Primary Training Session
5 Minute Row or Assault Bike @ 60-65%
Rest 60 seconds
4 Minute Row or Assault Bike @ 65-70%
Rest 60 seconds
3 Minute Row or Assault Bike @ 70-75%
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minute Row or Assault Bike @ 75-80%
Mobility Drills
Prioritize any areas that you know are an issue, but consider these four essentials for your ankles, hips and thoracic spine and front rack.
In 6-8 attempts, build to approximately 225-245 lbs for males, and 145-155 lbs for females.
5 Toes-to-Bar
20 Double Unders
3-4 Squat Cleans (135/85 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
5 Toes-to-Bar
20 Double Unders
2-3 Squat Cleans (185/115 lbs)
*Priority here is to work on your rhythm for cleans. Practice dropping the barbell from the top, stepping forward and setting quickly for your next rep.
“CrossFit Open Event 16.2”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of:
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double-Unders
*Squat Cleans*
Begin with a 4-minute time cap. If 1 round is completed in under 4 minutes extend time to 8 minutes. If 2 rounds are completed in under 8 minutes extend time to 12 minutes. Etc., adding 4 minutes per round completed for up to 20 minutes.
*Squat Clean Reps/Round*
Round 1 – 15 reps (135/85 lbs)
Round 2 – 13 reps (185/115 lbs)
Round 3 – 11 reps (225/145 lbs)
Round 4 – 9 reps (275/175 lbs)
Round 5 – 7 reps (315/205 lbs)
*Compare today’s results to January 7, 2017.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Yoke Carry
You should be able to do at least 100% of your 1-RM Back Squat, and preferably 125% for this distance.
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(turn every 50-feet)
Rest 3-4 minutes
If you make the whole distance on the second set, keep holding the handles stationary until you can no longer hang on.
Three sets of:
150-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
150-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
150-Foot Sled Sprints
Rest 60 seconds
Hit this with maximal intensity.
Running Endurance Option
Mile Repeats
Mile 1 @ 80-85%
Mile 2 @ 85-90%
Mile 3 @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes after each mile
Yesterday’s workout today.
Loved the rowing:) focused on my technique
16.2 340 reps! Whoop, was 1 rep away from finishing 145 squat cleans last year so a much better finish this year. Mentally struggle with the wods where the better you do the more you do so need to work on that!
Ran a mile, practiced bar MU, did yoga
Sunday Strongman day! For time: 7:42 30 Calorie Assault Bike 9 Muscle-Ups 6/3 20 Calorie Assault Bike 7 Muscle-Ups 4/3 10 Calorie Assault Bike 5 Muscle-Ups UB Possibly could have done bigger sets of MUs, but was close to failing last one… finally pressed out of my dip on my third try… had to regroup and go. Good to know I could do that though. C. Three sets of: 3x45lbs 150-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls Rest 60 seconds Rest 3 minutes, and then… D. Three sets of: 1@3x45lbs and 2@2x45lbs 150-Foot Reverse Sled Drag Rest 60 seconds Rest 3 minutes, and… Read more »
16.2 424 total reps. (One rep at 315). Didn’t test this back in January but last year I believe I had 4-5 reps at 275 so a significant improvement from that. Very excited!
Crushed it dude! Great work!
Primary Session
A. Done
B. Done
C. Done
D. 343 reps, 4 rep PR from last years open, couldn’t lift the 275# back then, surprised how easy it went up today. Probably paced too much in earlier rounds, didn’t feel very tired when I finished so there is another couple of reps in the tank.
Got the the chance to use a yoke today which was a bit of fun
A. 80kg plus yoke, so I think about 170-180kg total
B. Skipped, torn finger
C. Done
D. Done
E. Done
Congrats on the PR Luke. Now you need to start trusting your fitness and giving yourself more time on that 275lb. Barbell.
Last time I hit 3 @225 with 3 misses, this time I got to the 275 bar with 3 minutes left but mentally was taxed. Long week work and workout wise so feeling drained I’m stoked about this improvement.
Great work Rich!!
A-C. Done
D. 344reps (at last years Open I couldn’t stand up with 175 lbs, today I got 5 reps at that weight. So happy with that. I also switched the weights by myself today, and that was timeconsuming, so probably have a few more reps if I get someone to do that).
So we can confirm you got just a little bit stronger since last year 🙂
Awesome work Caro!
Thanks Tino!
3 cleans at 315
Same score as the last re test. I had one miss at 315 today.
You can finish this 🙂
16.2 rx’d
– 341 reps
Happy with The score. This was The score I had last year, but in january I could not stand up w. 125 kg and now Double 🙂
I was focusing on good reps and not pushing It to hard since I could not stand up with 125 last time. If this Is coming in The open, my goal is to finish all The reps @ 125!
DU & T2B was easy! 🙂
342 reps
Got 344 in January. Had enough time to match the score but missed my third attempt at 275 due to not wearing a shirt and it sliding off my shoulders. Still about 80 reps better than last year’s score.
Same thing happened with me. Definitely noted to wear a shirt for one like this in the future. ??
Still on the road, so I hit up “Tino”
DB thrusters 50#
Cals on stationary bike
Thrusters UB from 12 down, 2 sets for 14 and up.
If Castro does DB thrusters, those are gonna be a doooozy
Thanks for the workout Tino, that was fun
You’re welcome dude! Great work!
18:45 rx
Impressive ! Good luck this season my man.
Thanks man! Felt pretty decent today. Nice job yourself!
340 reps. Way more than last time but I set up multiple bars. I had to rush into this workout and I didn’t warm up properly and could tell. It was a busy morning and had to squeeze it in.
CrossFit Open 16.2
347 reps PR from Open only got 4 reps at 275# in the open. Mad about not getting the last rep at 275, wanted at least 1 attempt at 315, just couldnt stand the last one up =(
Great work Mack!
Took a mental day today… the next 5 weeks will be tough… it always is 🙂 Going to spend some quality time with the family and get my house in order this weekend ? Started on a slow 3 mile recovery run, after about a mile my low back on the right side was super tight. I think it’s something about the way I run. Decided to open up my stride and that was the answer! Then went 2 min open stride run (checked my watch a couple of times and I was about :40 off my 1 mile PR… Read more »
I hear ya lady!
Fun 5 weeks ahead! Good to see you looking after yourself and staying mentally fresh for next week
Trying to not let this consume me mentally for the next five weeks! Going to focus on going hard each week, and having fun. It’s gonna hurt, but it should be fun 🙂 Thus the off day and relaxing weekend, the work is already done, now just stay primed and ready to rock and roll!
A. Warm up done
B. Up to 245
C. Done
D. 16.2 339 reps, Finished DUs at 14:20, gave myself time to rest a little then try 275 once but couldn’t get myself to give it a real attempt. If only my max were more than 285 lol
I guess I missed the retest in January…
16.2 during last years Open: 425 (18:21 tie break)
Today’s retest in an empty gym by myself: 427 (17:59 tie break) ??
16.2 Got to the 275 bar with 50 sec left. 2 misses. I was so pissed. Last year couldn’t get through the 225 bar. We tested Jan 7th and I got 2 cleans at 275 Today couldn’t get 1 clean at 275. I think my legs were tired from yesterday I had plenty of time, and I can hit the weight got under it and it crushed me twice. Im not happy. But ya win some ya lose some. Still a great improvement from last year. I’m excited to see how I do this year. I know I’m more fit… Read more »
344 (339 in 2016)
My judge didn’t write down my time after DU’s, but I had about a minute at 175.
This would have placed me around 56th in the region…and I always redo and do better the second time. ?Stoked with that. I deadlifted 175 last year and said…nope.
I don’t remember, did we not have to change our own plates last year? I did my own today.
No you don’t have to change your own plates.
Seems like you got a little better since January 🙂
339 – Finished T2B + DU at 15:40 . Tried one clean at 275#. Spit me out like a bitch.
84 Rep PR
Also funny that I finished the 225# cleans at 11:58 ?
HUGE PR!! Awesome work!!
1 rep at 315 ( should have been two!) my legs were angry today my friend, like an old man trying to send soup back soup in a deli! REALLY HAPPY WITH THIS SCORE. The past 3 times i’ve done this workout ive been able to get at least 1 rep at 315 where last year i finished the double unders at 15:59 to start on the 275 bar. im also down 10lbs! SO FREAKING PUMPED FOR THE OPEN! #bringiton #forTino
That’s awesome dude!! Love your improvement this year!
You got a big year ahead of you man! Great job!
thanks evan !
Good work man!
thanks man!! hopefully during the open i can finisher her!