For the 2017 Open season, Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon will be creating a unique guided visualization for each week of the Open. Each visualization will be specifically tailored to the Open event and available for download by Friday morning.
You’ll be able to purchase each visualization individually for only $5.99 each, starting with Invictus Guided Visualization: Open 17.1 Workout OR you can purchase all 5 visualizations (a $29.95 value) for only $19.97: Invictus 2017 Open Guided Visualization Workout Bundle!
Movement Prep for 17.1
For time:
10 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
20 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
30 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
40 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
50 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
50 lbs dumbbell/35 lbs dumbbell ;24″/20″
35 lbs dumbbell/20 lbs dumbbell ; 24″/20″, step ups okay
Time cap: 20 minutes
5-10 Minutes of Light Cool Down on Concept 2 or Assault Bike
Strategy Considerations and Preparation Notes
I know this is rough on some of you who don’t read well, but please click the link below for our full list of preparation notes to help you all perform to the best of your ability and start the season off on the right foot. For years we reserved these notes only for our personal clients, but we’ve been so blessed with the growth of this Invictus Athlete and Invictus Masters community, and we want to see you all succeed this season. Please click here for our 17.1 Preparation Tools.
Kudos to Invictus. Friday I took on 17.1 prior to reading on the prep tools (because I was waiting for an email, my bad). Got 15:21 and my back and hammies said hellllooooo! Didn’t want to do it again! But, after reading the prep tools and doing the switch on the way down as well as the wonderful encouragement from Nichole to give it another go if body felt good, I redid it today and got 14:17. And so far, back feels great! Ready for 17.2 and I know where to find the prep tools this time! Thank you guys… Read more »
17.1 is done! I agree with Cheryl. Thanks for the awesome prep work and mobility tips as well as the reminder that we have done all the hard work by completing the training and now it is time to celebrate our fitness. Happy with how things went. (Friday evening) Saturday (am) A. Strict Press – 60 – 66 – 71.5 – 77 – 83 Push Press – 85 – 95 – 105 B. Subbed Assault Bike for running – five sets completed (2:15 – 2:04 – 2:01 – 2:11 – 2:05) C. – done! Didn’t push things. Just felt good… Read more »
Nice work Barry! 🙂
Thanks Cheryl. And to you and Al as well!
17.1: 203 reps. I am decently happy with this score, but was close to
finishing so am considering trying again on Monday, depending on how I
feel, how well I recover, etc.
17.1 152 reps. I will take it. I know this will sound like an excuse but I have been sick for two weeks. That half marathon I was training for, violently sick the night before and couldn’t run. I was so disappointed. Two weeks later and I’m still not right. It was awful. This workout was the first metcon I had done since the day before I got sick so I really paced it and kept it slow.
I would like to do this again though when I am well and see how I do.
17.1 173 reps. I didn’t really know where I was going to end up in this wod but was hoping to at least get high into the 50 snatches. Lower back tightened up in the round of 40 from lowering the DB, so just started dropping it. May try again Monday.
And bringing up the rear…
Friday night I tested out 2 rounds at 50#. I struggled. So, this morning I went with scaled at 35#. I feel one year older. 🙂 And while I’m embarrassed to post this, I will anyway. Someone once said “full effort is full victory.” Maybe if I was fresh. Meh.
17.1 = 147 reps. Sad! lol
Awesome job!! I agree, full effort is full victory!!!
17.1 Done, earned 214 reps, I was so closed to finishing, no regrets I gave what I had and fell in love with what I was able to do…
Thanks Invictus for all you guys do, the Prep for 17.1 was amazeballs,
Good luck to every one…
Thinking of a re-do I was so close…Perhaps Monday.
See how you feel come Monday Manny – great job!
17.1 done! Great prep work and mobility tips…pretty much followed it to a T except shortened the time on the bike and substituted a 100m run instead of the row on the warmup section! Also in warmup I practiced both the mid air transfer of hands on the DB and setting the DB down on ground and switching hands there! Just went by feel on that in the workout…actually was able to stick with the mid air transfer all the way until rep12 of the 40 Rep round and then transitioned to setting the DB down from there on to… Read more »
Amazing Cheryl!
Thank u!
Was gunning for 15:20 per schema below . Fell slightly behind in during round 4 but finished sub .16mins. Last set of burpees was dicey. Could not go faster without falling. Feeling like full effort was given tonight.

AWESOME job Dutch!!! Amazing effort.
13:55 Rx broke 30 @15 40@20. 50@30
Thanks for all the tip coaches worked great
FANTASTIC Brian!!! Really great job, how are you feeling today?
Backs a little tight did I lift wod at the box ,went for a walk now thinking of going into the steam room and hot tub . Plus what’s your thoughts on ice and heat for maintenance. I’m not doing 17.1 again lol
I think it depends on the person. But, for me personally, heat works really well for my back. Epsom salt baths, castor oil treatments, steam room – all of that is great!
Thanks so much
Had no idea where I would be in this. Never done db snatches and never done bbjo. I thought getting through the bbjo in round of 30 would be a goal. I got 5 bbjo after round of 40 db and was able to finish strong. So I was pretty happy until I found my video stopped recording at 13 mins when the phone went to low power mode. Will have to do again.
AWESOME JOB Rowdy!!! Never underestimate what you can do!! Are you doing video submission?
Thx Nichole. Yes video submission. I train in my garage.
finished 40 of 50 snatches, started to cramp in left calf in the round of 30 in BBJO and continued into snatches just tried to work around it, definitely want to redo but not sure the cramping (feels like a small charlie horse now) will subside and might do further harm. I am going to hydrate and rest and see how I feel on Sunday. Super frustrating to not finish in allotted time.
Hydrate, electrolytes, magnesium. Sorry to hear that buddy! Lets see if you can attack this on Sunday again.
I am prone too cramping, should have waited to do the workout cause I had a different routine on Thursday than I’m used to. Gonna try for Monday. Thanks for all your help!!
16:49RX, started to fast, died midway through 40, and BBJs where kind of slow
Nice work Rafael!
Took a run at 17.1 today
UB throughout. Just found a pace and stayed with it. Legs got heavy on the last 7-8 BBJO. If I were to give it a second run I would simply pick a higher pace on the first 2 rnds on the BBJO. Snatches felt good.
Best of luck to all on the workout.
Good work Art!
Went unbroken on the snatches up until the 40th rep on the round of 50, my back seized up. Took two to three breaths then gutted out the last 10, last set of burpees was tough with a tight back, but sped up on the last 10. All the other burpees steady no rest with step ups. Don’t think I will re-do, see how I feel over the weekend. Used all the tools including visualizing myself in the final set of 50.
How is the back feeling today Ed??
All good, recovery & rest
I kept a steady pace, even when it felt like my guts were being microwaved 🙂
The strategy tips & warm-up were perfect, thank you!!!
There was a challenge with my judges (the original person got called to work, then I had to wait for 2 hrs (after I was ready to go) for another judge to get to the gym. All in all 18 min cold isn’t too bad :).
Well done Ian!!! Awesome job adapting to a less then perfect set of circumstances. Great job!
Thank you very much! I haven’t yet decided I’ll repeat it on Monday.
Just my two cents on the warm up and notes Nichole Kribs and crew. Right on! I had zero issues with my back. My legs and hamstrings on the other hand!! Did Mikes warm up. The only difference was I added 10 light reverse hypers after each warm up movement for half and 10 GHD Back/Hip extensions for the other half. Treating it like a LN swing was also a game changer which saved my back and recruited hamstring and glutes. Only think I think I would/will do different is power instead of muscle snatch and not wear tight knee… Read more »
So glad to hear that Corey!
What is an LN swing?
A typo. Suppose to be KB for kettle bell
18:54. A mental grind! Will not be doing that again (at least until it is programmed again)!
great job!
36 of the 50 snatches. Got to the set of 50 with 5 + min left but was just too redlined. I tried to at first muscle the snatches then switch to use more hip and drop underneath….looking back I should have just muscled all of them. Might try it again Monday – I think I can get through under the cap but not sure I want to ?
Nice work Don! So happy to have you on the program and hope the notes helped! Lets see how you feel on Sunday and then see if you are able to re test on Monday!
Thanks. I’ll keep you posted.