One set of:
Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 3 contract/release per side
Deep Squat Progression x 6-8 reps
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Lateral Walks x 10 each direction
Band Assisted Monster Walks x 10 forward/backward
Banded Tempo Squats x 10 reps @ 3211
3-RM Front Squat:
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 55%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 65%
* Set 3 – 1 rep @ 75%
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%
* Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
* Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95%
* Set 7 – Test 3-RM
(if you know your current 3-RM, aim for 101-102% of that, otherwise, aim for somewhere around 90% of your 1-RM)
* Set 8 (optional) – Exceed Set 7 weight
Rest as needed, but at least 3 minutes between sets of singles.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 17 minutes:
50 Calorie Row
50 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs; 14 lbs)
50 Shoulder to OH (115 lbs; 83 lbs)
50 Box Jumps (24″; 20″)
35-44: 20/14 lbs; 115; 83 lbs; 24/20″
45-49: 20/14 lbs; 105/75 lbs; 24/20″
50+: 20 to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target; 95/65 lbs; 24/20″
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Dead-Stop Front Squat x 1 rep
Four rounds for time of:
8/6 Muscle-Ups
15 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Four rounds for time of:
8/6 Ring Dips
15 Thrusters (65/45 lbs)
Two sets of:
100-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
(no stopping)
Rest as needed
For time:
Snatch x 20 reps @ 75% of 1-RM
For time:
Snatch x 15 reps @ 75% of 1-RM
For time:
Row 500 Meters
20-Meter Low Handle Sled Push (heavy grind – no stopping, but not easy)
20 Alternating DB Snatches
20-Meter Low Handle Sled Push
Row 500 Meters
65/45 lbs
55/35 lbs
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
GHD Sit Ups x 10 reps
Mobility: Complete
A. 5 @ 185#, 3 @ 215#, 2 @ 250#, 1 @ 285#, 1 @ 300#, 1 @ 320#, 3RM @ 320# (PR)
Did the accessory work from Wednesday
Barbell Hip Ext. 3 X 8 @ 185#
Barbell Bent Over Rows 3 X 8 @ 135#, 145#, 145#
Chinese Plank – Done
B. 250 Reps
Nice work on that FS PR!
Thanks Nichole! Disappointed in my effort in Part B, but I’ll have to move on to the next one.
A. Done
B. 215 for 3RM
C. 233 reps. Should have done better, I didn’t push on the WB (9ft target made these feel easy) and the box jumps were not steady. Not much energy tonight I guess.
A. 85/105/115/135/155/165/175/185/195/205 FS with pause at bottom
B. 4:05 Still scaling rd w/sm band
C. 135# yoke
#2 20 reps at 85#
B. 7:11 Sled w 180#
Fun Litsa!
Mobility done
Very rough day all around today
Front Squats only to 85% 135-Failed #145/145
Granite Games – S2O seemed so heavy today.
116 reps-Goal was to get through 1 round…
Taking the next 2 days off.
SO many things going on that I am having trouble getting my UMF and groove back.
Taking it one day at a time 🙂
Have a great weekend Everyone
Take it all one day at a time 🙂
A little of this and that today.
800m run
DMA done.
Bench Press worked up to 225.
B. worked up to 3RM @ 170#.
Games Prep (instead of GG WOD)
B. 4 rounds of 8 Ring Dips/15 95# Thrusters. Didn’t time, dips easy, but had to break up thrusters into groups of 5 reps for the majority.
Finished w/ more kipping technique work on my T2B’s.
800m run
Off Season:
A. Done
B. worked up to 240 lbs on single sets, then 3-RM at 215.
C. 216 reps (S2O always gets me).
off season:
B) 118,140,165,185,195,205,195,210 (made a mistake and used an old PR get percentages 🙁
C) amrap 17 min
rx’d 17 min
only made it to 5 rps oof the 50 box jumps 🙁
( finsihed it anyway in 19:49)
it was tough! good challenge!!!
Hope tom I get it all right LOL
nitey nite all …hope everyones session went well..!
A. Warmed up then
20 snatches at 75%(135#) from Games Prep. 4:02 total, dropped 4 of them. Harder than I thought.
Then offseason…
B. Worked to set 5, 285#(90%) and dropped it twice. Lower back not feeling it. Did one more at 87% and moved on…
C. 265 reps at 115#. Died on the box jumps and went to step ups. Woooo…?
Nice Kincaid!
A. Mob/act done
B. Worked up to 325×3. 320×3 previous 3RM. 3 rep was a straight fight. Good grief that sucked.
C. 274 reps w/115 on STO. Got 24 WB’s into 2nd rnd. Did both Rows in 2:30 each and all WB’s UB.
Post-Iron Scap and Rev Hyper.
Nice job Art!!!
B) worked up to 305 for 3. Third rep was ugly, not a PR, but I’ll take it.
Ate like a champion!
Off Season A. Mobility – done! B. Front Squat – 115/135/155/175/185/195/185 3RM PR Tried using a little wider grip today, as I tend to be a little narrow on my lifts. C. GG WOD (55+) – 237 – broke WBS 17/17/16 broke S2O 10/10/10/6/6/5/3 BJ’s unbroken. Happy with how it went. Wanted to keep to bigger sets on the S2O but didn’t rest too much. Didn’t sign up for GG – too busy last week-end to do first WOD, so once was enough for me. Did today’s WOD on my own. Don’t mind doing them solo, as I often train… Read more »
Off Season
A. Mob Done
B. Up to 285
C. GG Q: 301
(Great test. Pretty happy. Pacing felt good (not great) but could pick up a little more time during transitions of WB sets. S20 went 5×10. Rows were 2:20 and 2:30. May give another go on Sunday to get deeper into 2nd round of S20. Didnt break me off like I thought it would. 🙂
Have a great weekend all.
Nice work on the AMRAP!!
Nice job Mike!!!
A. Done
B. got to 175 for 3 reps 1 rep max… 180#
C. GG Qualifier 259 …I may do it again on Monday. I was solo in the gym. That is always hard. I like to do these with other people.
Crossover Symmetry
Happy Father’s Day!
Fsq 3 rpm @205??
Prd my c+j today @190 missed 195 twice could not catch it . But I will soon
GG on Monday
Did leg less rope climbs pistols and bar mu wod
And the house wod
Happy Daddy’s Day to all u daddy O’s?
Fantastic Bethanne!!
Just wanted to do a test run on the GG2 had intentions of doing 10,10,10,10 of each but was doing well with the row and finished in 2:45 and finished WB at 5:37 15,15,10,10, walked to get places for S2O 10,10,14,16 slowed down a little started at 7min then on to box jumps around the 11:30 mark and was able to pull 30 cals on rower for 230 reps not bad for just testing the wod. Will redo on Monday with video should be able to get 250-275.
Do a bigger sets on the s2oh if you can I did 30 12 8 1st round saves a ton of time.
How did you break up your WBs? The s2oh and box jumps are where I lost ALOT of time.
Broke up 15,15,10,10 on Wb. Yeah I lost a lot of time on those too mostly the box jumps
I did 10’s on wallballs but as soon as it dropped I picked it right back up. I knew I would have plenty of time. And I wanted big sets on s2oh. Also I didn’t take breaks at all I went movement to movement especially getting on the box
Minimal transition time – really good. People will slow down during those wb shots – it is a gut check. You will never fail a wall ball shot. If you break, go straight into the next chunk. Great work Pete.
Thanks coach
Make sense? Message me on FB if you want more of a break down
Yeah will do like I said wasn’t even planning on doing it as everything was blah. But definitely will do bigger sets on S2O thanks for the advice and awesome job 361 is beast!
A: Done B: Based it off my 1 RM FS and did singles until set 6. Struggles at a single at 270lbs(my 3 RM FS). Dropped it down and started building a heavy triple. 5@165lbs; 3@195lbs; 1@225lbs; 1@255lbs; 1@270lbs; 3@255; Missed at 271(1lb PR); 3@265lbs C: 303 reps. Man, I procrastinated doing this one for at least an hour. So long I had to warm up again! It wasn’t to bad but then again I think I could of done a lot better. Goal was 3 min per movement.Rowed to fast coming out (2:15 for 50 cal). 25 UB WBs… Read more »
Nice work Corey!!
A. Regular FS: worked from 65-95% (205-295)
B. MU/Thrusters: 9:15
C. OH Barbell carry 2×205 (probably closer to 80 or 90 ft.)
GHD EMON from session 2 done 10×10
Off Season
A. Done
B. 1-RM is 225. Unknown 3-RM.
3-RM now is 215
C. 1+13 cals (105# STOH)
Strong on that 3RM!!
A: didn’t know 3RM, but 1 RM is 325
Hit 308! Then tried 317 and got a double
B: rested 10 minutes after then got 250. #noengineanymore
Nice Theo!!!!!!
thank you! also decided to max bench yesterday becasue I was friskey. Close grip bench PR at 285lb. 35lb PR. Went for300 but missed!
35 lbs PR? AMAZING!!!!
Beast that 3RM!
thank you!
FS 275 missed 280 I’ve been stuck around 300 1rm for years, I got 315 1 time in my life.
GG2 361 not sure about last year’s score I was done rd 1 8:39 hit a wall 38cal into row.
nice job.
I don’t have A/C in the garage – it was hotter than H**L out today.
I might give this one another try sunday or monday; just haven’t been feeling recovered.
I can’t imagine doing that workout in a garage today add a 100 reps to your score! Lol call me crazy but I’ve been on deer antler for about 3 months feel great plus some other supplements. I know you are big on science and nutrition maybe your hydration levels are off. I take this stuff called pre/play its military grade hydration packets that is the equivalent to a D5 IV bag. It works
Yes that’s it, the pre play has caffeine in it and uses Sucralose the re play has no caffeine and uses stevia
Nice job!! 361 is crazy!!
Awesome work!!!