Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Behind the Neck Press in Split x 5 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Jump to Split x 4 reps
(Barbell on your back the whole time, quickly move feet into the split position without any upward drive.)
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Split Jerk x 3 reps
(pause for 3 full seconds in receiving after each jerk)
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Power Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM C&J
Four sets of:
Push Press x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Make all four sets challenging – “heavy” sets.
“He Who Hesitates…”
For time:
25 Deadlifts (315/215 lbs)
50 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
Session Two
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
10 Rocking Box Bridges
(slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Four sets for times of:
25 Calories of Rowing
50-Foot Handstand Walk
(walk in 10-foot minimum increments – if you come down anywhere between markers, go back to the last 10 foot marker)
Rest 4-5 minutes…I want you to be recovered to match times.
Four sets for times of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
15 Toes to Bar
20 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatch (55/35 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
L-Sit Flutter Kicks (with locked knees) x max time/reps.
Rest 60 seconds
Hollow Body Sit-Up to L-sit on Kettlebells x 10 reps.
Rest 60 seconds
Seated L-Sit Double Leg Lifts x 30 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Same L-sit progressions as last week…make them prettier this week.
session 1
a. 40/45/50kg
b. @ 102.5kg
c. 95/97.5/100/102.5kg
d. 5:00 rxd deadlifts 20/5
session 2
a. done
b. 1:24/1:22/1:25/1:25 rxd UB HSW
C. 2:10/2:05/2:04/2:01 rxd UB SHSPU and T2B
d. done, much better than last week
A) 30/40/50kg
B) 80/85/90kg
C) 80/85/90/95kg
Metcon 6.54 rx
Finally 2 of my strengths
Gymnastics later today
Are the burpee box jump overs regional standards or can we jump up and jump down off the box?
Session 2: A) done B) 1:52- way too composed, didn’t push enough/ 1:35 better row pace, 1:30 pushed a bit more reckless but wanted to test it. 1:26, this was reckless, but held it together. All HS walking UB and took 1-2 breaths to compose off the rower and went. Working on a faster HS walk. C) 3:49- red lined on SHSPUs =(, Can only seem to get about 7 per minute and then I burn out. Doesn’t matter if I do 7 UB or break them up. grrr. 3:42, broke up SHSPS more, 4:13 failed too many times, 4:02… Read more »
Session One
A. 65/75/85
SJ- 165/175/185
B. 185
C. 155/165/170/170
D. 4:45 (LOVE these sprints)
Session Two
A. Done
B. 2:00/ 2:02/ 1:56/ 2:25 (handstand walk got me the last round)
C. 1:42/ 1:40/ 1:43/ 1:40 (did these with 30lb DB)
D. Done…ew
Had to take recovery day yesterday (tuesday) as I had to drive for 9 hours. Session 1 A1) 75/75/80 (really tough) ? How wide should our hands be on this? A2)115/145/175/205 A3) 155, 175, 175- stayed here and focused on bent back leg and weight distribution to be on both feet, tend to want to put more on the front B) done at 160- seemed light today. Going off 215, pre-surgery PR. C) 125/145/150/155/160/165 for 2. Couldn’t quite get that third. D) 5:26. I feel like that should have been under 5 for me. First time I have jumped to… Read more »
Session 1:
Behind the Neck Press in Split x 5 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Jump to Split x 4 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Split Jerk x 3 reps
Stayed light with these, jerk has been feeling off
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Power Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM C&J
Four sets of:
Push Press x 3 reps
“He Who Hesitates…”
For time:
25 Deadlifts (315/215 lbs)
50 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
Session 1:
A1. 75/95/105
A2. 105/115/135/155
A3. 155/165/175
B. 155
C. 155/165/165
D. 7:48 (DL – 5/5/5/2/3/2/3)
Session 1
A1. BTN Press 95/115/135#
A2. Jump to Split 135/155/175/195#
A3. Split Jerk 185/205/225#
B. Power Clean & Jerk 225#
C. Push Press 185/195/205/215#
D. Condo 6:55 Rx (Broke DL 15-10)
Session 1:
A. 85/95/95
A1. 105/110/115/115
B. 135lb
D.6:43 Deadlifts 10/5/5/3/2
Session 2:
A. Done
B. 2:09/2:10/2:17/2:15
C. 2:27/2:10/2:49/2:39
D. Done
Press in split: All at 85#.
Jump to Split: 1×135, 2×155, 1×175.
Split jerk: 205-225-235 missed the 3rd on the 235. All of these felt supremely awful and messy after the HS work at lunch.
PC/J: All at 215. These felt hard but way better than just jerks. Way more stable.
PP: 185-195-200-205 (missed the 3rd rep on the 205)
Deadlifts get surprisingly solid and easy. Can’t explain that. I was dreading this one. Still went pretty sluggish. Wiped.
Finished with 3×60 seconds of flutter kicks. Can’t do L sit ones really yet.
I’m back after a few days off! Got a second opinion about my back and it turns out back isn’t fractured, I have really bad lumbar posture(I stick my booty out) so I’ll be working lighter numbers until I can perform all movements with correct posture and see if pain starts to go away. First session felt good on my back so hopefully it just gets better from here! Session 1 A. Behind neck 55/60/65# Jump to split 55/60/65/70 Split jerk 75/85/95 B. 75 C. 55/65/75/85 D. 7:56, did kb deadlifts @53 Session 2 A. Done B. The regular classes… Read more »
All the sessions today! At the same time
Session 1: A1: 35/65/85 A2: 95/125/125/125 A3: 155/175/185 B. 175 C. 125/155/155/155 D. 6:55 – I almost puked on the burpees..having to take most of last week off came back to bite me today!! 15/5/5 on the deadlifts though… Session 2: A. done B. 2:10/2:03/1:58/1:55 – did this at home, so subbed the row for a 400m run. Running felt yucky, but I needed that. C. 2:39/2:37 – only did 2 sets because it was getting close to dinner time. Had to sub KB snatch, but did a squat snatch, just… Read more »
coming back off time off is always tough!
Session 1
A1) 115,125,135
2) 205,215,225,235
3) 225,235,245
B. 265 all reps
C. 205,215,225,245
D. 6:52
Session 2 shortly after first..
B. 2:28, 2:30, 2:21, 2:18
C. 2:53,3:01,3:18, 2:50 Finally found some rhythm on the last set of squat snatches.
Session 2 first:
A) done
B) scaled to 12ft HS walk in minimum 6ft increments
C) used 30# DB
All SHSPU unbroken! T2B 15, 12 and singles, 12 and singles, 13 and singles
Snatches got more coordinated in later rounds
D) done
Session 1:
A) 65/65/70
B) done at 125
C) 115/125/125/130 (failed 3rd)
D) scaled to 195#, 9:08
Session 2:
A. Done
B. Changed to
25 cal row
2:32,2:09, 3:02, 3:14
Rest 4:30
*shoulders blew up
C. Changed to 10 min EMOM
odd: 5 TTB
Even: 10 DB squat snatch
*TTB are hard to link together so just did fast singles and got quality reps in instead of killing myself
D. Done
Session one
Press to receiving done
Jerks no blocks
Clean and jerks should have been at 240 but felt good so did 255
Push press: 185/205 and then stopped because reracking hurt
Deadlift/burpee: 5:59 absolutely hate 315 deads but went 15/5/5. Don’t remember last time we did this workout but it hurt a lot more than last time
Probably means you were able to push harder!
Definitely did it the right way this time haha I’ve never focused so hard on making sure I didn’t eat it on the box
Session 1.
A1. 95/115/115
A2. 185/205/225/245
A3. 205/225/245
B. Done at 225. Did grace style to work on that skill with heavier weight.
C. 185/205/225/245 PR for 3
D. 6:25 Rx. Hammies were blown from yesterday’s deads.
Session 2.
Warm ups done.
B. 2:00/1:47/1:45/1:55 did 25ft with a turn around unbroken.
C. 3:54/3:42/4:34/4:08 those dB squat snatches are rough. Right side fine but scar tissue in my left shoulder made that a little spicy mobility wise….
D. Done
Nice work on the triple at 245!
Session 1:
A. 65/65/70#
B. 145# felt light!
C. 135/145/145/150#(failed 3rd rep)
D. 8:50 RX..wasn’t too long ago I would not have been able to do 215# that many times in a row. stuck with sets of 3’s and 4’s and all felt good!
Session 2:
A. done
B. 3:51/3:25/3:33/4:09
C. 2:27/2:24/2:26/2:16. done with 25# KB. SHSPU and T2B UB for all sets.
D. only had time to get in 2 sets. will do the 3rd tmrw.
All the posterior chain work is paying off. Nice work!
Definitely has helped a ton! Thank you!
Session 1
A1. 85/95/105
2. 115/125/135/145
3. 175/185/195
B. 175
C. 175/180/185/190 ( my power jerk and push press are nearly the same.. Can’t seem to press under the bar on heavy jerks)
D. 6:28 rx… Deadlifts were done in :47 but the burpee box jumps crushed my soul a little lol.