Primary Strength Session
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
2 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90% of 1-RM C&J
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For time:
30 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s 3-RM Bench Press
Primary Conditioning Session
Ten rounds for time of:
2 Squat Cleans (245/165 lbs)
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets), for times:
Row 1000 Meters
100 Double-Unders
4/3 Legless Rope Climbs
Thursday- Took it pretty easy
Swam 700m easy
2×10 leg extensions at 50lbs @31X1
Deadlift 5@75, 5@80, 5@85 (280)
Grace- 1:28… Tried to go UB, but my L hook grip slipped on #27… that frustrated me.
2 Fs + jerk
215/220/225 x 6
1:40 8/5/5/4/2/2/1/3
Mentally wasn’t feeling it today. Wish I had just gone in with the unbroken mentality. Can be faster.
177 x 3
Got a huge ice storm tonight so did the wod with the class I coached and got the heck out of there (only 2 very experienced people, I swear I’m not a bad coach!) It was fun.
5 DB Snatch right
5 DB Snatch left
10 burpees
Rest 2:00 and repeat for a total of 3 sets
A) All sets at 285. Couldn’t quite work at 90% today.
B) 1:49 Isabel.
C) Kept it light. Just did 5 sets of 5 at 235.
A) 7:58 RX
Aerobic and gymnastics:
Only had time for two rounds: 5:50/6:10
Great day Nate ! Crushed it
Great day to you man! Nice work on Isabel!
Four hours of sleep + paper writing/lab work until 4 to finish out my finals week in a typical fashion haha got done what I could in one session 2 Front Squats + Jerk: all done at percentage, 285. First time in a long time that I’ve been able to do these complexes at percentage Isabel: 1:53 (39 sec PR) same time and rep scheme as Grace last week (6-5-4-3-3-3-3-1-1-1). Had bambi legs the last 9 reps haha Accessory gymnastics: switched to 24 min bike ride E2MOM 1 legless. Focused on keeping core tight and leaning back. Best these have… Read more »
Dude hats off to you for hitting these numbers after finals. This is pretty impressive. Now get some sleep and rest!
one session today-
A. 4 sets from 80-85%, then last 4 sets at 90%. I didn’t think I would be able to do 90% so I was happy that I could 🙂
B. 1:54
C. 190×3, tried 200 but missed the 3rd rep.
11:28, The heavy squat cleans are hard for me, but glad to work on it so I get more confidence!
A. 215.. just the front squats skipped the jerks
B. 1:36
C. 180
D. 11:04…. accidently did 10 rounds of 2 cleans and 10 strict handstand push ups… clearly I can’t
Those extra 49 strict HSPU must have been fun 🙂
Strength session
A. All sets at 300. Took longer than expected but completed.
B. 3:15. 10,5,5,5,5. Underestimated my barbell cycling. Can shave 1:00 off of this.
C. Skipped. No spotter or gym partner today. Bad snow storm in the area.
A. 11:27. All shspu were unbroken.
Am session
Was only able to hit that complex with 80% today. Just one of those days. But did it.
Clean and shspu metcon done rx
6:29 all shspu ub.
5 unbroken mu omem for 5
50 cal row
50 wall balls unbroken 14#
Rest 3
40 cal row
40 kbs unbroken 55#
Rest 3mins
30 cal row
30 wallballs unbroken 20#
Times were 5:10/4:10/2:59
Pm session
Did the row/dubs/rope climb (subbed 5 unbroken bar mu since our rope is short)
Doubles I went
Great day besides my strength this morning!
A. 166#. Felt heavy today. Had ART and a massage yesterday too! Still sore from Wednesday.
B. 2:57. Did first 15 in just under :60 seconds.
C. 125#. Could maybe have done a little more.
A. 17:04. Heaviest cleans I’ve done in a workout!
Great work getting through those cleans!
B. 1:42rx
C. 255
D. 14:53rx. I don’t know what was up..but I just couldn’t stick a clean today. Just not my day I suppose haha.
Didn’t think I had time for the front squat and jerks, so after I was done I quickly hit 8×2 at 300, no jerks.
A. Done @210
B. 1:48 not sure what my old PR was, but this is definitely a new one!
A. 9:00 RX
Modified for time purposes. Did 3 rounds and 500m row each time. 13:58
Done solid scores today! Nice work!
Hey thanks!
2 Front Squat + Jerk
315 missed one out in front. But these were hard today for some reason
10 rounder
Aerobic/Gymnastic work
Unbroken Isabel?
No 🙁 . I went 20/4/3/2/1
I was actually wondering should this be faster than grace ?
I don’t think I can do this unbroken but for sure can push harder towards the end. I really was hurting on the last 6 reps. Everything was burning.
A. All at 275. Missed jerk twice
A. 10:58. Only missed one clean. Hands slipped. HSPU UB
Primary conditioning
8.52 RX
Nice work dude. That’s a solid time!
One long session.
Primary Strength Session
A. 2 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90% of 1-RM C&J: 80-80-82,5-82,5-82,5-82,5-82,5-82,5kg
(went higher than 90% of my squatclean&jerk).
B. “Isabel”: 1:49 (16+4+2+2+2+2+2)
C. 3-RM Bench Press: Built up to 75kg (my butt lifted from the bench at this weight though)
Primary Conditioning Session
A. 9:22.
Unbroken HSPU. Singlets for the cleans, had to rest some between reps to be able to recover and be able to stand up on each clean (these were tough for my legs.. but necessary)
2nd Session A. Isabelle- 1:45 (PR is 1:37) grip came loose around rep 18 and messed everything up, had to stop to re-chalk, should have taped my thumbs up. Dumb mistake B. Aerobic just for completion 1- 6:53 2- 6:30 3- 5:30 **Was toying around with different paces to see what was ideal for the 1k row, obvi the last one worked out the best. Here are my notes for the best row -0-100M hard (1:35ish) for 10 pulls -1-200M 1:45 ish -2-500M 1:50-55 ish -500-600M 1:35 for 10 pulls -600-750M 1:45 ish -750-800M 1:35 (hard) for 5 pulls -800-… Read more »
Thanks for sharing that, I have never done anything like that
This is great. Love that you’ve used training to play with different stroke rates. You will definitely benefit coming into the Open
Didn’t manage to get back to the box this afternoon ? something went wrong at work and I had to stay there..theN coaching this evening. …should I do this conditioning piece tomorrow? Gutted I missed it
Nope, hit tomorrows work as written and get ready to have some fun with the online comp on Monday.
Ok thank you for the advice tino!
A. 2FS+J @90% (86kg)
B. Isabel 2:18
C. 3RM bench 165#
Feeling pretty fried from that chipper
Aerobic done first
All at 7:30
Rows at about 76% 2:06 average
Swapped fat grip narrow pull ups 4=1 rope climb
Shoulders, back, and glutes are BEAT UP from this week.
A. 2FS+J= 255 (80%) x 8
B. 2:50 Rx First time doing Isabel
C. 255
A. 19:20 Rx (pretty much did it for completion)
Might need to focus on the intensity during the primaries and cut down volume of optional work.
I hadn’t the same issue this week, had a few I just did for completion this week
Intensity over volume every time!