR you can purchase all 5 visualizations (a $29.95 value) for only $19.97: Invictus 2017 Open Guided Visualization Workout Bundle!
5-10 minutes of Rowing and/or Assault Bike @ 55-65%
and then…
One set of:
Banded Hip Distraction x 45 seconds per side
Partner T-Spine Stretch
and then…
General Dynamic Range of Motion Warm-Up
and then…
Two to Three sets of:
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 85-90%
90 seconds of Easy Pedaling
Two sets @ game pace of:
30-foot Front-Racked Dumbbell Walking Lunges
6-8 Toes to Bar
4 Power Cleans
30-foot Front-Racked Dumbbell Walking Lunges
2-3 Bar Muscle-Ups or 2-3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 3-5 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
Two rounds of:
50-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge (50/35 lbs)
16 Toes-to-Bar
8 Power Cleans (50/35 lbs)
and then …
Two rounds of:
50-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge (50/35 lbs)
16 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Power Cleans (50/35 lbs)
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
Two rounds of:
50-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge (35/20 lbs)
16 Toes-to-Bar
8 Power Cleans
and then …
Two rounds of:
50-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge (35/20 lbs)
16 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Power Cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.
5-10 Minutes of Light Cool Down on Concept 2 or Assault Bike
Strategy Considerations and Preparation Notes
Please watch Cj Martin and Tino Marinis video as they go over strategy for 17.2Â
*Note: This strategy is going to be slightly different for various skill levels. If you do not have bar muscle-ups or struggle with bar muscle-ups then the priority needs to be to get through the first 2 rounds as quickly as possible so you have a good tie break time. Break up the bar muscle-ups into manageable sets (singles for many of you) and know that every bar muscle-up will be a huge advantage on the leaderboard (especially in the 50-54 age division).*
Kudos to the Invictus team for emphasizing BMUs and engine development in Open Prep. Drew deeply on both in this one. 123 reps on Friday night; going back for more on Sunday morning. Dave 41 years/5’7/158
119 will for sure redo and go a little harder on the first 2 rounds. The DB lunges got easier and faster i round 3 and 4. Pretty confident I can create a bigger window for round 4.
17.2 – 90 reps. Got stuck on 90th rep with lots of time left….just couldn’t get another MU. Re-do for sure. Felt great throughout- great prep from the coaches – just hit a big wall on the MU. Not proficient enough yet with technique.
17.2 109 reps. Went UB on T2B, was advised to break these up to help save grip for later rounds, so may try this one again.
17.2 = 82 reps, if I’m counting correctly. I got 4 MU’s before failure and time cap. I’m usually one and done, but I may redo this one. I kinda liked it, but for the fact that I’m tired of DB’s. I broke T2B’s into 4’s. Lunges were UB. Cleans were 4/3/1.
113 had a little rain man going, will definitely redo on Monday! struggled with the weights on my back lost lunges cause weights fell. don’t even remember how i broke up anything, definately did singles on bmu cause my grip was smoked. over did the cleans. was bringing them up on end on my shoulders for some reason.
116 reps on 17.2, which is probably within a rep or 2 of the best I have at this point in my crossfit journey. So, I am very happy and I don’t think I will do it again. I cruised through all lunges (used my height advantage on those) and did 7/1 on cleans each round. Broke T2b into quick 4’s to try and save grip for the bar MU. Hit 2’s on Bar Mu’s until 12 and then hit the wall. Had to go to singles from there. Another year of training and that Bar MU wall will be… Read more »
Good work Joe and awesome effort. It feels so good to walk away from a workout knowing you gave it all you’ve got!
Thanks Nichole! Definitely feels nice, but I know I have way more in me! Just need some more work.
No open this year so time get that vo2max back to above 60. This is good vo2max workout from finnish xc skiers:
300m uphill sprints with ski poles, repeat until throw up, then walk uphill with poles until 60 min mark.
For me, it was fourth run when I throw up on top.
That does like like a great lung burner!
where is the video for the strategy?