August 22, 2016 – Invictus Athlete

Morning Aerobic Endurance Session
If you are an athlete who needs to improve your foundational aerobic capacity, we strongly suggest starting your day with an aerobic capacity session. Please choose between either the running or rowing option. If you are a larger athlete who rows well, but runs poorly…choose running. If you run well but row poorly, choose the rowing session.

Running Option
Warm Up
Run 400 Meters @ 50%

Followed by…

Two sets of:
10 Forward Lunges
10 Reverse Lunges
10 Lateral Lunges
10 High Kicks (straight leg)
10 One Leg Jumps

Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Change of Position From One Foot to Another x 10 each leg
Foot Tapping x 20 reps
Falling into the Wall Drills x 10 each leg

Three sets of:
Run 2 Miles (3200 meters)
Rest 4 minutes between efforts

Objective: These are going to be slower than your mile time trial, but a little bit faster than your 5 kilometer pace. If you ran your 5k at a 7 minute mile pace, see if you can hold between a 6:30-6:45 pace for the 2 mile intervals. Use to create a route if you don’t have a track available.

Post your times for the 2 mile runs to comments.

Cool Down
400 Meter Easy Jog
10-15 Minutes of Static Stretching
(focus on calves, hips, quads and hamstrings)

Rowing Option
Warm Up
2 Minutes of Rowing at 16 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes of Rowing at 18 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes or Rowing at 20 Strokes/Minute

The goal of the warm-up, in addition to getting your blood flowing and body prepared, is to practice perfect movement sequencing and rowing mechanics. Pay attention to your posture and positions throughout this six minute warm-up.

Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Row 250 Meters

Go hard on these, but try to keep your fastest and slowest sets within 3 seconds of each other. The goal is to determine what pace will allow you to sit just below redlining.

Cool Down
Row 500-800 meters at cool down pace
10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 5 reps @ 2111

Build over the course of the five sets.

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Press + Overhead Squat with Pause) x 2 reps
(perform the press, descend to bottom of OHS and hold for 2 seconds, then come up and repeat for two reps)

Builiding in weight, and then immediately followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat with Pause) x 2 reps
(perform the push press, descend to the bottom of OHS and hold for 2 seconds, then come up and repeat for two reps)

Builiding in weight, and then immediately followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep
(pause for 2 seconds in the bottom position after each snatch balance)

Build to today’s heavy snatch balance.

Four sets of:
Power Snatch x 1 rep @ 75%
Rest as needed

Focus on bar path and speed in your turnover.

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95%

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 7 reps @ 70-73%

Session Two
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Deadlift x 6 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM

Work on positioning and mechanics.

For time:
40 Calories of Assault Bike
20/15 Muscle-Ups

Rest until the running clock reaches 8:00, and then…

For time:
40 Calories of Assault Bike
40/30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Rest until the running clock reaches 16:00, and then…

For time:
40 Calories of Assault Bike
40/30 Strict Ring Dips

Three sets of:
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 6 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps
Rest as needed

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Luke G
Luke G
August 30, 2016 3:08 am

running session
went out a bit fast on the first interval but still managed to keep next 2 intervals splits under 5k PR pace.
session 1
a. 30/35/40kg
b. @90kg
c. done @%
d. done @%
session 2
a. 150/155/160kg
b. 5:27/6:32/5:31 rxd
c. done

Chris Mortimer
Chris Mortimer
August 26, 2016 2:27 am

A. Bar for all sets (working on mobility for this)
B. 60kg
C. 140/160/170/180/190kg
D. 140kg (70%) –> this hurt real good


No PM session

Big comp tomorrow

Beth Spearman
Beth Spearman
August 23, 2016 7:12 pm

Late Post – just wanted to log results here 🙂
All one afternoon session
Session 1:
A1: 55/65/75
A2: 95/95/95
A3: 105/115/125
A4: 135/145/155/160/165
B. 130
C. 195/225/240/250/260
D. done @ 200

Session 2:
A. Done @ 230
B. 6:11/7:24/6:32 – I about died on this! My shoulders were fried and the HSPU were slow
C. Done – used a band attached to our GHD for the hypers, 35# DB, 15 GHD sit ups

Brandon Wanless
Brandon Wanless
August 23, 2016 6:58 am

Session 2:
Deadlifts at 365#
Bike in 2:19 + 8 MU
Bike in 2:08 + 27 SHSPU
Bike in 1:56 + Finished Strict Ring Dips at 24:47 on the clock
Completed Reverse Hypers
Completed DB Row with 100# DB
Completed GHD Situps

Finley Johnson
Finley Johnson
August 23, 2016 1:51 am

Session 1.

A1. 30/40/40kg

A2. 50/60/60kg

A3. 70/80/90kg

A3. 90/95/100/105/110kg . Shoulders tight from weeked so worked up 1rm of Snatch only.

B. 84kg

C. Squats – 4@130kg / 3@148kg / 2@157kg / 1@166kg / 1@172.5KG-93%

D. Done at 130KG (70%)

Session 2.

A. 70% – 154KG Clean grip and stop and reset.

B1. 4:20 Bar Mu-10/5/5

B2. 5:44 SHPU-10/8/6/6/4/4/2 – These were super tight and slow today (usually my jam)

B3. 4.47 Strict Dips- 8/8/8/6/5/5

C. Did 3 x 20 Banded Good mornings at home.

Feeling a little beaten up from weekend comps so reasonable happy with today.

El Ponch
El Ponch
August 23, 2016 12:01 am

Session 1
A.1. 45/65/75
A.2. 95/115/120
A.3. 135/155/185
A.4. 205/225/235/245/265❌

175 lbs.


Session 2
A. 305 lbs.


Samie Acevedo
Samie Acevedo
August 22, 2016 10:02 pm

Session 1:
B. 105lb
D. 160lb

Session 2:
A. 205lb
B. Rowing* 5:07( MU5/5/3/2) 3:56 (Sort of unbroken. Hung out upside down a bit) 4:16
C. Done 🙂

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
August 23, 2016 6:19 am
Reply to  Samie Acevedo

Hanging counts as rest 🙂

August 22, 2016 7:29 pm

Session 1
Right shoulder is a lil bit of an issue from something last week.
A. 75/95/115/125
215/235- missed 255 3 times.
B. 190×4
C. 315/365/385/405/405F
D. 315,320,320,325

Session 2
A. 425 (2 sets of tap n go. 1 set of singled working on good set up and speed)
B. Hard to get my shoulder warmed up. All with rower.
4:17 – 5:40 – 4:13
C. Went and got shoulder worked on. Feels a bit better. We will see tomorrow

Karla Nicole
Karla Nicole
August 22, 2016 7:16 pm

Session 2 A) skipped b/c I did Saturdays Dead lifts yesterday B) 4:57 (MUs 6/4/3/2), 8:15 (only got 15 strict HSPUs in the time but kept going to get conditioning in) 6:09 (dips in sets of 6) C) reverse hypers done on GHD with ankle weights, Rows done at 65lbs, 20 sit ups and finished my 15 strict HSPUs. One big goal of mine is to improve upon strict overhead strength and legless rope climbs. There is no doubt in my mind that if I would have had a little bit more of a grip on those that I would… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
August 23, 2016 6:18 am
Reply to  Karla Nicole

Those long levers make it a little more challenging but I’m positive with your hard work they will become easier and easier so next year you’ll be flying up that rope!

Christopher Camp
Christopher Camp
August 22, 2016 7:09 pm

Press from Rec: All with 65lbs.

Sn Press/OHS: 75-95-105

Sn PP/OHS: 145-165-185

Sn Balance: 185-195-205-215-225

Power snatch: All at 165. These felt good. The only thing so far.

Squats were the worst thing to happen to me all day. Why did I run before I lifted?

Squats: 255-285-305-320-330

Squat Sets: All at 260. These ruined everything inside me.

Teresa Crismon Trojanowski
Teresa Crismon Trojanowski
August 22, 2016 5:31 pm

Session 1:
A. 75/85/85
B. @140#
C. 210/240/255/270/285
D. Done @215#

Session 2:
A. All done at 75% = 250
B. 6:41/6:37/6:14
C. Done. Used 50# DB.

Hamstrings smoked!!

August 22, 2016 5:28 pm

Session 2:
A. 295 3×6 75%
B. Wasn’t feeling good so scaled a lot
15 strict HSPU <— major weakness
30 cal
25 strict ring dip
20 cal
40 Pull up
Single arm row w/ 60
Subbed GHD for weighted planks
Subbed Reverse hyper for Good mornings

Barrett Danz
Barrett Danz
August 22, 2016 5:01 pm

-Did 2 sets, legs are jelly

Michael P
Michael P
August 22, 2016 5:00 pm

Session 1.
Snatch position deadlifts with 85%
7’s done at 315 and they felt easy but my legs say otherwise!
Session 2: was unable to do the metcon due to gym space.
Deadlifrs done at 405.

3×10 unbroken muscle ups with 90 seconds of rest between sets.
3×15 unbroken ring dips with 60 seconds between sets
3×10 DB press 90 second rest

GHD + reverse hyper done

Sarah Homer
Sarah Homer
August 22, 2016 4:38 pm

Only time for one session was extra inconvenient ha.

Session 1:
A. 15/35/35
B. 105. easy!
C. 180/205/215/230/240
D. 185

Session 2:
A. 205/210/210

Sean Ranney
Sean Ranney
August 22, 2016 3:57 pm

Session 1.
A1. 65/65/95
A2. 95/100/105
A3. 135/165/175
A3. 185/190/195/200 /230 (f) (note to self don’t make 30lb jumps on snatch balances).
B. Done at 175 felt solid.
C. 285/325/345/365/385 (95%)
D. Done at 295 (73%)
Session 2.
A. 350/365/375
B1. 4:08 Mu-10/5/5
B2. 5:41 SHPU-10/10/10/4/3/3
B3. 6:13 Dips- 10/5s threw out..
C. Done with band pull throughs

Christopher Camp
Christopher Camp
August 22, 2016 3:56 pm

Scaled the running session, since i havent actually gone on a run in an embarassing amount of time… aside from some 400’s in a wod, like, maybe 9 months? started at 9 min mile pace, ended the last mile at 8 min pace. ran 3200m rest 3 mins ran 2400m rest 2 mins ran 1600m real slow pace but after it all, it felt nice to open my lungs back up. i used to love running and now just feel heavy and slow. i will likely just start doing all of these sessions now and add in strongman stuff as… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
August 22, 2016 5:23 pm

Christopher Camp
Christopher Camp
August 22, 2016 5:24 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Abundantly clear.

Katelyn Trombetta
Katelyn Trombetta
August 22, 2016 3:33 pm

54.5/ 52.7/ 51.2/ 52.9/ 52.7/ 53.3

Session One
A. 45/55/65

B. 145/150/150/155

C. 245/280/300/315/330

D. Did 15×4 occluded squats at 105 with 1:00 rest between (30% or 1RM) cause my back isn’t feeling so good

Session Two
A. 255

B. Might skip today or do after classes tonight

C. Done

Jake LaNasa
Jake LaNasa
August 22, 2016 2:49 pm

Session two
A. 345
4:01 bike in :57 7/4/4/3/1(failed second)/1
7:45 bike 2:20 shspu were absolutely gone did 4 on my first set
6:51 bike like 3 mins maintained 5s for first 20 dips then doubles and singles
C. About to do

Tom Bowidowicz
Tom Bowidowicz
August 22, 2016 2:43 pm

Session 1:
A. 65/65/65
95/125/135/145(f)/145 (30# PR although I’ve never really pushed the weight on these)
B. 125/135/145/145/160(f)
C. 225/260/275/295/295
D. 225 for all sets

Session 2:
A. 315 for all sets

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
August 22, 2016 3:20 pm
Reply to  Tom Bowidowicz

Solid work on the snatch balance PR Tom!