Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Pec Smash x 45 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds
Hamstring Floss x 45 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Reach Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Overhead/Horizontal Pulls x 10 reps each
Cross Over Symmetry x 8-10 reps
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete (10 sets):
Behind the Neck Jerk x 1 @ 70-75+%
Depending on preference, you can choose either split jerk or push jerk.
Eight Sets of:
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps (use a weight that allows you to make these fast)
Rest 60 seconds
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes, complete:
Row 350 Meters
Wall Ball Shots x 10 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
40-54: 30 lbs to 10′ target; 20 lbs to 9′ target
55+: 20 lbs to 9′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
Chinese Plank x 30 seconds (Max Load)
Rest 60 seconds
Chinese Plank x 30 seconds (Max Load)
Rest as needed
Session One
Take 5 minutes to draw out your jerk footwork
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Tall Jerk x 2 reps
and then . . .
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes:
Front Squat + Jerk
Build over the course of the 10 sets, try to increase load by 3-5% from last week
Against a three-minute running clock, complete the following:
500 Meter Row
Double-Unders x 30 reps
Strict Handstand Push Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets.
40-49: Strict Handstand Push Ups
50-59: Strict Handstand Push Ups to 2″ riser
60+: Strict Handstand Push Ups to 4″ riser
Four sets of:
Bamboo Press x 5-6 reps with a 5 second hold after the last rep
Rest as needed
Single Arm DB Rows x 8-10 reps reps per side
Rest as needed
Session Two
Six sets of:
400 Meter Run
Rest the amount of time it takes to complete distance
If your pace drops off significantly then stop your sets.
One set of:
10 Tuck to V-Up Complexes
followed by…
One set of:
100 Hollow Body Bounces
followed by…
Three sets of:
L-Sit Leg Lifts x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Mob/Act- Done
A. 175/180/195#
B. 185# (any DL is a huge weakness)
C. 2:35, 2:40, 2:41, 2:41, 2:55- WB Unbroken C2B(a weakness) 4/3/3
D. Skip
Off Season
A. Split jerk @ 150 lbs
B. DLs: worked up to 245 lbs
C. Row/WBs/C2B: 2:23, 2:39, 2:45, 2:46, 2:47 (broke up WBs after 1 set, all C2Bs unbroken)
D. Done
Nice work on your C2B!
Thank you!
Wasn’t a great session. 4th training day in a row and feeling it.
DMA done.
A. Split Jerk @ 90#.
B. 185#.
C. w/20# WB and PU’s.
D. Skipped.
oops I guess I forgot to post yesterday- I trained though
Games prep session 1
up tp 125 on tall jerk
135 175/195/205/215/225/235/245/255 miss jerk at 265
B. 19/18/16/14 SHSPU
C. skipped and went to
Session 2
400s 1:30-145 had to skip 6th one because I pussed out
had to go back to work
Off Season.
A – 185 to 225# (92%). Felt really solid and quick. Shocked, actually.
B – 295#
C – 2:14/2:25/2:20/2:25/2:25. Got messy from rd 2 on. C2B started well but was fumbling the 3000# wall ball. As soon as I figured out how to catch the wall ball properly, my C2B immediately went south. I need to learn to butterfly those.
D – Glute bridges at 155#. Planks with empty barbell.
Good learning day Mike!
Thanks Nichole! Every day is a learning day! That’s half the fun.
Made it back to the box this evening to do today’s off season:
A. 125/135/145/155/155/160/165/165/170/170#
B. Deadlifts at 155#….miscounted and thought I was doing 175# ?
C. 2:31/2:29/2:28/2:30/2:32 Rx, WB’s and C2B UB
D. Done quickly 3 rounds of 30 second plank w/35#, 20 banded bridges
Sesh 1
A. Tall jerk 85-125
Squat n jerk 145-225, stopped at 230, lower back seized up.
B. 3, 6, 5, 6 HSPU.
C. 2×35kb bamboo press, 53# row
Sesh 2
A. Averaged 1:35-1:45. Last 400 gave all I had left and did about a 1:20.
Skipped B. lower back too tight.
Good week, ready for a rest day!!
How is the back feeling today?
Much better thanks. I looked at video and the set before it seized up I really over arched on the jerk. Then the next squat, bam!! I think that’s what caused it!
Games prep all done in one session :
1A. 35-105# tall jerks , 125-200# front squat+jerk
1B. 13, 13, 11, 9 max strict hspu
1C. Earthquake bar with 35# KBs, 40# row
2A. 1:31, 1:36, 1:40, 1:44, 1:43, 1:39
2B. Done
Legs , triceps and shoulders are ready for a rest!
Good job today Cheryl. Thanks for always pushing!
Great work on that conditioning session Cheryl!
Being a day behind this week so on Tuesdays WOD A. couldn’t do the wall walk with handstand walk so did 6 wall walks then worked on HS walking. Made 10′ today! B. Tall Clean 75/75/85/85 Hand Clean + below knee – 95/100/100/100/105/105/110/110 Below knee + clean – 115/115/120/120 Nicole – are all these supposed to start on the ground or from the hang? I started all from the ground to the prescribed position then cleaned – made it a lot harder C – skipped – went for mountain bike ride – 1:18 D – 3 sets GHD setups X15,… Read more »
Great question – you can go from the top, then down to your positions
Mob/Act Done
A. 215 all sets. (Super set Strict C2B for a total of 30)
B. 225 all sets
C. 2:38/2:35/2:33/2:38/2:38 Rx
D. Bridges done with 185#, planks with 60#
Off Season
Activation and Mobility done
A. Jerks 135#
B. Done with 155# Wasn’t sure if I did these right but I went fast
C. 2:36/2:42/2:46/2:38/2:41 My goal was to do the WB’s in sets of 10 I made it 3/5 sets but man my CTB suffered.
D. Done with 35# plate and did hamstring curls on a big ball (PT suggested this for my back)
Then Hot Bikram Yoga and now I am wiped out!
Off season
M&A done
A. Done@185&195
B. Done@275 which is 66%sets took :05-:06 ea
C. Done. Last 2 sets just over 3:00. First 3 were under
D. Hip bridgesx8@135/Chinese plank with 45# plate, pretty tough to load weight on urself
Mobility done
A. 6 sets at 123; 4 at 133. All split
B worked to 180
C. 2:49/2:54/2:59/3:05/3:10
D. Abs with class ab challenge (4×20 sit up with 30# db) and glute ham raises done
Also made up back squat and over head squat work from Monday.
A. Tall Jerks, then FS+Jerk 135-195, 10# more than last week, being deliberate here
B. Row/DU/SHSPU 11/10/10/9=40, no riser
C. Upside down KB presses w/35#, 60#db rows
D. 100 hollow rocks, 3×15 leg raises
Will do the 400m intervals tomorrow for active recovery.
Mobility – done
A. 115 (3)/125 (3)/135 (3)/140
B. 185 (4)/205 (4)
C. ??/2:38/2:41/2:46/2:46
D. Done
Off Season
Mobility comelets.
Me and 30# wall ball are not friends. Thanks goodness it was only 10 reps.
Thanks for the rowing advice Nichole it made a huge difference today. Even our trainer noticed the difference.
Fantastic to hear Dean – so glad it helped!!!!!
A. FS plus Split Jerk up to 250 (5 lb. more than last week)
Oly coach in gym so did 15 min. of snatch work (built from 60-90 % in 10 singles)
B. 56 total SHSPU (15,16,13, 12) no riser
then to track for 6x400m: all sets between 1:35-1:40
Hoping to catch part “C” from S1 and “B” from S2 later
Off Season
Mobility done
A. #115
B. up to 160-worked on pulling from the ground.
C. 2:50-3:00 rounds-Huge PR- Second set C2B unbroken YAY! 10
3-C2B 5+5
4.C2B 6+4
5. C2B 5+5
So excited no singles!
D. #135-No weight with planks- first time doing them did 30s each side
Wahoo – fantastic Cheryl!
Thank You Nichole 🙂
Fantastic! 10 CTB!! thats just what you need. Way to go.
Thank You Tracy! I was so excited 🙂
Mobility done
A. Up to 190#
B. Up to 335#
C. No rower this morning so ran 400m. All rounds consistent at 2:25-2:28
D. Done (155# bridges, planks with 25#)
Off Season
Mob Done
(Kept it cautious with elbow but no issues today)
330 (70% of 1RM) x 8
All rows 1:11-1:13
WB’s surprisingly were the toughest….felt all over the place but got through since only 10
CTB Butterfly UB
BB Glute Bridges 135/175/200
BW on Planks
Nice work on the c2b butterfly pull ups Mike!