Warm Up:
Three sets of:
200 meter run
200 meter jog
Followed by…
Two sets of:
A/B/C Skips x 20 meters each
Lateral Skips x 20 meters per side
One Foot Hops x 20 meters per leg
Running Mechanics Drills :
Two sets of:
Change of Support (Posture) Drill: Back Against the Wall
Charlie’s Angels Drills
Jump Rope Drill
Followed by…
Jog the curve, sprint the straight away, jog the curve, sprint the straight away. Do two laps this way.
If you don’t have a track available, jog for 45 seconds, sprint for 20 seconds for four sets.
Two sets of:
800 meter Run
Rest 90 seconds
1200 meter Run
Rest 5 minutes
Objective: This is the same distances as two weeks ago, but in reverse order. The 800 meters should be at a fast pace, below your mile time trial. You will have a short 90 second rest before running the 1200 meters, which should be 5 seconds under your mile pace. If you run a 6 minute mile, than your pace per lap would be 1:30 and your 1200 should be somewhere between 4:25-4:30. You will need to be aggresive in your 1200s, and you should know what they felt like from having done them recently.
Post your 800/1200 meter times to comments.
Cool down:
800 meter jog (2 laps)
10 minutes of static stretching
(Focus on Calves, Achilles, take a lacrosse ball to the bottoms of your feet)
Completed Wednesday Programming
Mobility completed
A)Completed with x3mu
C1)7:16 my back tightened up in the round of 15 did singles from rep 8 in the round of 15 all the way through the round of 9.
Hope your back feels better!
Thanks Nichole! It’s a little tender. Fortunately my chiropractor was still open so I was able to stop in a get some treatment.