Primary Training Session
Build to today’s 1-RM Power Clean & Jerk
Four sets of:
2 Clean Lift-Offs + 1 Clean Deadlift with 8-second descent
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
10-12 Dumbbell Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunge Steps (50/35 lbs)
Rest as needed
For time:
50 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35 lbs)
50 Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry Alternating Reverse Lunges (50/35 lbs)
50 Pull-Ups
50 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Alternating Single-Arm DB Snatches (50/35 lbs)
50 Burpees to Target 6″ Above Reach
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Two sets for max weight of:
50-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets for max weight of:
100-Foot Rope Pulls
(go for maximal intensity; you should not be able to complete a third set if asked to do so)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets for max weight of:
150-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(turn every 50-feet)
Rest as needed
One set for max reps of:
Sandbag Front Squats
Rest 30 seconds
Sandbag Carry for distance
Running Endurance Option
Two sets of:
Run 4 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 Minutes @ an easy pace
Run 2 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 minutes @ an easy pace
Run 6 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 MInutes @ an easy pace
Run 4 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 Minutes @ an easy pace
Run 2 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 minutes @ an easy pace
Two sets of:
Run 6 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 MInutes @ an easy pace
Run 4 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 Minutes @ an easy pace
Run 2 Minutes @ a fast pace
Run 2 minutes @ an easy pace
A. 256 (11# PR on power clean)
B. 295/300/305/310/315
C. Done 3 sets of 10
A. 26:20 RX
A. Up to 260, failed clean at 255, 265, and 270 multiple times before finally getting it. Posted video to FB of 225lbs
B. 275-285-295-305
C. Done 12 reps each set
D. Primary conditioning 19:52
Wasn’t feeling it today after driving 4 hours, DB movements slowed me down quite a bit
Push press 15+10+10+8+7
Rev lunges 20+10s
Pull ups 25+25
Box jumps 20+15+15 quick bounding with 5-10 sec rest between sets
TTB 20+10s
Snatch 20+10s
Burpees no stops
We had a big team WOD day to kick off our intramural open so did that this morning Teams of 3 10 min per lift (station) Find your CF Total Strict press- 117 – I’m eternally stuck between 117 and 120… Deadlift – 305 – lost some lumbar stability and stopped there Back squat- 275 <– 5# under my lifetime PR, and no lifters or knee sleeves, just a belt! For time (one person working at time) 125 KB swings (44#) 100 power snatch (55#) 75 pull ups 100 power snatch 125 KB swings * run 200m between each exercise… Read more »
PR coming in the back squat soon? 🙂
I hope so! Higher percentages are feeling easier ?
A. PC and jerk: 265
B. 265 throughout
C. Done
D. 19:08 lost count on snatches, felt great during this one. Had some friends to do it with.
Fun one to do with friends!
Primary Strength
A. 120kg
B. 130kg
Yesterday squats 170kgx1 then
Emom x8 150kgx3
C. Done 3×12
D. 18:39 rxd
A. –
B. Done
C. Done
D. –
2nd Session
-Running= no pacing, just 3min of constant moving
-E3M x 4 sets
-max rep UB SHSPU
Session 2
Invictus Gymnastics Session 2 Level 1 completed
Intermediate Running Endurance (Treadmill)
= 2.27 mi.
Slow Pace at 6 mph
Fast 6:00 at 8 mph
Fast 4:00 at 8.5 mph
Fast 2:00 at 9 mph
Primary Training Session
A. B. Skipped today. Did some other accessorywork.
C. Done
D. 19:03
Power Clean & Jerk
335 – haven’t hit this in over a year for a power.
Lifts offs + dead at 365
Overhead Lunges done. These felt pretty solid. Only have 55s for now.
Conditioning with 55s
Some of you crushed this workout. Great job. I thought I pushed hard but maybe I needed a little more behind it.
Strong day of work! That’s a big power clean!
A. 300# PC+J/ missed 305 to the squat still Jerked it though
B. all sets at 335#
C. Done- Need to stretch the shit out of my lats if this is in the Open
D. 16:45 Rx
Session 2
strong man. cant run outside in Montana right now with snow
Primary stuff:
A. Power clean+jerk 120#
B. 2 clean lift offs+ 1 clean dead 65/75/85/95#
C. Used 10lb dbs
D. 21:07, did 30 reps for all movements, used 20lbs for push press and farmer carry reverse lunges, and a 25 for the snatches.
I was able to do toes to bar today so I think my groin is starting to heal
Glad your ground is starting to feel better
A. Power clean & Jerk
12lb PR!
B. 227/230/235/240
C. #35 x 10
D. 19:48
Don’t have 35lb DBs so I did 40lb and cut the DB reps to 43 after some math to equate total poundage lifted. Did 50 reps on all the non-DB movements.
Extra work will be eating waffles for Galentine’s Day 😉
Now I wish I would have done 43 reps!!!
My coach made me and I’m glad he did! I need more DBs!
Awesome work on the PR KT!! Excited to have you in town!
A: Up to 265# ✅ That’s 96% of my C&J ??
B: 275-275-285-285# ✅
C: Done ✅
D: 23:48 ✅
Strong day of lifting Matt!!
A. 185
B. 175/195×3
C. 12×3
Forearms definitely got pumped up for pull-ups
A. 295
B. 335-355
C. Done
D. 16:23 Rx
push press UB, lunges, UB
pull ups 20+2×15
box jump ub haha
t2b 25+13+12
snatch fast
Smoking fast dude. Nice work!
Extra Condo for @disqus_56cf2ksbB9:disqus
20 Rounds: 15 sec 95+ RPMs, 45 sec pedal. 210 Cals. Not too bad, just a fun Saturday extra session.
2 sets 30 sec on, 30 sec off 7.5LBS DB
Lateral Raise
Thumb up Lateral Raise
Front Raise
Thumb Up Front Raise
A. Hit 170# for power clean. This is great for me cause I struggle with power cleans and not finishing that pull.
B. Done at 195#
Conditioning: 22:21
Done with 40#s because I allowed others to use the 35#s. As always the DBs/barbell I struggle with the most. I was able to make up a lot of ground on the other movements though.
Good to see some consistency at heavier loads Shely!
Primary Training Session
Did a little bit of frontsquat today.. 4×5 @ 45%? But i wont complain happy that i can donit painfree.
C. DB oh lunges ✅
D. 24min
Glad you’re feeling better!
A. Made 165 Pc&PJ made 175 for power clean PR
B. Done at 175#
C. Done
D. 23:27
S2O: didn’t feel very stable did like 8-10 reps before I had to put it down
Lunges: 30/20
Pull-ups: 10/a mess after
Box jumps: UB
TTB; I don’t even wanna talk about these
Snatches: 20/15/15
Burpees UB
Nice work on the starfish power clean PR 🙂