5th Annual Invictus Athlete Online Competition – Day Two (2/3)
Events 5 & 6
Events 5 and 6 will be performed against a running clock, in the following order:
Event 5 – Begins at 0:00 on the running clock and the call of 3,2,1,Go!
Establish a 1-RM Shoulder to Overhead
The barbell may be taken from blocks or a rack.
Event 6 – Begins at 5:00 on the running clock
For time:
100 Double-Unders
15/12 Ring Muscle-Ups
100 Double-Unders
Event 6 Time Cap = 9 minutes – if the running clock reaches 14:00 before you finish, add the number of reps remaining as seconds on your time. E.g., if a male completed 10/15 muscle-ups, he would enter his score as 10:45.
Events 7-9
Events 7-9 will be performed against a running clock, in the following order:
Event 7
– Begins at 0:00 on the running clock and the call of 3,2,1,Go!
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
6 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 6:00, and then…
Event 8 – Begins at 6:00 on the running clock
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 12:00, and then…
Event 9 – Begins at 12:00 on the running clock
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
12 Pull-Ups
12 Snatches (95/55 lbs)
Event 5-9 Movement Standards
Shoulder to Overhead – This movement begins with the barbell in the front-rack position resting on the athlete’s shoulders. The top position will be successfully achieved when the athlete demonstrates control of the barbell in a fully extended overhead position – the barbell overhead directly aligned over the shoulders, hips and ankles.
Double-Unders – This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope can spin forward or backward for the rep to count.
Muscle-Ups – In the bottom position the athlete must hang with fully extended elbows. At the top position the athlete must fully extend the elbows with the shoulder directly above the wrist and elbow. Kipping is allowed, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep.
Bar Muscle-Ups – In the bottom position the athlete’s elbows must be fully extended with their feet off the ground. In the top position, the elbows must be fully locked out while the athlete supports himself or herself above the bar with the shoulders over or in front of the bar. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip to lockout over the bar. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support or glide kips are not permitted. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip.
Thrusters – This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a squat with the barbell in the front rack position to full lockout overhead. The hip crease must pass below the knees. A squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground. At the top, the barbell must be over the center of the body with the hips, knees and arms fully extended.
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – In the bottom position the athlete’s elbows must be fully extended. In the top position the athlete’s chest must make clear contact with the pull-up bar. Any style of chest-to-bar pull-up (strict, kipping, butterfly) is allowed so long as these requirements are met on every repetition.
Overhead Squats – At the bottom of the movement, the hip crease must be below the top of the knee with the barbell supported overhead. At the top, the hips, knees and elbows must be fully extended, and the repetition will be successfully achieved when the athlete demonstrates control of the barbell in a fully extended overhead position – the barbell overhead directly aligned over the shoulders, hips and ankles. When picking the barbell up from the ground, athletes may either receive the barbell in the bottom of the overhead squat position, or they may lift the barbell to their shoulders and then put it overhead before they descend to the bottom of the overhead squat position – as long as the hip crease is below the top of the knee at some point between the beginning and end of the repetition.
Pull-Ups – In the bottom position the athlete’s elbows must be fully extended. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar. Any style of pull-up (strict, kipping, butterfly) is allowed so long as these requirements are met on every repetition.
Snatch – This movement begins with the barbell on the ground, and the athlete in a snatch set-up position. The barbell must be moved in one continuous motion from the floor to a fully extended overhead position – the barbell overhead directly aligned over the shoulders, hips and ankles. The barbell may not stop its upward descent to overhead at any point or touch the body higher than the sternum (i.e., touching the barbell to the shoulders or head and pressing will be deemed a no-rep).
5: 315
6: 4:10
7: 3+2
8: 3+1
9: 2+4
5. 275#
6. 2:00
7. 46
8. 65
9. 49
Event 1: 2:28
Event 2: 330 lbs. Failed 340 lbs.
Event 3: 302
Event 4: 4:39
Event 5: 325 lbs.
event 6: 2:51
Event 7: 50 reps
Event 8: 73 reps
Event 9: 60 reps
5. 325 10lb Pr
6. 3:37 prob will redo 5,6
7. 40 reps
8. 64 reps
9 56 reps tore hands up pretty good
Great work on the PR Dusty!
Event 5 – 235 & 240 (both PRs!)
Event 6 – 3:18
Event 7 – 3+5
Event 8 – 4+2
Event 9 – 3
Totally fell apart on that last one. Arms are dead
Event 5: 272lbs
Event 6: 2:26
You got almost double the reps of Zach…
But… I guarantee you his hair looked way better than mine!
Unreal! Great job!
Event 5: 272lbs
Event #:
5: 316
6: 2:37
Ten minute rest
7: 43 (3+7)
8: 74 (4+2)
9: 63 (2+15)
Rest up and do some press and back squat
5) 230 tied an all time PR and haven’t hit it since last march, so I am pretty happy about this post injury PR
6) 3:13, first DUBs UB, MUs 9-2-1, broke last DUs into 3 due to tripping. I think MUs could be UB with fresh shoulders
7) 3+3
8) 4+0, hands ripped
9) 3+7- forearms are blown up and hands are done =)
Awesome job hitting 230!!
5.) 312. Happy with this since I’m just getting back from a shoulder injury and my original max is like 320/325
6.) 3:03
7.) 3+9 (45)
8.) 3+10 (64)
9.) 2+7 (55)
Not super happy with this other then the jerk. Felt like I could have done better.
Is it a typo or the wod #9 weight is correct
Or 75/55 or 95/66??
Yes you are correct that should be 95/65 however the majority would have used what is listed so please use the weight posted. Good spot!
No problem i did i got my ass whooped on that last wod.
In fact that was intentional for plate loading purposes. 95/75/55.
Horrible horrible day. Feel like I just started CrossFit today. Very discouraging. Strength gains have been great. Everything else is gone. Gymnastics used to be my jam. Guess that is gone. These workouts are me alive.
5.) 235
6.) 5:17 muscle ups felt like shit
7.) 40
8.) 67
9.) 60
Very disappointed with myself. Hope to have a better day tomorrow. Head was not in this at all.
Keep your head up. I don’t like days like this either. Consistency! Tino once said “another step in the right direction.” That gas stuck with me.
Yes. One step and one day at a time!!
A. 370. +20 lbs PR. Confident 380 will approach soon.
B. 3:29
C. 3+3
D. 3+2 Started to embrace the suck here.
E. 2 Grip was gone and pukie the clown almost made an appearance.
Huge PR!! Great work Tyler!!
That is a solid jerk Tyler and great work all around!
A. 290
B. 100, 15, 100 – 3:42
C. 6 bmu, 6 thruster – 3+3
D. 9c2b, 9 ohs – 3+2
E. 12 pull up, 12 snatch – 2+18
Jerk…85…missed 88 (187)
Dubs / mu…5.11
Mu/thrust. …3r + 7 (43)
Ctb + ohs …3r + 12 (66)
Pu + sn…2r + 23 (71)
Feel like I underperformed slightly today…head was not In it at all…very stroppy! :-/
Hope to be in a better mood tomorrow!
I was the EXACT same way today 🙁
Tomorrow is a new day ladies!
Yes I have no idea what was wrong! I was in such a bad place! Crying, getting angry! It was soo strange! Some of those workouts should have been brill for me and i just couldnt get into it!
Anyway….had a good old lie in this morning hopefully that helps! ? hope you feel better today! X
Trust me I was the same way! So odd for me! I felt like I underperformed big time. Should have crushed those workouts. Oh well. I don’t know what’s going on with me.
Event 7- 4 rounds
Event 8- 4 rounds
Event 9- 2+3
Was thinking it ended at 16 so died minute 14-15 then kicked it in from 15-16…I’m 2/2 on screwing up these workouts! Ha!
Awesome day of work KT!
Event 5
360 – tried to PR at 375 and failed.
Event 6
Event 7
3 + 5
Event 8
4 rounds
Event 9
2 + 18
Solid day Sir! 275lb. soon!
Great job Andrew way to grind through event 9!
Tough day had more in me but dry air here hand split and it was bugging my grip on the bar today.
Have felt kind of off so far. Don’t know if it’s because of traveling back to MN, my eating schedule being off, or just because we’re going against some pretty good athletes but I’m struggling ha
One long session:
5: 100kg which is a PR!! (+5kg)
6: 3:44 (MU: 8+4. DU: Tripped 3times / ub)
7: 44reps (3rounds+8)
8: 72reps (4rounds)
9: 68reps (2roubds+20)
Great work hitting 100kg Caro!!