Primary Strength Session
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Six sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Loads per set by % of your 1-RM CLEAN – 75, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+
(resist the urge to go heavier here…we’ll do some testing tomorrow)
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For time:
30 Clean & Jerk (135/95 lbs)
Primary Conditioning Session
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Two sets for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
10 Muscle-Ups
15 Kettlebell Thrusters (32/24 kg KBs)
Rest 6 minutes
Go hard and fast. You have plenty of time to recover…intensity is the goal for these two sets.
No Additional Sessions Today – There has been a lot of intensity this week, and we’re testing again tomorrow, so hit it hard and then allow yourself to rest.
Third day on the program! Loving it so far!!
A). 275/290/310/330/345/345
B). 1:54 never knew how much Grace sucked when doing it alone!
1). 7:46
2). 7:38
*had to use DB’s for thrusters first set hit 5/10, second did 7/8. No rings at the fire station so I did bar muscle ups.
Welcome to the community dude! Excited to see you progress in the upcoming cycle and through the Open!
Thanks! Very excited to see the results!
Still somewhat sick…a week of work didn’t help. Can’t train tomorrow, so I wanted to still do something.
Front squats: 135/150/160/170/180/185
Did Grace recently, so did Fran instead today:
5:05, over 1 minute PR
Great work Taotao however like I said before. if you keep hammering your CNS then your body won’t recover from illness. REST
I know this cerebrally. I feel like when I get stressed, most of my decisions are motivated by guilt…need to reevaluate that.
A) FS: 260/295/305/325/330/335
B) Grace: 1:24
Went 25/5 Thinking this is a PR
5:48 Fast row/UB muscle ups/5-5-5 on thrusters
6:07 Slower row/UB/5-5-5 thrusters
Muscle ups feel great. Thrusters crushed me ?
Nice work today and Wednesday. Good to see you back doing chest to bars.
Those thrusters felt awful !
Not feeling so hot today, did the strength and came back in to do the conditioning later on. Just felt fatigued and yucky trying to warm up so I called it for the day. Hoping it’s not a bug that I caught
A. Front squat 110/125/130/140/145/150F
B. Grace @75 4:16
Some days its better to take that extra rest day. I hope you feel better tomorrow!
A. 255,285,305,320,330,345
B. 2:24. Tap and go for first 15 reps. Confident I can go unbroken into the 20s.
A. 9:56, 7:52. I was content with muscle ups today. KB thrusters were a mess. Had failed reps where I would lose my rack position. Paced them out during the second set and shaved 2 minutes. Only 4.5 hours of sleep affected today.
Front squat
75%✅ 85%✅ 90% repeated there for 3. my lower back is very sored ?
Grace 2:13 is that a good time? I did 15 unbroken and then 1 in 1
A. 7:31/ 7:36 did it with 16kg Kb
(I still cant do it with 24?)
Nice work!
Grace = 2:28…ughhhhh
Had to tighten both clips and hit my plyo box with the bar during this workout. Definitely feel like I should’ve hit sub-2:00. Live and learn I guess…
Next time!
Front squat:
Did these tempo so that I could work on my positioning.
no back pain
Grace: 1:53 (35 second PR I think?)
don’t like this wod…decided to break it up instead of blowing up on first set
5:31 only did 5 thrusters and then decided 70s were too heavy haha
6:39 with 53s
muscle ups unbroken…but felt pretty gassed at this point
Thats a pretty big PR! Great work!
it was like three years ago haha
Progress is progress 🙂
So today was kinda just a fun day for me.
Up to 355 front squat which is 100% of my clean.
1:35 grace which is 9 seconds slower
Then decided to do a power clean EMOM. 1 power clean at 315 for 20 mins, focused on dropping lower and not wider.
Jumped into class wod which was “DG”. 10 min amrap
8 t2b
8 DB thruster at 35
12 DB walking lunges with 35’s
Then 6-5-4-3-2-3-4-5-6 of unbroken BMU. 4:11
Front Squat up to 405
2 years ago I got 1:23. So definitely nice to see a PR as they are few and far in between.
Pumped ! Both sets of muscle ups unbroken. I thought for sure the first set would be no problem but set 2 actually went easier.
Thrusters buried me. 2 10/5 for both sets. But a longer break in the second set. I felt like the thrusters should have been my jam but the muscle ups went so well. I’m totally cool with it.
Solid day dude! That’s blazing fast on grace ! You the man!
Thanks man ! It was a good training day.
Wow! Now thats fast!! A little more happy with the two sets of muscle-ups unbroken. Great work!!
Thanks coach !
Well done on grace! That’s smoking fast
A. 235, 265, 280, 295, 310, 330
B. 1:50. Man, I haven’t done Grace, in a long time.
C. 6:32, 7:03. Those thrusters sucked!
Front squat up to 335
New pr!
1:58! First 10 unbroken then a single then a triple then the rest in singles only way to get faster now is to go unbroken
7:10 rx those thrusters though….
Sub 2! Great work!!
Good evening!
One long late session …am working away at moment so crammed in at end of a long day! Same again tomorrow..
Squats… 65kg, 73, 77, 82, 85, 90kg
Unbroken for the first time and 1min off my prev time!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it’s slow for unbroken so next time I need to go faster from the top when I’m hurting!!!!!!
Scaled to 7 muscle ups in attempt to keep intensity and 16kg kettle bells
Congrats on the PR! Now you either need to speed up the cycling or have short fast breaks. Keep pushing that pace!!
Thanks tino! Yes speed up the cycling…I rested at the top quite a bit on the last 10 to 14…next time I will have the confidence that I can do it so I will be brave enough to keep pushing the pace when it gets hard ! ?
Front squats
First round used the 55# kb. Fiddled with those and was a waste of time. Too damn heavy. Time for 1st set was 8:49
Second round used 45’s. Time was 6:00
Row a little over 4:00. Mu all 6/4. 8/7 on second set of kb. First set of kb thrusters was a cluster fx$&. Haha oh well
Let me know how heavy “Grace” goes 🙂
Primary Strength Session
A. Front Squat x 1 rep: 67,5-76-81-85-87,5-90kg
B. “Grace”: 1:46 (28+2…so almost unbroken…was moving so slow at the end, so it felt faster to drop the barbell and just grip it again). Not sure what I’ve done Grace at before.
Primary Conditioning Session
Joined the class for “team-Friday” and did a team-wod instead (Hero wod McGhee in pairs of two: 30min of: 5deadlift/13pushups/9boxjumps)
Almost unbroken! Great work Caro!!
-1:27 UB, guess my BB cycling is little slow 🙂 happy to go UB though. Have a video of it will submit to FB group later
Awesome job hitting the 30 unbroken! Thats a solid time!
I bet your forearms were smoked. Never been able to hold on for more than 20!
session one:
qualifier wod:
6min amrap:
6 double kb thruster 24kg
9 T2B
result: 7+9
Session two:
Front squat 6×5 @ 115kg
2.04 Thought I can go sub 2min easily, but I tried to take too good grip instead of justing picking the bar. Also could have done better sets. Now did 10 unbroken reps and then rest of the reps as singles.
A. Six sets of: Front Squat Loads per set by % of your 1-RM CLEAN – 75, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+ 160×3, 180×3, 195×3, 205×2, 205×2, 210×2 Just got a bit more volume- competing again tomorrow so likely won’t get to test out… maybe on Sunday. I think this is the heaviest front squat since surgery. B Assault Bike Time Trial- 76, 61, 46, 31, 19- OUCH! =) That was a different kind of fun. Thanks! 5 Minutes for Max Calories Rest 5 minutes 4 Minutes for Max Calories Rest 4 minutes 3 Minutes for Max Calories Rest 3… Read more »
Great work hitting 210 Karla!!!
– Front Squat until 140kg easy
– Grace 1min56. 48sec better than my last time one year ago. I like this wod.
– conditionning : 6min31, 6min48. Hard…
A. Built to 205#.
B. 1:52. Worst thing ever. Last 5 reps were the worst and it’s so hard to pick the bar up. Last time I did it was like 5 years ago at 2:59.
Great work going sub 2!