Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Build to today’s 1-RM Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee
(pause 2 full seconds at 2″ below the knee before snatching)
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-85%
For max reps:
165/125 lb Power Snatch x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest 2 minutes
135/95 lb Power Snatch x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest 2 minutes
95/65 lb Power Snatch x Max Unbroken Reps
A set terminates at any point that the barbell is rested in the overhead position for more than one full breath (exhale & inhale) or rests on the ground for anything more than a touch-n-go repetition.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest 3 minutes between sets
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
3 Back Squats @ 80%
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
50 Calorie Assault Bike
40 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Ring Muscle-Ups
Goal is sub-8:00 for males; and sub-10:00 for females. Learn from last week’s effort and adjust your pacing strategy accordingly.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
12 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (50/35 lbs)
4 Rope Climbs (15′)
50-Foot Handstand Walk
(25-foot unbroken segments)
Run 400 Meters
We performed this in sets on January 13. Your goal is to get as close as possible to your cumulative set times from that date.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Eight sets of:
2 minutes of Assault Bike @ 10 minute RPM Pace
Rest 30 seconds
Primary Strength Session
A. 95 kg
B. EMOM: 80 kg
C. 6/10/10 – did not push it on the TnGtoday
D. BS done as described in % – up to 165 kg
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
50 Calorie Assault Bike
40 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Ring Muscle-Ups
– Rx’d: 09.40 .
Fun day – happy with the snatch and BS. The metcon went well untill the MU, did 11 – then I hit the wall : /. Leason learned, leave the ego! 🙂
Assault Bike Conditioning
291 cals 69rpm
A) Worked up to 240
B) Sets at 225
C) 13 @ 165
18 @ 135
21 @ 95 Grip is gone!!
D) 290/330/370/Sets at 325
Primary conditioning:
Did a rendition of this but didn’t have all the equipment necessary for workout. On work leave in Hawaii.
Are you in the DOD Nate?
I’m not actually. I work in recruiting and training for a DIRECTV retailer.
175 on snatch fail 185
Emom finished at 160? Or 170 no fails
3 at 140 trash
11 at 110
17 at 80
Squat emom skip min 7 all at 308
Met con 15:53 rx
Prim strength
A) up to 211 was not feelin it
B) up to 191
C) 9/12/19
330 yea this was awful, my back is smoked
Prim Condo
It was awful but you seen it through 🙂
A. 182
Missed 187 twice!
B. 160-165
C. Power snatches
95 x 15
65 x 22
D. Skipped squats today and did all my PT exercises cause my back has been super achy this week
A. 50-40-30-20
Well, I can tell I haven’t ran since fall!!
Fast KT!
Late night sesh aka the sound of silence
Snatch technique warmup and overhead squat holds
Aerobic gymnastic skills session for completion
50 cal row
40 toes to rings
30 shspu
20 muscle ups
Bulletproof back and mobility
A. Hang Snatch 118
B. 110 no misses
C. Tore my thumb on hangs so skipped this.
D. SQ up to 205 no belt, 175 for drop sets on the minute
Primary Conditioning
8:44. Bummed to miss the goal. HSPU were rough after thrusters.
Aerobic gymnastics work done. Tough to get going first thing in the morning. Not sure of my time but not very fast. Just trying to get moving this AM.
Smokin fast Kev, hot dang!
Finally caught up to today. Got a little bit of the work in while here in Vegas.
A. Pause snatch up to 160
B. Snatch EMOM 145(x3)/150(x3)/155(x2)
C. Skipped for time (and cause both my hands ripped on the c2b workout Wednesday ?)
D. Back squat 185/215/240 EMOM at 215
Assault bike intervals done
Snatch up to 225
All reps 80% 1 miss
Power snatch skipped, low back weird from deads still
Back squat done
That was wild.
Wod 13:41 ouch
AM Session
Primary Strength
Openers and warm ups done
A. Upto 95kg
B. @92.5kg
Keeping it fairly light on my elbow
C. 165# x10
135# x16
95# x23
D. This arvo
A. 11:34 rxd, thought I might have gone a bit faster but pretty happy with how shspu & MU are progressing
A. 20:57 rxd, love these gymnastics pieces
Assault Bike Option:
269 cals. 65-70rpm pace ✅
Primary Strength:
Openers: Done ✅
A: Got up to 210# ✅ Up 5# from the last time we did this.
B: 6/8 @ 205# ✅ Then made up the 2 misses at the end as a double.
C: 6/12/21 ✅
5-315# ✅
3-345# ✅
1-385# ✅
345# all ✅
Primary Conditioning:
A: 15:04 ?? booo
A. Hit 145# with pause at knee
B. Hit 135# for 8!!! Felt great.
C. 2/14/22 (didn’t push myself as hard on these).
D. Squats felt great, that 24 reps in 8 minutes was tough. Done at percentages from 240#
Conditioning: 15:20 I believe. Once I hit SHSPU I felt sooo heavy!! That is what took me the longest! Felt like I did well through MU.
Great day Shely! Lifting seemed to go real well!!
Im recovering from low back sprain, so indecided not to snatch but bench press EMOMx8 1 bench press @85% ✅
3 back squat but very very light
Primary conditioning session
50 cal = 5min
40 thurster 10/5/5/5/5/5/5
HSPU = in sets of 3 and 2
Muscle ups sets of 3
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
How did you hurt your back?
Competition 2 month ago. Final WOD was king kong, i rounded my back in the 4 lift @ 305 pound deadlift ? It was really stupid , i knew its too heavy for me.
A. Build to 160
B. No misses at 155 – 6/8 felt really solid today
C. Skipped
D. Done 195/225/250/ EMOM @ 225
Session 2 (Quad Pump City!)
Back Squat
= 315×5, 365×3, 415×1
= 365x3x8 (Not terrible)
Assault Bike Assault = 237 cal
(29-27-29-29-29-29-31-34 cal)
Strength: A. Up to 170# B. @165# C. 10 @125 – lost bar backward at 11th rep to end set 16 @ 95 – hit myself in the head on 16th rep…guess that means I was at the end of my rope…. 43 @ 66 – uggggghhhhh. I tried so hard to do well on this one because I know my muscle endurance needs work! The bar didn’t fall out my hands though, so I feel like that means I could have squeezed out a few more. D. Done @250. Ouch. Conditioning A. 16:38 🙁 Same feeling as last time.… Read more »
Hard to say what’s going on with your assault bike work. Could be seat height and position. Send some video to fb page. Seat should be hip height and you need to apply equal force with arms and legs simultaneously
43? AmAzing!
Assault Bike conditioning
Primary conditioning
Sub 8 had to be a joke lol. Last week I was sub 8 with 40 less reps. Great job to everyone who crushed it today.
255 below knee
EMOM 255
165 – 12 reps
135 – 18 reps
95 – 31 reps
Back Squats done
EMOM at 365. Went a little light here. Back was smoked.
Do you guys think squat snatches might be in the open? Im so bad at getting into position for these.
I don’t think so it’s a pretty complex movement but you never know!
Damn dude. 255 for that EMOM!!!
They felt so smooth today
Session 1 A. Up to 205 then couldn’t get myself to try anything else after 2 sec pause. Back muscles are lit up from deadlifts Wednesday B. 195-195-195-200-200-205-205-210 C. 4/10/20 sore back played a role with the low reps on first two weights D. 270-315-350 then 315 on emom Session 2 Primary conditioning 14:19 Bike 2:48, thrusters done at 5:29 10+10+10+5+5, SHSPU done at 12:14 lol sets of 3 and one set of 4, MUs 12+4+4 Feel like I had a solid time in me if my hspu weren’t so weak Coached a class then did bike, 268 calories kept… Read more »
Keep working hard on that pressing strength. Imthose HSPU will come!
A. 185
B. 175×4, 180×4
C. 165/6, 135/12, 95/22
D. 275, 315, 355. 7 mins at 315, and 1 at 335.
10:41. Those extra reps were worse haha