Happy Holidays!
This weekend your priorities should be on family, friends and your community. Take two days away from the gym to get outside, breathe fresh air and enjoy the company of others. We’re back to training on Monday, December 26 for a transition week focused on aerobic power and endurance, and then we kick off our 2017 Open-Prep Program on Monday, January 2. Be ready!
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Had to open the gym for open gym and coach so I did a little something today.
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets): Done at 190#, should have been 193, but wanted to maintain good form on squats. First time squatting in Oly shoes in a really long time.
2 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90% of 1-RM C&J
6 Rounds for completion, not for time:
2 Squat Cleans (245/165 lbs)
4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups – all singles
Team WOD
5×10 leg extensions- 50lbs